The Joint Enterprise Decapitating Humanity—Part IV

Army chief defends govt's tough economic measures - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
by Mian Hameed    6 December 2022

Though Bajwa has retired, the moment Khan reaches the army echelon’s redline again, Khan will risk a hit on his life. In reply, Khan says he is not afraid of death. It is a destructive thought for preserving humanity even if the statement is metaphoric.

In the series of articles; Part I here,  we saw individuals that are a party to the Joint Criminal Enterprise Decapitating Humanity; in Part II here, we learnt, more than likely, “The Joint Enterprise is involved in solicitation of murder. We gathered from unexplainable deaths, the ‘enterprise torture,’ and the unexplained murders, are the modus operandi in Pakistan.” In part III here, Bajwa is not only accused of orchestrating regime change and citizens and politicians openly accusing Bajwa and the institution he headed, of abductions, torture and murder, but has attempted a revolution, “more abrupt than what the Congressional Reece Committee hearings in 1956 set out to uncover the unconstitutional methods detrimental to the American way of life.”

The subject matter discussed in this series is to look into the mechanics and impact of government when it turns criminal and what the Pakistani journalists have overlooked in the events and statements made after the November 3, 2022 assassination attempt on Khan.

The Carnegie endowment’s Sara Chayes has studied criminal governments. Chayes’s research is a textbook case for Pakistan’s Joint Criminal Enterprise. First, “When government becomes a criminal enterprise, its judiciary ensures impunity. They repurpose state functions to maximizing money, and that means the judiciary. [Second] […] Petty corruption on the street makes it all the way to the Interior Minister. [Third, from]  humiliation victims suffer.” Chayes research identifies with the human rights violations taking place in Pakistan.

The good news is, per Chayes ,“Corrupt government can be broken down by anti-government revolution.” In an anti-criminal-government revolution, one is expected to force hand by holding on to and accumulating strategic assets. That is, by refusing to give away advantage through dissolving provincial legislative assemblies and by removing the influence of police and the army from under the dictator.

On a side note, the scholars that have promoted orthodoxy view point to bring narrowness into a perspective have overlooked a greater impact in their recommendations. An example of promoting orthodoxy is the Brookings article recommending the White House to reset relationship with Shabaz Sharif, a party to the Joint Criminal Enterprise. Adding to this crisis in Pakistan, Chayes make us see the other impacts, “how severe corruption can help prompt such crises as terrorism, revolutions and their aftermath, and environmental degradation.”—Chayes.

The fact remains, no decent person has anything to do with a Joint Criminal Enterprise. Instead, Khan communicated to the country in April that he respects the decision of the Chief Justice—ushering criminals into government, which chiefly spelled rot.

Khan refraining to use all options on the table has legitimized and has extended the life of the rot. Legitimizing and prolonging the system comes partly from Khan’s strategy and because Khan as a leader cannot subscribe to unpeaceful measures for his revolution to succeed. In doing so, the decapitation of humanity continues.

Once Khan’s supporters figure out that these are outright the ‘unredeemable and deplorable’ criminals, including  the army hierarchy; here is a thought to ponder. Khan often reminds the Enterprise of the repeat of Sri Lanka in Pakistan.

Let’s take Khan’s scenario a step further in two stages. Should the rambunctious people of KPK province begin a peaceful initiative of a siege of the Corps commander in Peshawar, expect the army command using force (bullets) to subdue the people desiring freedom.

Once force by the army is used in KPK, the second stage immediately kicks off  a similar siege initiative in Punjab. A peacefully siege of the Military Command in GHQ in an effort to save humanity (the 220 million people of Pakistan.) In Bolivia a people’s siege in October 2003 forced the dictator to flee. Gen. Munir for all practical purposes is a dictator.

The army will react with a striking difference. The Army, which is thought of as a national army will refrain from assaulting her ‘own people’ – Those from the Punjab. This would have been quite the predicted outcome pre-Bajwa time.

I am making a few points here. Where and how much blood will be shed by each province to liquidate the Joint Criminal Enterprise. Getting rid of the Joint enterprise in an anti-government revolution relies on the important role played by the people of Punjab, showing the people of KPK losses can be spared.

Certainly, exposing the army prejudice may upset a few friends. There is a modicum of truth to what I have claimed. That truth partially explains the rise of “The Dirty Dozen.” Below, I discuss the second half of my article.

The maneuvers in the midst of the alleged crimes have set off journalists’ identical assessment of the events and statements, making me think if they have cribbed. An alternate view in the statements made by this one character, “Tasnim Haider Shah,” who ratted out Nawaz Sharif for planning the assassination of Khan and a journalist Arshad Sharif, is a known ploy by the prime suspect in crimes to move the focus away from the original mastermind assassin. Khan for his assassination plot has named suspects in the circle of Bajwa; they would rather take down the house of cards (Nawaz Sharif) with them.

Another maneuver, Bajwa in his farewell speech to the organization of martyrs owned up to the army’s involvement in politics, but dates back prior to February 2022. The Media pundits have zeroed-in on one aspect of interpretation. That is, the army eventually admitting to their unconstitutional involvement in politics. What purpose would it solve to admitting to such?

Accordingly, the aforesaid statement can have ulterior motives. Bajwa’s statement is indicative of banking on international power play to come. Bajwa and the trio (the alleged planners) with their advertisement are distancing themselves from the said assassinations, and possibly any future involvement in assassination attempts on Khan. The moment Khan approaches the army echelon’s redline, very likely, plans to assassinate Khan will be put into action. Do keep in mind, the army command did not depose Khan to see him back.

Should Khan return into power, the Joint Criminal Enterprise can imagine their end. The Pakistani people have not fathomed how they will end up if Khan is gone. The Pakistani people may not comprehend as a group that their inaction can let Khan to get assassinated.

Pakistan has become a country with a compromised justice system. Who can Khan or the victims turned to? In the name of saving humanity, its burden falls on the shoulders of the people of Pakistan is ever higher. Protecting Khan’s life or ensuring protection of victims is an outcome of peoples’ choice.

Khan, the people, and the pandits, argue to allow the new army chief time—his honeymoon period necessary to organize. With Khan’s and the people’s intransigence, logic would not allow to roll such a dice against the odds (decapitating humanity.) “The Dirty Dozen” belong in prisons.

Khan has announced dissolving provincial legislative assemblies in two provinces, the KPK and the Punjab. Dissolving assemblies as a strategy can work provided the country’s legal life is not defined by “major zones of lawlessness.” The strength from lawlessness comes from the shelved enterprise secret laws. By implementing those Laws, or not playing by the rules, the Joint Enterprise can impact the expected outcomes from dissolving provincial assemblies.

In which case, terminating assemblies can mean giving away the rule of provinces to criminals. Criminal’s impact to humanity will rise. Think about it. In decent societies criminals are apprehended and are not placed in a position of power. In this case, benefiting the Crime Syndicate’s centralized governance.

Abolishing provincial assemblies will strengthen the Crime Syndicate’s rule in Punjab and will weaken KPK. The people of KPK deserve better. All good in KPK will be undone in lieu of a slim hope for KPK to force the “imported government” to commit to elections. Terrorism will quickly rise to undo KPK; Khan party’s accomplishments will be diminished, and will pose a threat to Khan’s political rallies.

In support of the aforesaid, a turmoiled KPK will give way to Punjab that has traditionally used KPK to gain her strategic depth. Terminating assemblies will give the Criminal Syndicate a strategic depth to operate from with effectiveness.

We have our hopes from the U.S. lawmakers and the White House. India might be a wonderful thing for the United States, but her influence on the U.S. biased policy as seen in the Bureau of Central & South Asian Affairs (BCSAA)’s head involvement in a regime change has exponentially raised the anti-American feelings in Pakistan.

For the U.S. to work with a leader with people’s interest in mind, as Khan, is a prudent option for the U.S. to rebuild the tarnished U.S. image in Pakistan. If Khan is gone, securing the U.S. interest in Pakistan is likely to stand in eternal jeopardy. Access to strategic Pakistan by ignoring the consent of the people of Pakistan is a logical calamity.

Gen. Munir, I suppose is awaiting a green signal from the U.S. America must help stop the human carnage in Pakistan. Moments in Pakistan are ripe for the U.S. to further her interest. It is high-time in the U.S. to look for an unorthodox policy view point.

I leave my readers with a thought. How did these men in uniform (the army hierarchy) have developed into predators that has decapitated humanity?


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