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Thursday, February 13, 2025

Strategic Theme of South Asia Journal: South Asia Journal (SAJ) is an independent non-partisan policy magazine focused on vital issues from the South Asian region. The print version of SAJ is a quarterly publication. SAJ aims to highlight emerging trends from South Asia, especially issues which call for more emphasis among decision makers and policy framers.

SAJ offers policy makers, opinion leaders and think tanks a vibrant forum, both to be informed and to inform through articles and opinion pieces. Via this process the Journal expects to have a salutary impact on policies pertaining to South Asian affairs. SAJ simultaneously seeks the enthusiastic participation of diplomats, civil society leaders, business leaders and academics.

SAJ will essentially cover the following critical policy issues in South Asia:

  • Water Security
  • Strategic Security and Peacebuilding
  • Political Affairs and Political Economy
  • Environmental Protection
  • Cyber Security
  • Youth Advocacy
  • Social Dynamics
  • Gender Relations
  • Public Security
  • Human Rights


Submission Guidelines: These guidelines are set for our quarterly print publication. However, some of them may also apply for our Blog, Web-only features or Book Reviews.
SAJ welcomes concise to-the-point contributions, within these parameters:

  • They have to cover one of the policy areas of SAJ’s focus as enumerated above.
  • They may include a policy recommendation section, preferably in the concluding part.
  • They should be within the range of 2000 to 3000 words.
  • They may not contain a Bibliography or Works Cited section. If references are imperative they should be mentioned within the article.
  • They have to be offered exclusively to SAJ, and may not be published in a previous format.
  • The contributor will be responsible for factual accuracy and academic integrity.
  • Vital hyperlinks may be provided within the article for the digital version.
  • The writer’s legal name, if any preferred name, full mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address should be included.
  • A brief bio of the writer should be included at the end of the article. The bio may not be more than four lines.
  • Submissions should be emailed to the Editor at [email protected]
  • All contributions are subject to review and editing, and the decision of the Publisher or Editor regarding publication will be final.
  • All SAJ print published articles are also e-published on SAJ’s website; unless the writer makes a special request not to do so.
  • The Publisher, the Editor or the Editorial team of SAJ makes the ultimate decision on whether a submission is appropriate for the print publication, Blog or Web-only feature. It typically depends on the nature of the submission. The contributor should communicate with SAJ accordingly.


Book Reviews: SAJ welcomes books for review. The books have to cover one of the policy areas of SAJ’s focus as enumerated above. SAJ book reviews are typically 1000 to 1500 words in length. SAJ book reviews asses the importance of the books and contextualize them to current affairs. Contact [email protected]


Web-only Feature: SAJ welcomes submissions to be published online at SAJ website. Web-only submissions are subject to Submission Guidelines. Given a submission is unsuccessful for the latest SAJ publication, the contributor may consider to submit it for Web-only feature. Accordingly, the contributor may coordinate with the Editor at [email protected]


Blog: SAJ welcomes bloggers and contributors covering one of the policy areas of SAJ’s focus as enumerated above. Blog contribution may be based on brief reflection, argument or analysis of current issues. Vital hyperlinks and digital graphics may be provided within the blog contribution. They are subject to the Submission Guidelines, except for the following clause: they may not be more than 1000 words.


Disclaimer: Opinions in the articles may not necessarily coincide with those of the Publisher and Editor.