Understanding Life and Universe: Past-life Regression, Hypnotherapy & AI help?


Past-Life Regression Therapy: Does Past-Life Therapy Work? - Thrillist

By Sudhanshu Tripathi      31 December 2021

Whether or not it is possible to deduce empirical knowledge – howsoever limited or extensive it may be otherwise – so as to rationalize the results pertaining to internal revelations or intuitions regarding the non-material world, comprising spirits and souls or journey of souls after the death of the human body in this world. Yes, all these facts concern the metaphysical world that relates to post-death experiences – to speak otherwise – of the departed souls. Now it is a well-known fact that the soul in itself is energy or is a form of energy and energy is never destroyed that the Law of Conservation of Energy establishes because it simply changes its form from one to another and so on. Obviously, it has been the core issue of investigation since the very existence of human beings because they are ultimately destined to death. And that made the event of death very mysterious as well as fearful because it continues to have no empirical grounds or explanations whereupon one may seek the answers to one’s questions. This is why many religious texts and mythological accounts have created a kind of fear-psychosis in most of the traditional societies in almost all cultures in the world. Considering the fact of mystery, perhaps the role of clairvoyance, psycho-analysis, occultism, or such inner revelations gradually became very pertinent as well as dominant with the passage of time during the long course of the unknown past.

Evidently, the primary focus or core concern of the entire human endeavour has always been to comprehend the essential meaning and purpose of human life on the planet earth ever since the dawn of civilization and expansion and advancement of human knowledge in association with consistent up-growth and refinement of knowledge-seeking techniques from all sources and all directions as well – whether the material and temporal or transcendental and metaphysical and possibly even beyond than that. That essentially includes the event of birth as well as death or the overall life-cycle that a person goes through. Though there are several ways and means evolved so far in the recorded history of the evolution of human beings to understand the phenomenon of the cycle but those are mostly described in religious texts as inner psychic abilities primarily achieved by one through rigorous and long extending self-penetration and exploration of the inner self either through divine revelation or inner revelation or whatever means possible – internal or external. It is perhaps just like exploring the hidden truths of the Universe or the Nature or the Divine Order or the Supreme Truth, Will or Reason. To speak in other terms about Almighty God as the omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent authority as the supreme originator, controller, regulator, and even destroyer as well of each and everything in the Universe. The basic question that arises here is as to how to comprehend God? Whether it is through devotion or reason? There are several instances in the long history of different cultures and civilizations that devotion or faith – or bhakti – had always been a powerful tool to understand the ultimate Truth or the Almighty God. One can go through the recorded history of several exceptional devotees like Mirabai, Narsi Mehta, Mahakavi Surdas, Sant Tulsidas in India, and many more elsewhere in the world who spent their entire lives into selfless service of God. Understanding God through reason or in empirical terms is still considered unbelievable, impossible and that remains an unsettled issue?

But with the fast-advancing discipline of Psychology including para-psychology aiming at comprehending paranormal activities by non-material beings through scientific instruments like powerful cameras and voice recorders, few reasonably convincing facts have already been collected and this effort is consistently going on with the sincere efforts of individuals as well as institutions in all over the world. Among these are past-life regression and hypnotherapy occupying the prominent place to explain the most mysterious facts of human life and the Universe although more information continues to exist in non-empirical terms. Although contacting a soul or souls in itself is very difficult as well as dangerous, yet a reasonable amount of authentication is being discerned by Hypnotherapists and Past-life regression experts like Michael Newton, Brian Weiss, Ramond Moody, James Van Praagh, Anita Murzhani, Joseph Murphy, Khorshed Bhavnagari and many more upcoming experts is undoubtedly very encouraging. This arouses hope towards the likely possibility of some kind of rationalization regarding knowledge derived from the responses given by the person undergoing past life regression or hypnotherapy or any kind of intuition or revelation, deja-vu including near-death experiences or post-death non-material world, involving a journey of souls or spirits including evil spirits. In fact, this practice is not new either in India, China, Egypt, or other ancient civilizations in the world as they firmly believe in the non-material facts of human life or the universe, howsoever unverifiable they may be in this material world. All these ongoing efforts in Psychology pertain to exploring the sub-conscious mind which is considered to be a soul by a noted hypnotherapist Brian Weiss and a few others.

In fact, exploring about human mind and soul and the post-death world has been a significant area of interest in ancient India where Sages and Seers and also devotees and ritualists worked hard to understand the complex realities of the Universe. And they have had their fruitful experiences which afterward turned into occultism or witchcraft for addressing and treating the sufferings of human beings caused by evil spirits and demons etc.. As it obtains that human intelligence has always been a crucial determining factor in these efforts and will obviously continue to be so in the future as well. As it stands that human intelligence consists of both reason and faith or empirical and intuitive-revelation facts, then why single out only empirical-verifiable facts as the only reality in the world. Why not include the other side as well which is essentially vital into the composite whole to find out the unexplored facts of human life as well as the Universe? While human intelligence in itself is the prime investigator of the mysteries and unexplained realities in the world including UFO’s or aliens, the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in this field may significantly help to systematize and streamline all those varieties of huge data, felt by many such knowledge-seekers into a coherent whole, digitalized and processed by modern or supercomputers. This can serve the purpose of theorizing or theory building for onward research with a view to finding out still-unexplored and unfound facts. Though AI can’t be original and independent like that of a human mind but, all technical-mechanical constraints notwithstanding involved in its recent evolution, it may provide direction or determine the future course of action by analyzing and processing the so-obtained vast data collected from this field which a human mind can’t do. Though it is not an easy job, nothing had ever been easy in the beginning! Indeed, most of the landmarks came up in the world from seemingly unfound imaginations or even from scratches in a few cases, as the history of human civilization speaks.