“A Clueless Donald Lu with a double love story” (A write up by a patriotic overseas Pakistani about the congressional hearing at the US congress 03/20/24)


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by Dr. Waqas Nawaz    23 March 2024

“A Clueless Donald Lu with a double love story” (A write up by a patriotic overseas Pakistani about the congressional hearing at the US congress 03/20/24) “There is one thing that you need to do. The American ambassador needs to visit

in prison and make sure that he lives to tell tale how wrongfully he was jailed through selective prosecution”. (Congressman Brad Sherman ) This one statement made today at the US congressional meeting is clear and loud enough to highlight the fairness of the Pakistani elections 2024. Congressman Brad Sherman was loud and clear telling the world that not that the prosecution of Imran Khan was wrongful and selective, but his life is also at stake as this has been the custom and a norm in Pakistan. Imprisoning and even murdering the political opponent in Pakistan through a “judicial” process” is not unprecedented. But what is unprecedented is this congressional hearing. It was the first time that such a hearing at the US congress was heard regarding the aftermaths of a Pakistani elections. There has been no such example in the past after any Pak elections. It is as unprecedented and remarkable as the passion of the Pakistani American diaspora to restore the democracy in Pakistan. Before I go further in the highlights of the hearing, I want to raise big round of cheers and applause for the Pakistani Americans who have been a constant torch bearer of democracy, rule of law and human rights in Pakistan. You proved that patriotism has no boundaries. Special thanks to


for making this actually happen. After 2 hours of hot and spicy questions which left Assistant Secretary of State Donald Lu stunned and clueless at times, one thing has been stamped, proved, highlighted, and solidified. The Elections 2024 in Pakistan were a FARCE. 1. “Can you call the elections 2024 of Pakistan free and fair by any means?” asked Congressman Fluger

. “We never used this term of free and fair for the Pakistan elections” Replied Donald Lu. “There have been flaws in all previous elections, BUT the flaws in 2024 elections were the greatest”. (

What a spicy slap on the cheeks of the Election Commission of Pakistan who have been filing FIRs against the bureaucrats like Commissioner Rawalpindi who was the whistle blower and exposed the rigging. 2. The US response to this blatant rigging and unfair election was very generic. Congressman Greg Casar

very objectively mentioned example of Venezuela and highlighted hypocrisy of State department

for giving a different response for the Pakistani elections where they were more rigged than ever before.….A spicy slap on the State department – the pseudo torch bearers of democracy. 3. The hearing stamped the general impression that Imran Khan is being victimized politically through selective prosecution. The congressman Brad Sherman raised this point and highlighted how the Judiciary snatched the bat symbol from PTI. He also questioned the efficiency of the judiciary that this was the same judiciary who jailed D. Afridi for 14 years for spying on Bin Laden, how come you would expect any work done by them. A new hall of fame for Pakistan supreme court who is only busy in giving justice to Late Bhutto but not to alive Imran Khan. 4. The hearing raised concerns about filing of false cases against political opponents after 9th May and trials of civilians in Military courts. Donald Lu accepted this fact and stated the US condemns this. The congressmen also questioned the interference of military in Pakistan politics. A moment of embarrassment for the Pakistani establishment who made 9th May as the “9-11” of Pakistan. 5. During the same hearing, Donald Lu denied all the allegations of being involved in derailing the Imran Khan government and said that there was no such cipher delivered. While saying so, he forgot that the ex-Prime minister and foreign minister of Pakistan have been sentenced a10-year prison on charges of exposing the same cipher that he is testifying that it does not exist. 6. The funniest part of the hearing was the love story of Donald Lu

that how he met his wife while he was in Pakistan. By the way, same Donald Lu has met the same wife for the first time in Nepal in 1993 as well. (You do not believe me! See his video in which he expresses his love story with the people of Nepal while addressing in Nepal). I am confused if Mr. Lu has married two wives as it is illegal in the USA to have two wives. Next time if he visits Ukraine, his wife will be a blue-eyed Russian speaking Ukrainian. What a blatant liar. And we heard this chants today as well ” Liar, Liar” So, this is the story of so called “Free and Fair” 2024 elections in Pakistan. Did you hear any where the word “free and fair”? Absolutely Not. Did use hear the terms “fair trials”? Hell No ! All you heard is rigging, internet shutdown, false cases, military interference, judicial bias, selective prosecution, and persecution. This is the power of the Pakistani Americans! How ironic is the fact that such hearing happened just one day after the defense minister of Pakistan

mocked at the Pakistani American communities that “you should not feel any pain of Pakistan as you do not have any stake in Pakistan”. And how face-reddening and teeth breaking answer the Pakistani Americans have given back today to this product of form 47 by arranging this hearing. The answer is very loud and clear. We feel the pain of the common Pakistani people who were humiliated and whose mandate was robbed because we are not Numb like you. We have lived in the best democracies, and we want the same democracy in Pakistan. We will be a hard nut for you to crack and we have proved that. The case is an open and shut for the rest of the democratic world. I wish such a strong democracy may prevail in Pakistan one day that Mr. Sikandar Raja (the Election Commissioner Pakistan) would be asked such questions live in the Parliament and held accountable before the 240 million people of Pakistan. The very people whose mandate was robbed in day light, who slept feeling relieved and accomplished on 8th Feb and woke up shocked, mocked and robbed on 9th Feb. Afterall, it these people because of which this country is called “Islamic Republic of Pakistan”. Hail democracy !! Long Live Overseas and Pakistani Americans ! Long Live Imran Khan. Long Live Pakistan



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