Why terror wars won’t ever end?


-Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal

The answer is simple. The world’s only super power USA and Israel – its secret global terror ally and West Asia’s self-claiming super power on the strength of its illegal nukes, promote terrorism as a part of imperialism and now focusing on energy rich Arab world.

US led NATO terror war from Afghanistan to Syria has only been a phase of US-Israeli terrorism. In fact, that terrorism has been designed to be a permanent one, moving from one nation to another from one continent to another and now it’s concentrated on Europe with various names. Each time a terror attack is executed some terror organization claims for that “achievement” quickly, but such terror attacks continue, and veto powers are incapable of ending the terror attacks and terror wars and provide security to the humanity.

Why do terror attacks take place routinely even though global intelligence cum surveillance agencies’ networks are surging in numbers and countries increase their defense capabilities by purchasing terror goods and technology from the top powers like the USA?

Who needs terrorism and counter terrorism? Obviously, that is the Zionist-US tactics to confuse the humanity.

A Shia imam from California in the USA has claimed that the Islamic State group — also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) or the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), etc. — was created by Israel. Now, this statement could have been just dismissed off hand, had a terrorist organization in Pakistan not leveled similar allegations in May this year.

While Taliban and Al Qaeda that were launched by the USA with Israeli backing are targeting Pakistan and Afghanistan, ISIS is currently limited to its latest stronghold of Tal Afar in Iraq after it was driven out of Mosul. However, that has not stopped the terrorist group from claiming responsibility for terrorist attacks in Spain and Finland.

Of course this not the end of the terrorist list. More such names are going to be launched in other parts of the world. .But Muslims do not have any role in the creation of such terrorist organizations as they only harm the Muslims and Muslim nations as millions of Muslims have been slaughtered b the enemies of Islam under various guises.

Then who is really behind all these terror organizations and terror attacks?

Is it not a civilizational war on a permanent basis, targeting Islam and Muslims?

A Fox News report has quoted Imam Sayed Moustafa Al-Qazwini — who it describes as a “popular” Shia preacher — as saying at the Islamic Educational Centre in Orange County on June 23: “All of you know who established ISIS, al-Qaeda and all of those terrorist organizations.”

According to the report, he went on to add: “You know very well. You know who paid for them, who financed them, who helped them, who purchased weapons for them, who even trained them, who protected them. This is not the production of Islam. Islam is not responsible for ISIS. Most of their officers were trained in Israel, including Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.” He seemed to be echoing — at least in part — the statements of Mehmood Shah, the chief of proscribed terrorist organization Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT).

Shah had, in late May, responded to allegations that the LeT pushes youths to display ISIS flags in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir: “The allegation is completely baseless. In Jammu and Kashmir, ISIS is a part of RAW’s plot to sabotage the freedom movement. ISIS is a terrorist organization founded and funded by India, America, and Israel to disintegrate and kill Muslims in the world.”

The RAW he was referring to is India’s secretive spy agency Research and Analysis Wing.

While two people — each halfway across the world from another — giving similar statements on terrorism can be cause for concern for global intelligence agencies, this could be a simple case of conspiracy theory or misinformation.

One even doubts if some of the intelligence-spy agencies also are involved in the mushrooming of terrorist organizations globally and recurring terror attacks.

Elliot Zweig, executive director of the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), told Fox News terrorism and Islamophobia is just propaganda being fed to Muslims across the world. MEMRI, it may be noted, is a non-profit organization headquartered in Washington DC which monitors and analyses news reports for radical content about West Asia. Zweig, meanwhile, told Fox News about the Imam’s statement: “These types of conspiracy theories have been prevalent in the Muslim world, especially the Middle East, for decades as MEMRI has revealed. One would hope that in America, all communities, including the Muslim community, would be immunized from such ludicrous propaganda, let alone propagate it.”

But who and why are Islam and Muslims are targeted by the terrorist attacks?

Possibly, like Al-Qaeda, ISIS is also the brain child of US-Israeli strategists. The Islamic State group can still send funds to its supporters and motivate attacks in Europe and other countries despite military pressure and lack of revenue, experts at the United Nations said in a report. Also, terror outfit al-Qaeda remains active in several areas especially West Africa, East Africa, and the Arabian Peninsula, they added.

The UN experts, who are monitoring sanctions against the terrorist organizations, said that while the competition between ISIS and al-Qaeda continues, the “shifting alliances” among fighters “and cooperation on the tactical level in several regions also allow them to move between various groups,” the Associated Press reported.

The report said that the threat from terrorist organizations continues to rise in Southeast Asia with ISIS trying to establish itself in the region. It cited the city of Marawi in the Philippines is under siege by militants linked to ISIS for over two months as evidence for the growing threat from extremist groups.

The experts added that the “core” of ISIS is to delegate decision-making responsibility to local commanders and switch to encrypted communications in an attempt to adapt to military pressure in Iraq and Syria. ISIS has been using drones to a large extent especially in Iraq and Syria, the report further added.

The experts said in the report that ISIS is trying to design and create larger drones to enable it “to weaponized the drones, thereby increasing its ability to strike at a distance.” It said Isis “continues to send funds to its affiliates worldwide” and is likely to continue to do so as long as it can afford to. Isis terrorists have also sent money to places the group does not have affiliates in to prepare for its eventual defeat in Iraq and Syria, an unidentified UN member state was quoted as saying in the report.

However, the report said that ISIS has not carried out any attack since then in which the “core” group of the organization is involved in the planning and decision-making process — sending militants and providing financial help.

The report quoted member states as saying that there has been “an increase in radicalization and violent extremism” in connection with Isis networks in Europe.

When it came to Iraq, several member states said that key ISIS leaders left Mosul before the Iraqi forces launched the attack in the region. However, it added that ISIS resistance in Mosul “indicates that its command and control structure has not broken down completely and that the group remains a significant military threat.” The ISIS leaders in Syria also left Raqqa before the attack and air strikes took place.

The report said that the Arabian Peninsula faces “a significant threat” from both ISIS and al-Qaeda in Yemen. It quoted a member state as saying that more than 30 ISIS-linked “terrorist plots” were disrupted in the region, including one targeting the Grand Mosque in Mecca, and Jeddah in Saudi Arabia.

Who else can dare to target the Holy Mosques of Islam other than USA and Israel?

Meanwhile, Hamza bin Laden, son of one Superman Osama bin Laden who apparently was used by the CIA-Pentagon-Mossad to make Islam look a terrorist religion. , had earlier released a statement urging supporters to join al-Qaeda training camps in Yemen.

Sept-11 hoax was launched after a prolonged planning by the foes of Islam – by US-Israel duo – to do what has already been done to Islam and Muslims until today since the invasion of an Islamizing Afghanistan.

Interestingly, ISIS also warns Trump of murdering him in his dressing room.

Now the terrorism takes a form of comedy as well. Of course, Trump, incapable of thinking out of the box and would quickly place the entire blame on Islamic terrorist organization as a usual strategy to terrorize Muslims.

Why should some terrorist organizations claim for the attacks without fear?

Who then are the terrorists and originations planning terror attacks?

USA and allies are keen to prolong the occupation of Muslim nations permanently and continue the terror war also forever. In doing so, they think they will not be required, as being demanded by Russia, among other nations, to diamante the NATO military- terror organization that terrorizes the entire world with its pre-emptive strikes.

If USA and Russia are fighting for military superiority why should they target Islam and Muslims? Why do the USA and allies invade and destabilize energy rich and oil route nations?

Why have they killed millions of Muslims in the name of the war on terror? Global media is anti-Islam, and it promotes Islamophobia to make the terror war a permanent feature. In fact, the GST (global anti-Islamic media) has done maximum danger and harm to Islam and Muslims with its global reach. Europe is with USA and Israel and so is Russia and China enjoying the western crimes being committed against Muslims and Islam. All of them work in coalition in Afghanistan and Syria, elsewhere.

One thing looks certain: terror wars are not going to end now or shortly mainly bemuse the USA and its anti-Islam allies that also deal in terror goods, do not want to end wars.


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