The Myths of Multipolarity: Examine the USA’s Dominance over China


World is heading toward multipolarity. But what kind? - Opinion -

by Burree Sultan   25 September 2023

Francis Fukuyama’s thesis of the end of history and the end of the last man is a paradigm shift from the end of communism or any other ideological basis in front of the liberal order going to be led by the USA. In 1990s and the beginning of the new century had scarcely any objective questions regarding the dominance of the United States of America under the global paradigms. Never has any country in the world gained such dominant grades in the global dynamics of military, economy, and technology simultaneously since the dawn of the nation-state system in the modern-day world. The USA could conduct its foreign policy under the constraints of any leading state in the modern-day world. That is why the dissatisfied China Russia, and other aspiring powers were with their status in the system, they release the modes of the powers in the above context of the multipolarity.

Now, the US powers seem to be in hassles of decay. In these periods of two decades. Like that the failed intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq which resulted devastating economy of the USA while given the deep internal and external rifts for the USA, the rise of the Trumpian era, and the isolationist momentum in the USA are some of the fault’s lines for the recent decades the USA has experienced. While the space was heavily filled by China within this period. Then the brutal invasion of Ukraine by Russia showed that the USA was unable to handle the forces of revisionism in the context of the USA making promises to protect the liberal world order and defend the sanctity of global peace and morality.

According to the observers and analysts, there are no limitations in judging the unipolarity of the global power dynamics, like that of pointing to the size and sigma of the economic indicators of China and other hard powers accumulations of China showing the comings of the bipolar system as inevitably judging truth. China, Iran, and Russian nexus are making the triumphs of the new systems. India and many other countries have concluded that these phenomenal changes and abstracts are real in this contextual framework. Many famous USA analysts believe that there is no unipolarity in the world after coming up with China on the global stage.

But on the breaking grounds of reality, this seems to be wrong in this way that the world is neither bipolar nor multipolar, yes, the USA has become less dominant over for last 20 years but ultimately, it remains on the top of the global anarchical hierarchy. There is still no reach of China from the perspective of the USA. In the simplest understanding, there is no match between the USA and China in the context of any of the major comparisons that redefined the position of the global hegemony in the unipolarity or multipolarity systems. By making the comparative analysis, there are substantial advantages of the USA in the context of technological advancement, there is no way comparison in forms of military hardware or soft power dynamics.

During the Cold War, there was undeniably a system of bipolarity on the global stage by defining the competition between the USA and the Soviets. After the fall of the Soviets, there was unipolarity in this regard while during the recent decade, the unresolved issues of Afghanistan, and the curling issues of the Middle East had bulged the strong spectrum of the USA. Now, there is an inevitable diplomatic position in global conflict resolutions by China. The recent delivery of China to bring Saudi and Iranian arch-rivals to the table showed the Chinese position in the global stages. The new players are on the scene of global powers like Japan, Germany, India, Russia, and the United Kingdom is on the way.

For the system to be multipolar, however, it must match the state’s new apparatus. Now, China and the USA are abruptly the most powerful countries in the world while the new emerging powers around the world are getting this question inevitable that the new world order will be under the paradigms of multipolarity. Like that of the new powers of India, the United Kingdom, Japan, and Brazile are some of examples rising countries in economic emergence and military divergence. The annual GDP of the major countries is the following like of the USA by $25 trillion, China by $18.3%, and Japan by $4.3 trillion. The military spending of the different countries is following the USA by $767 billion, China by $242 billion, and Japan by $48 billion. The stark differences are inevitable today in terms of changing political dynamics and the new economic realities.

The multipolarity makes the new distribution of global power sharing as well as equal distribution of the capabilities. The multipolar system was of the ugly world. Great wars broke out more than once a decade from 1500 to 1945. The constant harmful situation of Europe which broke the wars played havoc with humanity. This same fear of multipolarity can be judged. According to some of the analysts, there is great fear about the judgments of Chinese behaviors in this context. Most importantly there are spatial views regarding that China may be very violent when she will be there at the multipolar stages. Though, historically, it seems that, China remained very peaceful and there is no history of China in confrontation from out of its borders there are also speculations that Chinese behaviors are very less counted to understand in this context.

But by looking into the deep facts and the current scenarios of the global power dynamics, there is a vivid understanding that the USA has impeccable dominance globally in the context of economic dominance, military might, or technological superiority. The USA has fair superiority in this context and most importantly there is an entire need of the hour to maintain the status quo of the USA as according to scholarly objective analysts there is a suspicious understanding of the future conducts of China and that is also one of the main concern of the USA that how China will behave when it will come over the global stage as major powers. The question of the speculations arises when China accepts the global world order whose main beneficiary is China or rather China will give a new order under the prescribed values and additions of the new norms by the Chinese. As a resultantly, President Xi has given the hidden agendas of the China in future to lead the world under the new paradigms of global dynamics.


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