The future of Kashmir: hopes and aspirations for peace and justice



Raising the Stakes in Jammu and Kashmir | Crisis Group

by Muhammad Wasama Khalid        3 February 2023

The struggle in Kashmir has raged for decades, including India, Pakistan, and the people of the region. The conflict comes from the partition of British India in 1947, which placed Kashmir, which has a Muslim majority, under the rule of Hindu-dominated India. Three wars, bloodshed, and human rights violations have afflicted the region over the years, with both India and Pakistan claiming authority over distinct sections of the territory.

The revocation of Articles 35A and 370 by the Indian government, which denounced Kashmir’s unique status, sparked tensions between the two nations. India forces have deployed a considerable number of militaries in the region and are attempting to bring about demographic changes in the region through ethnic cleansing, forced migration, and the acceptance of foreigners.

The purpose of the article is to discuss the future of Kashmir, including the hopes and aspirations for peace and justice in the region. The article aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the challenges facing the region, as well as the potential solutions for bringing about lasting peace and justice for the people of Kashmir. Through a thorough examination of the conflict, the article seeks to shed light on the prospects for a brighter future in the region and to provide a platform for discussion and dialogue on the path toward peace and justice.

The cessation of violence and militarization in the region is one of the most important aspirations for peace in Kashmir. For years, the presence of Indian armed personnel has resulted in violations of human rights, and the persistent threat of violence has fostered an atmosphere of dread and insecurity. The people of Kashmir dream of a future in which they may live without fear of bloodshed and the region’s militarization can be decreased.

Another important hope for peace is political stability and reconciliation among the region’s many groups. With so many competing interests and demands, a political solution must be found that considers all parties’ objectives. Kashmiris dream for a future in which diverse ethnic and religious groups may coexist peacefully and their political issues can be handled through discussion and collaboration.

The safeguarding of human rights is a ray of hope for peace in Kashmir. Human rights violations have been common in the region for many years, including the use of torture, extrajudicial murders, and arbitrary detentions by Indian authorities in Indian-occupied Kashmir. According to Kashmir media services, Indian soldiers murdered more than 210 persons in 2021. The people of Kashmir yearn for a future in which their fundamental rights are upheld and they may live without fear of abuse. This encompasses the freedoms of expression, assembly, and religion, as well as the right to a fair trial and due process.

Aspirations for Justice:

The inquiry into previous crimes done against the people is one of the most important ambitions for justice in Kashmir. Human rights violations, extrajudicial executions, and other types of violence have occurred in the region over the years. Indian soldiers used tear gas and pepper spray on the people of Kashmir. The people of Kashmir want a thorough and honest inquiry into these atrocities, intending to bring those guilty accountable.

Another goal for justice is to provide equal treatment to all ethnic and religious groups in the region. Outsiders are being given a residence by Indian soldiers, who are usurping the native people’s basic rights. The people of Kashmir wish for a future in which they will be treated equally, regardless of their origin, and their rights and liberties would be preserved. This encompasses the freedom to practice one’s religion freely, to engage in political and cultural activities, and to live without fear of discrimination or persecution.

The provision of reparation for victims and their families is the ultimate goal of justice in Kashmir. Compensation for lost property, livelihoods, and other losses, as well as help for individuals affected by the violence, are all part of this. The people of Kashmir dream of a future in which they may reconstruct their lives and where the government recognizes and treat their pain.

Peace and justice may be realized through continuous international attention, collaboration, and discourse. It is critical that the international community band together to help the people of Kashmir in their quest for a better future.


Obstacles to Realizing these Aspirations:

The historical tensions and mistrust that exist between the various communities in the region are one of the major impediments to attaining the hopes for peace and justice in Kashmir. These conflicts have a long history and have been compounded by decades of conflict and violence. To overcome these difficulties, it will be required to foster confidence among the various groups via communication and collaboration, as well as to address the root causes of the conflict.

Outside countries’ political and economic interests are another important impediment to peace and justice in Kashmir. Both India and Pakistan have a great interest in the area, and several other nations have a stake in the conflict’s conclusion. To overcome these challenges, it will be important to participate in productive discourse and create a solution that considers the interests of all parties.

The region’s nationalist organizations’ reluctance to reform is a last impediment to peace and justice in Kashmir. These organizations, which may have a strong interest in perpetuating the status quo, may be resistant to any efforts to bring peace and justice to the region. To overcome this barrier, it will be important to engage these groups in debate and create a solution that takes their concerns and interests into consideration. This will take time and effort to create trust and find common ground, but the ultimate objective of a peaceful and just future for the people of Kashmir makes it worthwhile to pursue.



The situation in Kashmir emphasizes the value of discussion and collaboration among all parties concerned. Effective communication and teamwork can result in a peaceful conclusion and the cessation of the continuing dispute. The international community will play an important role in this process. International attention and support can put pressure on those in power to participate in meaningful discourse and strive toward a just settlement by the United Nations Security Council decision.

It is critical to remember that sustained international attention and support are required to resolve the Kashmir issue. The international world owes it to the people of Kashmir to assist them in their desire for self-determination and to work for their human rights. The international community must not turn a blind eye to the continued violence and suffering of the Kashmiri people.


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