The Dichotomy of Hindutva


‘Hindutva’, a political ideology of unity and patriotism on the face and fist with bigotry and casteism in blood and brain. At the outset, ‘Hindutva’ was never intended to be a benign or inclusive geo-cultural construct but, it was a political ideology that sought to cement an idea of homogenous people, united by their loyalty, geography, race and religion. Its premise is the conflation of the idea of the Hindu with that of the idea of India. It’s substantial to realize the manoeuvring political projection of Hindutva, by accommodating suppressed castes and tribals.

This agenda of ‘Hindutva’ or ‘Ram Rajya’ (‘Rama’s Realm’) aims to forge ‘One Nation, One Culture, One Religion, and One Language’ into the land known for its diversity and multitudes of culture. In Lord Rama’s name, a single ‘Hindu Nation’ for the whole Indian sub Continent is ruled by the precepts of Arya Dharm, or Sanat ana Dharma. Sanskriti icons, norms, and symbols, invoking cosmic and eternal verities of Vedic Law, must be reflected in principles on which this Nation must stand. Under this regime, a changeless social structure of the Four Colour Categories (Chatur Varnya), as manifest in varnas hramadharma, both reflected the proper place of each birth or caste in its rightful rank and status – its strata of purity or impurity. Birth and Earth, Genomes in Sacred Blood and Molecules of Sacred Soil, determined everyone’s place and rank within an all-encompassing and cosmic ‘World Order’ (Vishwa Dharma). Ostensibly, the tenets and agenda of Hindutva, conveys that the lower caste groups will be on the foot of ‘chatur varnya’ in a ‘Hindu Rashtra’.

The relentless striving of ‘Hindutva forces’, to band the lower caste groups in the name of development and Hindu unity, to mobilize the large vote bank segment for a majoritarian polity, is a pretention. On the political front, they use its inclusive character; however, in the social sphere, uses anti-Dalit sentiments to consolidate its political base. The right wing Hindutva forces portrayed photos of ‘Dr. Ambedkar’ and presented leaders like late ‘Ram Vilas Paswan’ and ‘Ramnath Kovind’, and promised to maintain the reservation policy undisturbed to attract the lower castes. The depiction of influencing Dalit leaders has become an imperative element in the campaigning of Hindutva forces. In the social front, the political works are in the reverse direction. Everyday social relationships are dominated by the cultural values of the social elites. In most of the reported incidents of mob lynchings against lower castes, the accused persons have clear allegiance to ‘Hindutva’ organizations, and belongs to the elite class. Moreover, no assertive action has been taken by the governments who are guided by Hindutva forces and turns a deaf ear towards the caste atrocities. NCRB (The National Crime Records Bureau) Report 2020 figures the crimes against scheduled caste (SC) people increased by over 7 per cent and by 26 per cent against scheduled tribe (ST) people in 2019 as compared with 2018. The highest rates (number of crimes for every lakh population of Dalits) were in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Gujarat. The data also shows that the conviction rate in offences under the SC/ST Atrocities Act was just 32% nationally and the pendency rate of cases an alarming 94%.Uttar Pradesh turned to a hub of caste atrocities. In the very recent gang-rape case in Hathras in Uttar Pradesh, the way in which government and Hindutva organizations handled and responded is a clear indication of the attitude of Political Hindutva in addressing the grievances of Dalits and lower castes. The NCRB report indicates the pathetic condition of the lower castes in our country. Even the silence of governments amounts to a passive nod to atrocities and stimulates the right-wing forces. Besides, no constructive policies have been framed by the Hindutva backed governments, to uplift the Dalits socially and economically. The adamant and lazy attitude of governments itself displays the exploitative politics of ‘Hindutva’ ideology.

The looming role of Hindutva forces in redefining the nature of India’s socio-political sphere should be resisted from the grass-root level. The Hypocrite pro- Dalit narrative of Hindu Rashtra, to bag the crucial vote share shall be unmasked socially as well as politically. In fact, the extending support of the lower caste towards the Hindu Rashtra is symbolic of someone digging his own grave. The civil societies, secular political organisations, and student activism have a crucial political responsibility to work tirelessly to help and educate the lower caste people. The political vacuum to address the Dalit issues has greatly contributed to the hijack of Hindutva forces. Apart from these, there is an urgent need to frame accommodating policies at governmental and NGO levels. “It is easier to stop something happening in the first place than to repair the damage after it had happened”.

Mohamed Rashid K.C, Law student at Government law college, Ernakulam


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