Resources Exploration Projects Planned for the Socio-Economic Uplift of Balochistan



by Zafar Iqbal Yousafzai     10 July 2023

The development of Gwadar Port and the potential of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) have laid a strong economic foundation for the future generations of Balochistan. The people of Gwadar are the main stakeholders in the Port City, and their socio-economic uplift is an essential part of the development plan. Several initiatives and projects have been planned to harness the potential of Gwadar and transform it into a thriving hub of economic activity.

One of the key initiatives is the establishment of Gwadar Free Zones, both North and South, which are aimed at making Pakistan an export-oriented country. These free zones will provide a conducive environment for industries to flourish and engage in international trade. They will not only serve as a gateway for export-oriented businesses but also facilitate the supply of trade articles and manufacturing items to the local markets, boosting the overall economy of Balochistan.

The export initiative from Gwadar Port begins with the export of gold and copper from the Reko Diq mines. The world’s largest underdeveloped copper-gold deposits are present in Reko Diq, and the Barrick Gold Company has committed to investing $7 billion in the mine. This significant investment will create job opportunities and provide a socio-economic boost to the province of Balochistan. The company plans to invest $4 billion in the first four years and an additional $3 billion in the following six years, ensuring a sustainable development trajectory.

To support the trade activities at Gwadar Port, the implementation of a high-functioning technical infrastructure is crucial. The introduction of the e-Custom System and the web-based One Customs (WeBOC) will streamline trade processes and enhance the efficiency of operations at the port. These technological advancements will not only improve the speed and accuracy of customs clearance but also facilitate the seamless flow of goods, ultimately attracting more trade and investment to Gwadar.

In line with the focus on technical development, the federal government is also providing opportunities for the youth of Balochistan, particularly in Gwadar, to acquire modern education and technical skills under the CPEC framework. Emphasis is being placed on the establishment of Technical Training Centers for Precision Mechanics and Instrument Technology. These centers aim to develop and generate technical expertise in various engineering disciplines, including precision mechanics, instrument technology, and die and mold methods. With an investment of Rs 1.2 billion, these training centers will equip the local population with the necessary skills to participate in the growing industries of Gwadar.

Additionally, Gwadar’s transformation into an international city necessitates the legislative provision of political rights to the local population. As the city accommodates multiple communities, it is crucial to ensure that the rights and interests of the locals are protected through appropriate legislation and representation. This will ensure their active participation in the development and decision-making processes of the city.

In conclusion, the planned projects for resource exploration and development in Gwadar, particularly the Reko Diq mines and the establishment of Gwadar Free Zones, are set to transform the economic landscape of Balochistan. The socio-economic uplift of the province, including vocational training initiatives and the provision of modern education, will empower the local population and create sustainable opportunities for growth. The development of Gwadar as an international city requires a comprehensive approach that considers the economic, social, and political dimensions, ensuring the inclusive and equitable development of the region. Through these endeavors, Gwadar and Balochistan will emerge as key drivers of Pakistan’s economic prosperity and regional connectivity.


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