Shortly after becoming prime minister, Narendra Modi paid a visit to Indian soldiers in Kashmir. Prime Minister’s Office
by Kashif Mehmood 31 March 2019
Pulwama , a stunningly beautiful south Kashmir town , located 35 miles south of Srinagar on Sri-Jammu Highway , a suicide attack on an Indian Paramilitary convoy here this Valentine’s Day could have become the Arch Duke Ferdinand moment of the two nuclear Armed nations of South Asia , India and Pakistan . It could have sent, the two armed to the teeth neighbors, into a nuclear Armageddon . What ensued after this vicious attack was unprecedented , it sent shock waves across India , the Indian media known for their jingoism , whipped up hyper nationalism , blatantly asking for a revenge , audaciously calling to ” punish Pakistan “ ,” Wipe it off the face of earth” ,” Pakistan ko diya jaye ga Qarara Jawab (we will give Pakistan a befitting reply )” ,” Seema main paya jata hai karra akrosh ( The Indian public is livid , it’s very angry )”.
One immediately had a sense that the hawks sitting at helm of affairs in Delhi will surely commit a strategic blunder this time, they will try to grasp this moment of public anger against Pakistan to score a upper hand in the upcoming elections . This is exactly what happened , it baffled every sane person how the Indian Tv anchors , defense analysts even Bollywood celebrities fueled public anger in favor of a supposedly decisive war against Pakistan . The most ludicrous were the veterans of higher ranks , the ex-generals of the Indian army , marshals of the air force . In a bizarre fashion of war mongering these veterans joined body armor & uniform clad Tv anchors in the studios , with screens running slides of maps of Pakistan , India and Azad Kashmir (What they call PoK ) , fervently discussing the options Indian Army and Vayoo sena (Indian Air Force ) had “to teach Pakistan a lesson “ . Hilariously playing animations of Indian artillery pounding Azad Kashmir and bringing Pakistan to its knees. One couldn’t help thinking if these mentally unstable guys had commanded corps , divisions , Brigades of Indian Army and Air Force or they were some ordinary vendors at fish markets in Calcutta or Chennai . These studios gave vibes of some illiterate women whining after getting thrashed by their husbands. It really compelled people from all spectrum of life to think how could India having some of the most professional people in every section of their society , have such insane people at positions that demand complete responsibility and composure . People like General GD Bakshi a renowned hate monger against Pakistan and General Raj Kadyan personified imbecility , stupidity and impulsiveness .
And then the stupidity happened, the delusional Indian Government backed by jingoistic, war mongering media committed the strategic blunder that will bring embarrassment & shame for them not only in South Asia but in every corner of the world . A dozen of Indian air force mirage 200s , a fourth generation supersonic , French made aircrafts intruded into Pakistani air space in the wee hours of 26th Feb, and bombed some uninhibited place in Balakot area of Kpk , Sparking wild celebration in Indian News Studios and streets . Once again Indian media in a complete display of senselessness started claims of massive destruction at balakot and elimination of more then 300 terrorists without ascertaining the facts and figures on ground . Less then 24 hours later the PAF responded in an emphatic manner , it targeted six key military positions in Indian held Kashmir , bombed carefully next to them just to prove the strength and the capability of its air power , this audacious retaliatory response by PAF sent jitters in the IAF ranks and cadres . In Panic, the western command of Indian Air force took some of the worst decisions in Indo Pak Aviation history , it scrambled the weary , 3rd generation MiG 21s, An outdated Russian made aircraft nicknamed “Flying Coffin “ in aviation circles to counter the dynamic JF 17s of PAF . And then came the moment that will haunt the Indians for decades , Wing commander Abhinadan, an Ace Indian MiG 21 pilot with blood stained face , flanked by Pakistani Army personnel and chased by an angry mob started popping up on Tv and Mobile screens across Pakistan . The delusion of emerging super power had bitten the dust, the pride hath fallen . The Pakistani Air force had shot down one MiG 21 and a Sukhhoi of IAF capturing a pilot of wing commander rank. It was reminiscent of kargil war when the same MiG 21 was shot down by Pak army air defense battalions in the mountains of Karakorum and Flt . Lt. Nachikita was arrested in the very same fashion. The miscalculation by the hawks at New Delhi had cost the hubris of BJP led Hindutva leadership a wound that will take time to heal . As expected the war mongering Indian media started playing tickers that an IAF MiG 21 has shot down a Pakistani air force ace fighter Aircraft , the Lockheed martin F-16, nothing could be more ridiculous then this , getting an F16 chased and shot by a MiG 21 is same as a Suzuki Mehran chasing and destroying a Mercedes of latest model . A famous Indian Tv anchor and self-proclaimed Defense analyst Rahul kanwal made a worldwide mockery of himself when he displayed the wreckage of the same Mig21 of IAF that was shot in Azad Kashmir as the wreckage of PAF F16 , which was very aptly corrected by an aviation expert right at that moment, leaving Rahul kanwal totally embarrassed and ashamed (God Bless you kanwal ) . Adding insult to injury , the Indian Defense ministry denied 300 killings of terrorists in Balakot as claimed by the Indian media .
This belief of India that it is an emerging Super power and that it can act as a policeman in south Asia , that it can act as Israel acts in Middle east , it can sneak into Pakistan and “teach us a lesson “ as Israel does in Lebanon , it can intimidate Nepal through its economic leverage as Israel does to Gazans through blockades , it can bully Sri Lanka as Israel does to Syrians , is a delusion indeed . This false belief has cost India dearly in the latest escalation with Pakistan and it can cost it grossly in future if she doesn’t replace knee jerkiness with rationality and composure . And for the Indian war mongering media , the Pakistani Social media memes ( which Pakistani youth is getting renowned for across the globe ) are enough to kill your hubris .
Your article by Kashif Mehmood ‘Pulwama and the Delusional Indian media’ is not in a BAD BUT HORRIBLE taste.
From the earliest recorded history, mankind has retained fascination with the firmament and what falls from the sky. Etchings on cave walls, hieroglyphics with images that have strange resemblance to spacecraft, and Area 51 give a nod to our fascination with what falls from the sky.
When IAF Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman expertly ejected from his cockpit and parachuted to the earth, Twitter erupted with images of what falls from the sky. Older images – trophies of war – made their way to Twitter, as did a video of the Commander in Pakistan’s custody. I chose not to show it nor distribute it because of violations of the Geneva Convention. But I noted an officer who displayed unusual stoicism and courage, considering his dire circumstances. I am glad he has been repatriated to his military community.
In any military action such things will happen like the proverbial boxing duel. Both boxers punch each other– one may get severe punches, other may have impregnable defence. Do not forget the
previous night 12 Indian mirages sneaked iPak occupied Kashmir which is the epicentre of Pak supported, sheltered, trained, motivated and radicalised and destroyed their 5 camps. All these 12 pilots were no less than heroes in India. It is not the one upmanship but the values we stand for- democracy & secularism, against terror supporting nation.
Also, please understand our military can kill terrorists BUT NOT the terrorism parented by likes of Pakistan world over. That is what likes of Modi, Trump, May, Markel, Imran & UNSC, SAARC, ASEAN, Commonwealth, EU, Human Rights Commission, World & Asian Development Banks can do.
You can help by your strong worded writings spreading the value of democracy, secularism, freedom of expression & fighting terrorism, malnutrition, sickness & poverty & put Pakistan on right path.
Pakistani claimed shooting two Indian aircraft.10 PAF ac intruding in Indian airspace were challenged
by 4 Indian ac. In the ensuing dog fight Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman’s actions have set the tone for the Indian Air Force’s approach in an air battle if the standoff with Pakistan escalates.
Details of the aerial combat on Wednesday morning suggests the MiG 21 combat pilot locked and fired at a Pakistani F16 target along the Line of Control. Abhinandan in dog fight shot Wing Commander
Shahzaz Ud Din F-16, before he went down shot by the combat air patrol of Pakistanis in Pakistani occupied Kashmir. Both pilots parachuted. Villagers mistook both Abhinandan & Shahzaz Ud Din as
Indian pilots and thrashed them mercilessly. While Indian braveheart survived his Pakistani counterpart died in CM. Pakistanis in confusion kept parroting two Indian pilots captured not realising one was
their own & MIG 21 is a single seater ac. Also, when Pakistan refused to accept its soldiers killed in Kargil War, no wonder Wg Cdr Shahzaz Ud Din too went to oblivion. Incidentally, Indian pilot was repatriated to India on Wagah border. What a coincident both brave hearts are sons of fighter pilot Air Marshals of respective air forces. It was world leaders like Trump, Merkel, May & others pressurised to release Indian pilot. This shows diplomatically India has been able to isolate Pakistan. Also they promised some monetary aid to otherwise bankrupt
What falls from the sky should concern all of us.
“Smiling Buddha” was the code name for India’s first successful nuclear test (May 1994)
India conducted a second round of nuclear tests on 11-13 May 1998.
In a directed power play against India’s dominance in the region Pakistan performed underground nuclear tests on 28 May 1998 (Chagai – I)
What falls from the sky in an escalated air war between India and Pakistan requires a summit between the PMs of both countries provided Pakistan promises to shed terrorism in all its manifestations. Pakistan must stop mind set that when terrorists attack India, thats good terrorism BUT when they attack Pakistan it is BAD terrorism. Terrorism in all its manifestation is BAD & message MUST be clear & loud for Pakistan. Once its fair weather friend China realises Pak terror threat to CPEC & Chinese Muslim provinces along its Pakistan border, Pakistan will be crestfallen.
In the military there is immediate and ultimate responsibility. This is the arena of ultimate responsibility. Should there ever be a nuclear showdown anticipate a minimum of twenty million deaths from blast injuries. Later deaths will occur from burn injuries. And trailing in the march of death will be those who linger painfully until overcome by acute radiation poisoning. Add the devastation to commerce from electromagnetic pulse. Toss in agricultural and water resources. The region would become a wasteland.
This is the time. Let the men of highest rank & respective PM talk for peace & NOT ONE UPMANSHIP. I feel sad , West Pakistan dominated East Pakistan treating Bengalis like the second rate citizens.India on the the other liberated Bangladesh BUT South Asia Journal with prominent Bangladeshis on board publish such trash forgetting what step motherly treatment they got from their Pakistani brethren. Pakistani as a nation survives on hatred, supporting terrorism & jingoism. Please stop meddling in Kashmir, if NOT remember your painful belly in Balochistan, Sindh & Khyber Pakhtunkhwa & shattered economy. If you want peace, ensure shedding terrorism & sit it across the table and work for the sovereign good of their respective nations. Fight poverty, terrorism, disease, hunger & NOT India.
Your response to the article clearly indicates a biased opinion, and reflects the same mentality shown by Indian media.
Why do you Indian have an anamosity towards Muslim. Is it because the Muslim came to India and ruled over you for 700 years.
You can change name of cities, but you can never change history, You Indian would do everything and give anything to bury the history of Muslim rulers.
Bhatia just remember Pakistan is a reality and you have to eventually live with it.