Pakistani Solidarity with Palestine: A Commitment to Shared Histories and Unyielding Commitment


People express solidarity with Palestinian people and protest against Israel, in Karachi

By Sara Nazir    16 November 2023

One thread has continually weaved itself into the fabric of Pakistan’s foreign policy and popular sensation in the complicated tapestry of global geopolitics: an unwavering support to the Palestinian cause. This solidarity is more than simply diplomatic posturing; it reflects a nation linked by a rich past, Islamic brotherhood, and a steadfast commitment to justice.

Pakistan has been a staunch champion for Palestinian rights since its inception, mirroring the stance articulated by Quaid-i-Azam on November 8, 1945: “The Muslims of India would not remain mere spectators.” They would assist the Palestinian Arabs in every way they could.” This emotional linkage between the Pakistani and Palestinian nations has persisted, solidifying Pakistan’s role as a stalwart supporter of the Palestinian cause.

The Palestinian conflict, presented as both a humanitarian and an Islamic challenge, has a strong resonance in Pakistan. The nation’s Islamic identity emphasises the necessity of Muslim unity, turning the Palestinian struggle into a rallying point for the larger quest of justice. This dedication is not only shown verbally, but also in actual acts and demonstrations of support.

Pakistan’s stance on the international forums demonstrates its commitment to the Palestinian cause. Pakistan has repeatedly spoken out against Palestinian injustices through diplomatic channels and worldwide platforms. Pakistan’s diplomacy displays a commitment to concrete change and a just conclusion, condemning illegal settlements, pressing for acceptance of a sovereign Palestinian state, and actively engaging in talks on the Israel-Palestine issue.

Pakistani citizens, civil society organizations, and political groups have echoed this sentiment through demonstrations and protests. These public displays of sympathy transcend beyond official channels, demonstrating the Palestinian cause’s resonance in the hearts of ordinary Pakistanis. Recent occurrences, such as the awful massacre of innocent Palestinian lives, have fueled Pakistanis’ rage, resulting in huge protests and calls for swift international involvement.

As the world observes the heinous genocide committed against innocent Palestinian brothers, sisters, and children by the barbaric Israeli soldiers, Pakistani emotions of sorrow and anger have reached unrivalled levels. Thousands of people have flocked to the streets in unison to show their support for the Palestinian people. In the wake of this drama, Pakistan’s long-standing commitment to the establishment of an independent Palestinian state rings louder than before.

Pakistan’s advocacy of a two-state solution is considered as critical to attaining long-term peace in the Middle East. Beyond rhetoric, Pakistan has led the way in delivering humanitarian help to the Palestinian people. The relief, which is already on its way to the victims via Egypt, demonstrates Pakistan’s willingness to relieve the immediate suffering of those afflicted by the fighting.

Chief of Army Staff’s recent declaration on October 17, 2023, reinforces this commitment: “The Palestinian people have unequivocal diplomatic, moral, and political support of the Pakistani nation.” The selection of the word “unequivocal” emphasises the depth of Pakistan’s commitment to the Palestinian cause. The Pakistani people are not satisfied with simple statements of sorrow; they want a permanent solution to the Palestinian problem and an immediate stop to the illegal occupation of their territory, including religious sites.

This fundamental approach does not come from the corridors of power; it comes from the hearts of Pakistanis. The call for Palestinian self-determination resonates strongly across the country, and it is a topic that cuts across party lines, uniting Pakistanis from all walks of life.

As Pakistanis continue to support Palestinians’ right to self-determination, they send a strong statement to the world community. The expectation is simple: rapid response to prevent the escalation and save further lives. Pakistan’s position is not isolationist; rather, it is a call to common responsibility and global solidarity in the face of injustice.

Pakistan’s support for the Palestinian cause is a ray of hope in these challenging times. It transcends the complexity of geopolitical chessboards by representing a dedication to justice that crosses boundaries. The Pakistani people, along with its leaders and institutions, remain steadfast in their commitment to a world in which the cries of the downtrodden are heard and the quest of justice has no boundaries. As the world grapples with the complexity of the Israel-Palestine issue, Pakistan’s stance serves as a painful reminder that genuine solidarity may overcome the boundaries that divide governments and peoples everywhere.





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