Pakistan Where Conspirators become Leaders


History Lessons for Pakistani Generals and Political Conspirators

Pakistan is fast getting entrapped into internal intrigues, political chaos and failing systems of governance, public institutions, legal justice and accountability.  Its trajectory unfolds a tragic history of military-political aligned conspiracies to undermine its ideological values, national freedom and primary ideals of a functional democratic governance. The national Freedom Movement led by Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Quaid-e–Azam (Muslim League) for the establishment of Pakistan was a people movement over a century – a revulsion against the British Raj which was culminated by force in 1857 at the end of Mughal Empire.The ideals were enshrined in deep rooted moral, intellectual and Islamic values of the masses. Ironically, Pakistan remained subservient to the British colonial legacy and its institutions to have experienced five military coups and several martial law regimes destroying the moral and political foundation of its existence.( Please see “British Colonialism and How India and Pakistan Lost National Freedom.

Pakistani Generals have no knowledge or professional capacity to nation-building, economy, education, agriculture, societal moral and intellectual fabrics and sustainable future. All five coups were individualistic conspiracies to stab the body of the nation in desperate need of political change for a progressive Pakistan to be led by a new generation of educated, honest and proactive visionary people. They foiled accountability, violated the Constitution, destroyed thinking hubs and degenerated the young and educated classes of people to build the future. Some of the Generals and Sharif brothers are funded by foreign masters to destroy the unity of the Nation.  The current Chief of Staff General Assim Muneer, four other Generals and Sharif brothers  and Zardari – indicted criminals enjoy absolute power as ‘men of king’- a scum floating on a torrent. They bent on annihilating not just the national freedom but the very existence of an independent Pakistan. A constructive democratic system could only be imagined if there are strong well established institutions of opposition, legal justice and freedom of participation and public accountability.  You could hire and trade-in Pakistani Generals and their interests, claimed Bruce Riedel, Brooking Institute, USA  (“Battle for the Soul of Pakistan” ), a former President Obama’s advisor on Pakistan and Afghanistan, 2009. Please see more:Pakistan in Search of Freedom and Security”, Uncommon Thought Journal and Global Research: 10/20/22, and “Pakistan, Planned Political Chaos: Imran Khan a Victim of Hope for the Future”, Global Research: 11/06/2022;“Pakistan Striving for Its Soul.

The Nation Needs no new Enemies, they have Few Generals and Sharif Brothers

Today, the nation is crippled with catastrophic events of insecurity, mismanagement and socioeconomic and political exploitation. After the fraudulent February 2024 elections, now the Generals and Sharif brothers are geared to ban the PTI party led by former popular PM Imran Khan. What rational criterion is there to ban the PTI when the Chief Justice, Sharif brothers and Five Generals are  alleged to be the instigators of fraudulent national elections? They are the leading conspirators to rig the Feb 24 national elections as publically narrated by Commissioner Chatta. ttps:// What Next after the Rigged National Elections?

Is there any viable legal system of justice to hold these monsters responsible for their crimes against the nation? The nation must try these monsters to avert dismemberment of the country. The masses view Imran Khan with optimism to lead the country for a people-oriented future of governance. But Khan failed to implement any political changes and wasted almost four years while surrounded by yes men party goers. He needed proactive thinkers and strategic planners to reform the politically infested culture and make a better Pakistan but wasted almost four years. If Imran Khan was conscientious, he could have set-up a legal tribunal to try the corrupt Generals, Sharif brothers and Zardari ( current president) on evidence-based corruption cases. The Five Generals feared Khan for their own accountability and maligned with few judges jailed Imran Khan on fictitious cases. Many Generals as do Sharif brothers , Zardari, Bhuttos hold accounts in foreign banks: bribes, drugs and money laundering assets in Switzerland, the UK and off-shore bogus enterprises. They could all be tried in courts of law for their corruption and violations of the oath taken to serve Pakistan.

Why should Imran Khan’s PTI be banned?

As of now, Pakistan is being governed by a bogus authoritarian regime headed by Shabaz Sharif not elected by the people of Pakistan. The 100 or more corruption cases against Imran Khan serve the foremost interests of bewildered few Generals headed by Assim Muneer and Sharif brothers and not the people of Pakistan. The PTI is the most popular and legitimate organization in the country whereas others are just stolen names from history and not legitimate organizations supported by the masses. One wonders why the PPP party led by ZA Bhutto was not banned when he conspired with Mrs. Gandhi (PM India) to disintegrate Pakistan by surrender at Dacca in 1971? Again, why the PPP was not banned when Ms. Bhutto and her mother Nusret Bhutto conspired to arrange plane crash of General Zia ul Haq and 12 Generals and the US ambassador in 1988 at Bahawalpur? Why was PPP not banned when these two ladies exchanged lists of Kashmiri freedom fighters and Sikh freedom fighters with Ragiv Gandhi- Indian PM? Why was Nawaz Sharif (Pakistan League-N) not banned when charged with terrorism case of hijacking the PIA plane to kill General Musharaf and 294 passengers at Karachi airport and money laundering cases? Why was Zardari not banned when charged with many corruption cases and money laundering indictment in Switzerland? How come an indicted criminal is the president of Pakistan? If the Chief Justice Qazi Essa, Five Generals and Sharif brothers have any sense of honesty, moral values  and accountability to answer these questions before proceeding to assign illegal finished answers to Imran Khan’s political future and the PTI? If they go ahead, they will be held accountable for sectarian bloodbath, disunity and destabilization of Pakistan and cursed by the present and future generations of THINKING Pakistanis.



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