Pakistan: The PMLN-led Coalition Government Complex Local Challenges and the Way Forward



PML-N, PPP leaders pursuing separate agendas

by Sohail Mahmood    23 May 2022

The PMLN-led rag-tag coalition government faces profoundly serious governance challenges. The coalition govt is expected to take bold decisions to stabilize economy and thereby strengthen the country. The Government is not prepared to do it. Too bad for Pakistan.

The PMLN-led government must only focus on delivering good governance.

Notwithstanding Imran Khan’s outlandish political rhetoric, he should be allowed to continue with it. The Opposition march in Islamabad on May 25, 2022, will be a great nuisance but certainly not wreck the Sharif Government. Unfortunately, the PLMN-led coalition government is obsessed with Imran Khan, which is bad for it, and the country.

Maturity requires that the Opposition blasts, though without merit, be tolerated only because Pakistan is a democracy, though a fragile one. The PMLN-led coalition government is bent on overreaction to Imran Khan’s protest politics. Such action an overreaction by the Government will create more chaos and anarchy in the country. Tolerance must be shown and let politics play out without state intervention. Wisdom must prevail. Simple as that.

The Government is bent on overreaction to Imran Khan’s protest politics. Such an overreaction by the Government will create more chaos and anarchy in the country. Tolerance must be shown and let politics play out without state intervention. Wisdom must prevail. Meanwhile,

Imran Khan has launched a popular campaign against the incumbent government and the US. He blames the US of toppling his government in April 2022 with the connivance of then Opposition parties, the PMLN, PPP and JUIF. There is no truth in these allegations, however. Politics of extremes and sheer despair in Pakistan needs to be contained. Pakistan is now entering post-Truth age, if the nation had not already done it. This is not politics as usual somehow. Politics in Pakistan needs to calm down a bit. Exaggerations and propaganda being made all around. The nation needs to sit back and introspect.

Given Pakistan’s polarization there is an urgent need for toleration, reconciliation and return of civility in politics. The time is to go back to the liberal message of Islam and propagate the Sufi version of it where the principle of Sulh-i Kul or peace with all must become the new societal paradigm of governance and mutual conduct of communal affairs. The message of peace and tolerance in the liberal version of Islam must be adopted by both state and society in Pakistan. Given the sorry situation in Pakistan, there was little choice in the matter. It was time to act. Bold measures were needed and enlightened leadership at the helm of affairs in the country.

Much depends on the future leadership of the country not only at the governmental level but also at the societal level, especially the intellectual level. Pakistan should focus on the development of its human resources, sustainable economy and the eradication of poverty which can only happen if bold policy decisions are taken now. However, given the military dominance of Pakistan’s politics today such a development is ridiculously hard to imagine. Pakistani leadership can only fail at its peril. The people hope for change, and it is now time to deliver. It is an imperative to set the right direction. There is still hope in Pakistan. The nation desperately needs across the board accountability now. The government must be obliged to haul up all the corrupt, regardless of background or profession. Meaning that all are under the accountability net, which included military and judiciary too. No sacred cows to be left in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. This is the pious wishes of the people. Much earlier, there was a glimmer of hope in Pakistan when the PTI came to power 2018. Many had wished that PTI would have followed a pragmatic policy, meaning that it would have kept in check the powerful military. Instead, the PTI let the military grow even more powerful in its 43 months stint in power. It failed to focus on serving the people through real reforms, good governance, and clean government. The PMLN-led government faces the challenge of earning the trust of the people first which is very essential. No other option is available. The supremacy of the civilian leadership over military must be established eventually, as it is the cardinal principle of democracy. Democracy is a process and is inherently tedious, and complex. Some analysts are expressing concerns that the military will continue to manipulate politics soon in the country. The test of the future political leadership is whether it would hold accountable powerful army chiefs such as General Musharraf and General Kayani, who are also deemed to be corrupt like Zardari and Nawaz Sharif. Also, General Musharraf abrogated the country’s constitution which is the gravest offence under the law. However, it is very doubtful that they will be punished though. That is the whole point.

The Government must only focus on delivering good governance. The people expect relief and soon enough as they suffer from inflation and other economic issues. There is no time for general elections in Pakistan in near future. They be held in end of 2023, as required by law.

Meanwhile, the PMLN-led coalition government is bent on overreaction to Imran Khan’s protest politics. Such action an overreaction by the Sharif Government will create more chaos and anarchy in the country. Tolerance must be shown and let politics play out without state intervention. Wisdom must prevail. Simple as that.

Given the paralysis in the PMLN-led coalition government and the apparent disagreements with the military establishment, Pakistan is heading for early elections. However, the interim govt will also not be able to manage the country’s economic crisis, as its mandate is limited, as per law. The country heading for a prolonged crisis both political and economic. The real crisis is that of extremely poor leadership in Pakistan.

Imran Khan has launched a popular campaign against the incumbent government and the US. He blames the US of toppling his government in April 2022 with the connivance of then Opposition parties, the PMLN, PPP and JUIF. Politics of extremes and sheer despair in Pakistan needs to be contained. Entering post-Truth age, if nation had not already done it. This is not politics as usual somehow. Need to calm down a bit. Exaggerations being made all around. Need to sit back and introspect.

The time was to go back to the liberal message of Islam and propagate the Sufi version of it where the principle of Sulh-i Kul or peace with all must become the new societal paradigm of governance and mutual conduct of communal affairs. The message of peace and tolerance in the liberal version of Islam must be adopted by both state and society in Pakistan. Given the sorry situation in Pakistan, there was little choice in the matter. It was time to act. Bold measures were needed and enlightened leadership at the helm of affairs in the country.

Much depends on the future leadership of the country not only at the governmental level but also at the societal level, especially the intellectual level. Pakistan should focus on the development of its human resources, sustainable economy and the eradication of poverty which can only happen if bold policy decisions are taken now. However, given the military dominance of Pakistan’s politics today such a development is ridiculously hard to imagine. Pakistani leadership can only fail at its peril. The people hope for change, and it is now time to deliver. It is an imperative to set the right direction. There is still hope in Pakistan. The nation desperately needs across the board accountability now. The government must be obliged to haul up all the corrupt, regardless of background or profession. Meaning that all are under the accountability net, which included military and judiciary too. No sacred cows to be left in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. This is the pious wishes of the people. Many had wished that PTI would have followed a pragmatic policy, meaning that it would have kept in check the powerful military. Instead, the PTI let the military grow even more powerful in its 43 months stint in power. It failed to focus on serving the people through real reforms, good governance, and clean government. Earning the trust of the people first is very essential. No other option is available. The supremacy of the civilian leadership over military must be established eventually as it is the cardinal principle of democracy. Democracy is a process and is inherently tedious, and complex. Some analysts are expressing concerns that the military will continue to manipulate politics soon in the country. The test of the future political leadership is whether it would hold accountable powerful army chiefs such as General Musharraf and General Kayani, who are also deemed to be corrupt like Zardari and Nawaz Sharif. However, it is very doubtful that it can happen though. That is the whole point.

It remains to be seen whether this happens, though. Pakistan deserves better.


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