Pakistan at the Helm: Leading the SCO Towards a New Era


As Pakistan prepares to host the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Council of Heads of Government (CHG) meeting on October 15-16, 2024, in Islamabad, the significance of this event goes far beyond formal diplomatic engagements. This summit is an opportunity for Pakistan to redefine its role in global affairs, proving that the country remains not only relevant but essential in shaping regional and international dynamics. For those who have long questioned Pakistan’s position on the global stage, the participation of world leaders in this summit is a powerful rebuttal to the notion that Pakistan is diplomatically isolated.

Pakistan’s full membership in the SCO since 2017 has allowed it to actively engage in discussions on economic cooperation, security, and regional stability. Hosting this summit serves as a reaffirmation of Pakistan’s strategic importance within the region. The presence of global leaders, representing one-third of the world’s population, in Islamabad is a testament to Pakistan’s ability to serve as a convening power within the SCO framework. The summit is more than just a diplomatic milestone; it’s a clear signal that Pakistan is a capable and crucial player in regional geopolitics.

One of the critical aspects of Pakistan’s engagement with the SCO is the opportunity to advance its economic and security interests, especially through the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). The SCO CHG meeting, with its agenda focused on economic cooperation, provides Pakistan a chance to showcase its potential as a central hub for regional trade and connectivity. By further integrating itself within the SCO framework, Pakistan can leverage its strategic location to attract investments and foster greater regional collaboration.

The international community’s trust in Pakistan’s security apparatus is underscored by the presence of 11 heads of governments and 900 delegates at the summit. A decade ago, concerns about security may have overshadowed such an event. Today, Pakistan’s security landscape has dramatically improved, thanks to consistent efforts to combat terrorism and establish stability. The fact that Islamabad is now able to host such a high-profile international summit is a testament to the country’s progress in addressing its internal security challenges. This shift also reflects the broader international confidence in Pakistan’s security capabilities, proving that the narrative of instability is outdated and irrelevant.

The issue of Kashmir, a core national concern for Pakistan, has always found itself at the center of regional tension, particularly with India. The SCO Charter explicitly discourages the discussion of bilateral conflicts within its forums, emphasizing multilateral cooperation over divisive issues. While this has restricted the formal inclusion of Kashmir in the SCO CHG agenda, Pakistan has found ways to raise the matter indirectly. In 2020, for instance, then Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi made reference to Kashmir during a SCO Foreign Ministers meeting, which led to strong objections from India, including a walkout by India’s External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar. This incident underscores how deeply the issue of Kashmir resonates within Pakistan’s foreign policy, even as it navigates the diplomatic protocols of multilateral forums like the SCO.

Though Kashmir has not been placed on the official agenda, Pakistan’s diplomatic strategy has focused on keeping the issue alive in international conversations. The SCO, while primarily focused on economic and security cooperation, presents Pakistan with a subtle but effective platform to highlight its concerns. However, it is also a sign of Pakistan’s diplomatic maturity that it continues to engage with multilateral platforms like the SCO without letting bilateral issues dominate the discussions. By maintaining a focus on broader regional cooperation, Pakistan reinforces its commitment to constructive dialogue and multilateralism, even as it remains firm on its national priorities.

This summit is also a moment for Pakistan to dispel the misconceptions propagated by those who criticize the country’s diplomatic efforts. For years, some have argued that Pakistan has been sidelined in global affairs, especially due to internal political challenges and external pressures. But the fact that world leaders are gathering in Islamabad is proof that Pakistan’s international standing is far from diminished. Instead, it’s a clear indication that Pakistan is viewed as a reliable partner and a critical player in regional and global dynamics.

Unfortunately, at a time when the country is on the cusp of a major diplomatic success, some political factions are attempting to downplay the significance of the summit. Their efforts to politicize what should be a unifying moment for Pakistan only serve to detract from the nation’s broader interests. These voices, rather than recognizing the importance of the summit, choose to focus on internal political squabbles, undermining the broader goal of showcasing Pakistan’s achievements. It is imperative that, as a nation, Pakistan stands united behind this event, recognizing it for what it is: a significant diplomatic win.

The SCO CHG summit presents Pakistan with a platform to further its economic aspirations. The country’s geographic location, sitting at the crossroads of South and Central Asia, makes it a natural hub for trade and investment. With the economic opportunities available within the SCO framework, Pakistan has the potential to attract investment in sectors such as energy, infrastructure, and technology. The summit will allow Pakistan to promote its economic agenda, encouraging greater regional connectivity and integration.

Moreover, the summit allows Pakistan to reaffirm its commitment to regional peace and security. As a founding member of the SCO’s Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS), Pakistan has long been an active participant in counter-terrorism initiatives within the SCO. Hosting the summit reinforces Pakistan’s role as a regional security leader and signals its readiness to continue playing a constructive role in tackling challenges like terrorism, extremism, and drug trafficking.

In conclusion, the SCO CHG summit is a defining moment for Pakistan. It offers the country a chance to assert itself as a key player in the region, both economically and diplomatically. It is a validation of Pakistan’s progress on the security front and its increasing diplomatic clout within the international community. The summit will not only enhance Pakistan’s standing on the global stage but will also serve as a platform to pursue critical national interests. In a world where narratives are shaped by power and perception, this summit is Pakistan’s opportunity to control the story, showcasing its resilience, relevance, and strength in the face of global challenges.



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