-Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal 23/1/2018
As usual, the Republic Day is fast approaching once again as all “needy billionaires and other close associates with connections” push their candidatures for top national awards for their “services” to the Indian nation on the 26th. At many places, money bags must have already changed hands as without prior payments no national or state awards and honors are recommended or given.
That is system India promotes very religiously. Change of government from Congress to BJP has not made any difference to the system. Some “favorites” keep visiting temples etc. for “blessings “so that Hindutva government would consider their demands for the top slot of national honor even while they have no new contribution to the nation.
Corporate lords and their mafia guys must be busy in “blocking,” like they book air tickets, the prestigious awards for their favorites, leaving honesty to winds. Moneybags go on getting exchanged by the concerned for the purposes. The greedy entertainers, extracurricular people, cricketers, sports people who have amassed huge wealth go all-out to get as many awards as possible.
Routine things do not deserve the national honor, however.
In order to deny Muslims awards for their service to nation and to promote their own saffron candidates who have generated enough hatred against Islam and Muslims, the military and intelligence jointly target Pakistan while the TV media lords project the cross-border attacks from abroad as anti-national so that Muslims do not get anything for their services and sacrifices.
Indian regime treats entertainments alone as the most important national service deserving highest national honors. It, as a rule, does not consider those who have different views on the world for national awards. In fact, mostly the regime keeps away many sincere or serious persons who make sincere contributions to the society and nation. The persons like teachers, scholars, ministers, governors, MLAs, MPs, collectors, Governors, CMs, military personnel, police, intelligence wing personnel, judges, who have made a significant contribution to the nation are just ignored.
By giving awards to these serious people if they do make contributions, the government could help the society to groom and promote, in due course, honest and hardworking MLAs, MPs, authors, ministers, governors, ministers, police, intelligence officers, In fact, corruption could be contained significantly.
In fact, the rulers, unfortunately, have no time to consider them for national awards that are reserved for cricketers and entertainers. Indian media deliberately promote their favorite batboys who make maximum money and for national awards.
The government and committees appointed by the government should avoid considering the entertainers for the prestigious national awards meant for genuine achievers for the nation to advance further economically, diplomatically, scientifically, administratively, etc.
All the entertainers have their national awards in the respective fields like films, TV, sports, cricket, m film music, acting, etc., but the national Padma awards are not meant for them. They are for serious people and not for school dropouts like Sachin.
One wonders as to why Indian regime and military salute the runout cricket batboys who cannot protect their stumps behind just because they make 100s and 50s on mutual understanding with opponents. Cricket mafias help them accomplish the fake records. Top military posts are gifted to hem freely for managing the show at the crease.
Cricketers continue to play for many years for a lifetime and they are everywhere, in all formats and they also fix matches for the 50s and 100s, etc. Kolhi, Doni, etc. are everywhere in all formats? Why don’t they choose one of the formats and play? But these batboy frauds want to amass the 50s and 100s and advertisements and dirty money and national awards.
That way the cricketers do not let new players get chances to “play for the nation” international games.
BCCI promotes only the top players for extra money, and they harass the corporate lords and government, ministers, president to offer national awards like Bharat Ratna for their 100s on mutual fixings If not mafia fixings.
The government should have a responsibility in ensuring good standards in achievements of the person seeking national awards and should not take not offer cricket gambling and stop offering national awards that are meant for genius people and not match fixers and gamblers, frauds.
Poverty of real achievers
Indian regime, intelligence, media, etc. do not make any positive contribution to promote and encourage true spirits in nation building so that the best could be chosen for national awards.
This results in the poverty of real and genuine achievers in real human activities and gives rise to bad stuff available for national awards.
The tragedy of Indian national honor took place when the Congress government offered the Bharat Ratna to a cricketer as the most valuable Indian citizen among billion of Indians with highly committed persons in non-entertainment professions. Congress government gave the award to a cricketer as a slap to the BJP government for choosing APJ Abdu Kalam for the Bharat Ratna. The Congress-BJP clash led to making a cricketer Bharat Ratna.
Upon successful execution of its plan to make a fake sports boy and a school dropout Tendulkar a Bharatratna, an honor meant exclusively for great Indian achievers and thinkers doing serious work for the nation and not the entertainers, Indian regime is eager to make some more cricketers Bharatratana holder.
One does not know if India is eager to offer some more Bharatratnas to Tendulkar under some other categories so that India media could shine more. India launched IPL in football and made Tendulkar the owner of Kerala Blastards team and has been tirelessly promoting its wins but so far no success though has got best variety players for Kerala Blastards team. The last match, Kerala Blastards was crushed by Goa by five goals, and now India wants the Blastards to defeat another team by the same five goals.
It is a known fact that cricket matches are fixed in favor of batboys and for cash and the corporate lords who sponsor matches also work for their prestigious national awards.
National awards should not be national horrors by offering them to undeserving people while there are many deserving persons available.
Cricket board controls government and committees
Indian or any other government should offer prestigious national awards only to credibly genius persons, preferably who have come up on their own without state or other support. No need to create false records for their favorites or push candidates with fake records.
The government decisions cannot be questions because that would be construed anti-national. BCCI keeps sending a list of cricketers who should be offered Padma awards as they get 100s, take catches and sump balls, etc. India’s top political leaders ruling the country by and engaged corruption just obey the BCCI and its corporate sponsors.
When the Congress party decided to offer the nation’s highest honor Bharatratna for a batboy Sachin who got 100s through mutual understating between the cricket boards and mafia mediations, India only slapped on its face, on national prestige.
BCCI and corporate lords have already proposed a middle-level national award to Dhoni for his wicket catches. He is a very tactic businessman with a huge establishment that mint money and wants Bharatratna or nest level post so that he can, like Tendulkar, retire from the cricket field. Dhoni’s contribution to the fixed cricketism is fixing the score the team that bats first, that is, the team that bats first should be offered a minimum of runs say 260 in IDI, 140 in T20 and so on. And India is offered the chance to bat first. Dhoni comes 6th or 7th or 5th depending on the situation. If the main batboys collapse without enough runs in their packets, then Dhoni would be given a lot of runs so that the “minimum score” conditions fulfilled by the bowling team. Dhoni wants top national awards for his tactics. Not a fool. He knows how Indian government works.
Indian corporate government has already fixed Dhoni and Sachin, many others in a military establishment with heavy, serving post which a soldier gets only after many years of selfless most dangerous services and after huge sacrifices.
Apparently, Australians have come to India without any preparation or practices. Just they had taken the bats (balls would be provided by the umpires) and took the early fight to reach India. Each team exchanges the members of the team well in adamant so that the teams prepare well to face every player- batboy and bowler. But Australia did not do that and brought a weak team without any real bowlers. So much so, one gets the impression that only Indian batboys and bowlers are great and all others are fools and without even imaginations, including the supposedly top team like Australians.
It looks Australia has been told by India BCCI not to harm Indian interests and help India celebrate greatness at least in cricket. So, Australians, most of them are Indian property as they have been purchased for IPL in India, and they need Indian cash- both white and black.
Australia has been invited by BCCI to play a series of matches to promote the “award interests” of innocent looking but very cunning Indian cricketers. And the guests from Australia have done well so far. They don’t make any effort to win but happy to get only some 50s and 100s as service charges.
How can military establishment accept an entertainer as their leader?
It has become a habit for Indian government as well as state governments to offer big administrative posts meant for senior IAS and IPS officers – why?
Are the administrators and entertainers the same? If cricketers are made ministers that make some sense because most politicians and ministers perform like entertainers.
How can these entertainers who make 100s by cheap and unethical means be top police offers?
Observation: sports, cricket, entertainments are not serious domains that define the nationhood.
Of course, cricket not a real sport of substance but only an ugly entertainment with fixings for 100s and 50s, etc. States and governments promote this gambling as their duty as part of capitalism for money for the rich and corporate lords and cricketers.
Match-fixing, money laundering, black money generation play an important role in IPL type cricket. In cricket, the strong and rich countries that can offer big money and shall have upper hand and they are allowed by the weak and dependent nations to win matches and series. Very simple! This is right now happening between England and West Indies and also Australia and India, though Australia is not a beggar nation. West Indies deliberately loses to England even after taking the needy wickets. If batboys fall early, then quick runs are offered to tail-enders, bowlers. That is indeed the master-slave mentality.
Not just the cricket board BCCI and sports departments that strongly recommend for national awards of higher levels and big administrative posts for 50s/100s the batboys get by mutual fixing and with the help of fellow batboys, and mostly thanks to batboy friendly pitches. Politicians who rule the nation and states, teat fixings for 100s, the 50s and even goals as par with their method of horse-trading for MLAs and MPs, protect the interests of corporate lords and their recommendations for awards and cash.
As a practical nation, India believes only in joint cricket exercises mainly because that strategy helps the batboys get 100s from the opponent bowlers and these big runs are necessary for looting national awards, huge money bags and heavy military posts among other preventives, denying them to genuine social workers, public servants, writers, honest politician, committed top officers, senior military personnel, police officers, others.
Entertainers are accorded high seats in India by the rulers. Apparently, thus, Politicians and entertainers jointly loot the nation. Bribery is welcome too.
Cricketers admit that cricket cannot be played like any real sport for its unpredictability and hence fixing scores, 100s, 50s and 200s, etc. should be the order of this entertainment.
In India, everyone is pushed to play a sort of cricket and players are happy to give the 50s, 100s, etc. and get the same from the bowling players.
The game being played during the early days is continued forever with every little variation- official fixings and fixings through mafia gangs.
Indian rulers are funny corrupt people who promote corruption and match fixings for profits, they treat cricket as politics, but politics is not a serious thing for many.
Today, if anybody wants to get national awards they could take a stick and play cricket on roads and streets. They need not study and need not be intelligent, but they should know how to read the signals passed on to them from the galleries. The BCCI and mafias of corporate lords do the rest.
BCCI would like to get every national award from the Padma to Bharat Ratna to crickets for their 100s got by mutual understanding or mafia/cricket board fixings. BCCI is being financed and controlled by the corporate lords and MNCs who have a close nexus with the government-both federal and state ones.
Meanwhile, it is a national shame that Indian government and its regional varieties do not consider those who work tirelessly for the nation for prestigious national awards but pick only entertainers-drunkards, cum smokers who come to the field to make money.
Apparently, Indian regime wants the BCCI and all sports departments to fix the outcomes of games in India’s favor and, having succeeded in its mischief; it readily offers to the player’s national awards and high posts in government and military. Like Pakistan, India also believes it can hope for wins only in cricket as mutual fixings are rampant in this entertainment cum gambling.
India and its master England are now seen cooperating with each other with mutual counseling and playing joint mischief in cricket. Rains are brought in by remote means to disturb the match if India or English is in trouble and rains invariably are suited to help them win. Both invariably use satellites to generate rains if their opponent teams try to defeat them. Though they also know the “rain” gimmicks, the opponents meekly approve all that as being part of crickets.
And thus cricket fixings go on without any hindrance and also the looting of national awards by fakes. Indian regime may be proud of such operations to boost the image of players and prestige of the nation.
How to ensure standards?
A nation that respects genius persons would be respected by the world and by its people.
The government should promote genuine things and people who work for the development of nation for their social and societal or public work, but India promotes corrupt people, fake entertainers, cricketers who get runs by mutual fixings.
A nation that institutes national honors only to be given to favorites and billionaires with nexus with mafias is not a genuine one. A government that honors fakes as genuine and promote billionaires and entertainers as a routine matter is not a remissible one A government that encourages bribery to play a role in selecting people for national honors itself is fake.
Indian government should respect national awards by choosing only genius persons for them – and not gamblers, mutual fixers!
Of course, India like England is a key cricket nation that promotes cricket as an “important” entertainment deserving highest national honors.
Offering Bharatratna to a cricketer or an entertainer or a person who manages a few 100 runs in cricket makes a big mockery of the prestige of such national awards. It is time to cancel all such awards and give them only to the deserving persons who are in public service.
Highest national awards should be given to persons who have proven genuine records or made achievements in the highest order.
There is no need to promote those with lower awards with higher ones as a matter of seniority as this is done in job markets. Each year only deserving specialists need to be considered for such awards.
The government could offer money or jobs or promotions in jobs, etc. to their favorites but not waste the top national awards to people purely on recommendations from the government or agencies as a crude joke to national pride.
Indian regime thinks by honoring the fakes and extracurricular people trained by the government by spending huge resources in indoor and outdoor games, it, in fact, honors itself and India. The kind of bogus and fanatic feeling is unfair.
India must promote honest politicians and committed police and military personnel for Padma-Bharatratna awards. Giving them to drunkards and smokers, frauds, liars, etc. would undermine the importance of the awards.
Indian government while deciding the annual awards must go beyond accepting the recommendations of frauds for fakes. It needs to search for genuine persons and reliable records, and if it does not find any, it can wait for another year so that people become serious instead of offering the prestigious awards on fakes.
How can a government equate entertainment with administration by offering important administrative posts to sports people, cricketers, actors and the like? The prestigious Padma awards of all categories should be reserved only for serious people not for entertainers, actors, cricketers or sports people. A small post like Padmashri or an equivalent could be given to them only as their lifetime achievement and nothing more. All these extracurricular people should be offered awards meant exclusive for their profession, may be in plenty.
Notwithstanding the fact that genuineness and reliability of all scores and even wickets are in darkness, the regime, after helping the team win the matches even by generating rains by satellite means, also offers national awards and top administrative posts even in military and police, intelligence – is it not mischief on the nation?
There need to be a national awards review commission – a standing committee, to keep reviewing the status of the national awardees and look out for genuine persons for the prestigious awards. Putting together the recommendations of state governments and corporate agencies would not help to award genius persons. They find only entertainers and cricketers and other kinds of cash frauds.
The negative characters like chain smokers, drunkards, liars, criminals, cheats, etc. should be left alone. Don’t burden them with national awards!
National awards should be able to generate enthusiasm and guarantee for the hard working people to achieve them.