N.S. Venkataraman

After marching into the peaceful Tibet more than six decades back and occupying the country and suppressing freedom in Tibet and the world opinion against China’s aggressive move mostly remaining impotent, China now seems to have become over confident that it can view the world opinion with contempt and get away with its notorious behavior of bullying its neighbors. China appears to have concluded that no one would come to the aid of the victimized countries, so long as China would remain economically and militarily strong.

Aggressive claim on India’s province Arunachal Pradesh

After having annoyed Japan, Philippines, Vietnam and other neighboring countries with its aggressive expansionist policies and claiming their territory, however, unjustifiable it may be, China is now focusing its aggressive stance on India, claiming that Arunachal Pradesh in India belong to China.

Unjustified objection to the Dalai Lama’s visit

Every time a Tibetan leader would visit Arunachal Pradesh, China cries foul and denounce such visit with total arrogance. Now, such aggressive reaction from China has reached a new peak with China warning India not to allow the Dalai Lama to visit Arunachal Pradesh. Reflecting its typical unacceptable behavior, China has said that it is gravely concerned over information that India has granted permission to the Dalai Lama to visit Arunachal Pradesh. It has further warned India that invitation to the Dalai Lama to visit Arunachal Pradesh will cause “serious damage” to Sino-Indian ties.

Of course, Modi government in India would ignore the protest of China, knowing very well that China really can do nothing in the matter and can at best cause some skirmishes in the border.

China’s vulnerability on trade front

Though China has made spectacular progress in industrial and economic growth, the ground reality is that the health of the Chinese economy considerably depends on its trade relationship with other countries. Since the capacity creation in China for several industrial and other products are much more than what China can internally absorb, it has to export its products to a great measure necessarily.

China’s exports of various goods and commodities to India constitute a significant percentage of total Chinese exports. If India retaliated against China by imposing a trade embargo, it would inflict a deep wound on the Chinese economy, much more than such trade embargo would hurt India. In today’s conditions, China cannot afford it.

China should know or should be made to know that those living in glass house should not throw stones on others.

Need for neighboring countries to work out strategies

It is high time that several neighboring countries of China should discuss amongst themselves and develop strategies to face a threat posed by China to their stability, as China is now known as an aggressive state seeking to impose its will on neighbors with no consideration for normal values in international relations.

Several nations buckling under China’s pressure

In recent times, China has been able to get away with its threats. When US President Donald Trump assumed office and spoke to the Taiwanese President over the telephone, China became suspicious and protested, as if US President should get permission from China to talk to Taiwanese president. Unfortunately, it appears that President Trump has buckled under pressure from China and committed himself to what is called as one China policy.

Many nations including the rich USA and West European countries, who shout from the roof top about the commitment to the cause of liberty and freedom, have been maintaining thunderous silence as far as the issue of China’s aggression in Tibet is concerned to protect their trade and investment interests in China.

Tibet stands as a quick and visible example of China’s uncivilized expansionist policies. Peaceful Tibetans have been protesting around the world, seeking support from the world governments to get justice for Tibet and force China to quit Tibet. It is sad that the appeals of Tibetans are falling on deaf ears.

India will protect the interests of Tibetans

However, Tibetans living in Tibet and across the world should know that even if most world governments would ignore their plight and sufferings, India would always stand by them to the extent needed. With Mr. Modi in power as the Prime Minister of India, the Dalai Lama and hundreds of Tibetans living in India should feel reassured of their safety and respectability.

There is a strong public opinion in India for the freedom of Tibet and Indian people would stand by the cause of Tibet.


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