Indian Muslim Leaders Condemn UAE-Israel Deal as Betrayal


According to the Popular Front of India, Israel is a racist, apartheid state that has time and again shown its contempt for international laws, and has never respected the human rights of Palestinians

Mohd Aasif | Clarion India

NEW DELHI – Muslim leaders in India have condemned the latest ‘normalisation’ of ties between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Israel, calling the deal between the two countries a ‘stab in the back’ of Palestine’s struggle for Freedom.

Amnesty International, world’s largest human rights organisation, also expressed its apprehensions on the change in ‘legal obligations’ of Israel as the occupying power.

Lately, with the mediation of US President Donald Trump, UAE and Israel have come to a common understanding, though the deal has raised many eyebrows.


SQR Ilyas, National President of the Welfare Party of India, has criticised the move and tweeted, “The deal reached between Israel and UAE for full normalisation of relations brokered by the US President is a stab in the back of Palestine’s struggle for freedom. There can be no normalisation of ties with Israel while Palestinian people are still occupied”.

According to O M A Salam, Chairman of the Popular Front Of Indian (PFI), any friendly gesture with Israel without considering the collective sentiments of the Palestinian people is both “unethical” and equal to “betraying” the Palestinian struggle against Israeli occupation.

“Israel is a racist, apartheid state that has time and again shown its contempt for international laws. It has never respected the human rights of Palestinians”, reads a PFI statement, adding that on the one hand, Israel continued to keep the Palestinians under brutal siege in Gaza, and, on the other, it has occupied a vast Palestinian territory in West Bank displacing its original residents.

Keeping in view the violation of human rights in Palestine by occupational regime of Israel, the PFI chief appealed to the Muslim and Arab countries, as well other nations, to respect human rights, continue to show uncompromising support for the Palestinian cause, and demand Israel to respect the human rights and right to self-determination of the people of Palestine.

“Before establishing any official relationship with Israel, the Muslim countries should ask the Jewish state to give back all the territories it has illegally occupied to the Palestinians and allow the return of millions of Palestinian refugees who had fled from occupied territories”, he said in his statement.

The current deal between the two countries mocks the sufferings of ordinary Palestinians, said Salam. “Justice and peace loving people across the world feel betrayed by this new development, which serves only the Israeli and American interests”, he further added.



Amnesty International has also made it clear that the deal is not going to make Israel curtail its occupational policy. The official handle of Amnesty International tweets, “Make no mistake: As reported, the #UAEIsrael deal does not include Israel completely abandoning plans for further illegal annexation of the occupied West Bank, and comes while Israel continues to build illegal settlements and systematically abuse Palestinian human rights there.”


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