Indian band sings Pakistan’s national anthem to celebrate independence day

An Indian band is winning hearts in Pakistan with its video of Pakistan’s national anthem sung to celebrate the country’s 70th ‘birthday’.


14 Aug 2017 

India and Pakistan are celebrating their 70th independence days this year. While India celebrates Independence day on 15th August, Pakistan does this a day earlier. Both were one country-India until 1947 when the British partitioned India to create two separate countries. The two countries have shared a history marked by four wars and long-running animosity over Kashmir.

The last seventy years in the history of both the countries are marked by four wars between them and a long-running animosity over Kashmir.

However, the shared culture and mutual love between the people of the two countries have seen an enduring people-to-people relationship thrive over the years. A testimony to which is in an Indian band singing Pakistan’s national anthem- Pak Sarzamin to celebrate Pakistan’s  “birthday” on 14th August.

The video of the song begins with the message  “This is our way of wishing you, ‘Happy Birthday Pakistan’” and the band members are seen holding placards describing the national anthem of Pakistan as “a song about faith, pride and grandeur, of power, progress and perfection.”

The band Voxchord is winning hearts in Pakistan with the video of the song which is a Capella version of Pakistan’s national anthem.

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