Human rights Violations, bellicosity and conflicts in a war torn country; Afghanistan



by Dr. Sharafudin Azimi    11 April 2021

Afghanistan; a country that is prone to forty years-long war that takes away an averagely of tens of lives daily. The rise of psychological disorders has been one of the recently focused elements; a report shows that one in two Afghans go through stress situations due to war while thousands of others suffer diagnosable disorders such as Post-Trauma-Stress-Disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and bipolar disorders. An article published by Fast Company Journal in 2019 defines Afghanistan as the most depressed country in the world where one in every five Afghans suffer from depression which makes the percentage of 22.5% of the population.

Likewise, bellicosity, violence, and human rights violations have become more visible among the people who interact daily. Many Afghans behave violently while some others want human rights. No exact data exists on the causes of bellicosity in Afghanistan, and the health sector hasn’t conducted any researches about the causes of bellicosity in the country. A psychological and counseling centre named Azimi Psychology Centre (APC) conducted theoretical and practical research on the three aspects (Human Rights Violation, Bellicosity, and Conflicts). The conducted research analysis the aspects mentioned above and the current situation in Afghan society. The research variables have been directly linked to politics, criminal psychology, law & political science.

The logic behind including political science in the study influences two aspects, i.e., science and law. In political science, psychological causes have been recognised as the key components to clarify the reasons for disputes. The second aspect (Law) covers the rules of politics and policymakers.

On the other hand, most of the actions have been provoked by biological functioning. The decision of actions basically comes from vague biological and emotional stimulators caused by subconscious anxiety, fears, and hidden anger. Based on this, the aggressive attitude is a source of conflict and the resultant of human strife. Bellicosity is a psychological characteristic defined as a psychological talent that supports the expansion and use of military weapons to dominate other groups and communities.

The study questionnaires have been made online and shared with the people inside Afghanistan with numerous categories and different ages.

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The participants’ age ranges from 18 to 40, in which 18 – 25 makes the majority (54.5%). The rest of the participants (26-30, 31-40) make the percentage of 41.4% and 4.0%, respectively.

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During this particular study, gender has not been restricted. Females with 51 make most of the participants (51.5), which is followed by males with several 48 and a percentage of 48.5%.

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In addition to age and gender, there was no education limit for participants as 3 Doctors, 9 masters, 71 bachelors, 1 Collage Junior, and 16 Diploma holders participated in the study. Following that, 82.2 % of the participants were job holders while 17.8 were jobless.


The study’s main focus is on the analysis of the three prospective; bellicosity, violence, and human rights. According to the data collected, most participants agree upon “Conflict is the main aspect of human right” as they think that people usually fight for their rights. The participants define humans’ nature as peaceful; they believe that people are not in favour of violence unless there is something against their desire. Furthermore, most of the contestants consider the effects of current circumstances on people that may bring conflict as they believe that conflict is one way to evacuate the stress.

On the other hand, they disagree with “Conflict sickness is inherited” as they accept that biological nature does not share anything with someone’s violent behavior. Following that, the maximum number of the partakers approve that “personality type has a strong relationship with one’s violent behaviour” as they believe that gender inequality is a viola.

To sum up, most people are pugnacious, and they usually think of violence as one of the important elements of human life. In the end, it has been determined that the majority of people beseech or ask for human rights.


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