Election Rigging in Bangladesh – And International Communities´ Responsibility

(081229) — DHAKA, Dec. 29, 2008 (Xinhua) — Bangladeshi former prime minister and major political party Bangladesh Awami League chief Sheikh Hasina casts her ballot in Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh, on Dec. 29, 2008. Polling started at 8 a.m. peacefully across Bangladesh on Monday to elect the country’s 9th Parliament amidst toughest security. (Xinhua/Qamruzzaman) (lr)

Anisur Rahman* 10 October 2019

In the name of the general election (held in Dec 2018) a mockery has been staged in Bangladesh and it has been ignored by the international community in such an irresponsible way that it might one day prove a huge liability on its own shoulder.The inaction and indifference of the so-called international torchbearers of democratic values have frustrated the expectations of the overwhelming majority of this strategically important country of 170 million people. They have been robbed of their voting rights in that massively rigged election.. Through this farcical election, an illegitimate government once again installed itself to power. And it happened in front of open eyes of the international community.

Since 2014, Awami League chief Sheikh Hasina virtually established a de-facto one-party system in Bangladesh. The election that was held in January 5, 2014 was boycotted by the main opposition party named Bangladesh Nationalist Party or BNP. When it became clear that no opposition party was coming to participate in that election, Hasina with the help of India, the regional superpower, forced General Ershad, the ex-dictator and chairman of the Jatya Party to take part in that arranged election.  It became a shock for the entire nation when Ms. Sujata Singh, the then Indian foreign secretary flew from Delhi to Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh and threatened Gen Ershad not to disobey Sheikh Hasina. It is an open secret fact in Bangladesh that in 1981 Gen Ershad came to power with the blessings of India and its protege´in Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina. Both India and Hasina had enough arsenal to blackmail Ershad (Died recently). However, this time (2018) India need not go through the same shameless process. Delhi knew that BNP would take part in the election. They, together with their collaborators in Bangladesh created an illusion that BNP-led opposition would be given a relatively considerable representation in the parliament though neutral political observers believed that had the election been free and fair the opposition would have swept it and gained landslide victory.

When the country´s unique ”caretaker government system” was abolished with the help of the supreme court´s politically biased judges, the motive of rigging the election became crystal clear. There is a historical background of introducing the ” caretaker government” system in Bangladesh. Since independence, not a single incumbent government lost a general election when it was held under its management. Election commission could not function independently. In most cases, those who had unqualified allegiance to the govt party were made members and high officials of the commission. At one stage, all opposition parties launched a united movement to establish a non-partisan caretaker (short-term interim) government only for election period which will conduct the election It became people´s demand. Significantly, the Awami League, the present party in power led this movement. And finally, it was established in 1996. It brought about qualitative changes. Since then, 3 general were held under caretaker governments. And all these elections were held without any significant rigging. They were free and fair. Except for some mild protests from the losing parties, the general public was satisfied. Awami League which came to power in 2008 lost popularity within a short period of time due to its various misdeeds. People once again became fade-up with the incumbent party. Hasina government understood that if the election was held under a neutral and non-partisan caretaker government, they would be thrown out of power. The level of their misdeeds was so widespread that they feared peoples wrath will be terrible. Under these circumstances, Awami League made a U-turn. They took the initiative to repeal the caretaker government system which they themselves introduced with a violent movement in which several people lost their lives They used both the court and the parliament which were under their control. Everybody knows that judiciary in Bangladesh is controlled by the executive branch of the government. Judges of the High Court are appointed under political considerations without any public scrutiny. In the parliament, even some stalwarts of the treasury bench opposed the proposal during the initial stages. The parliament invited some highly placed intellectuals including members of the civil societies to reflect their opinions. And most of them opined in favour of retaining the non-partisan interim government during the election period. On the other hand, the highest court i. e. the appealett division of the High Court invited 8 renowned and respected lawyers of the country as amicus curiae to deliver their judgment on the matter. And except one, all of them pleaded to maintain the caretaker government system. But the judges of the High Court, most of whom are perceived as political appointees, delivered a divided verdict to repeal the system. However, the chief justice Khairul Haque in his initial judgment opined that this system could be maintained for another two terms. This highly controversial chief justice who got a huge amount of money for his treatment from the prime minister´s special fund, changed his mind long after the initial judgment. He wrote the full judgment after his retirement in which he deleted the provision of maintaining the caretaker government system for another two terms. MP´s belonging to Awami League who once led the violent movement for bringing about independent interim government for election period voted to repeal it.

Everybody understood that the ensuing election (2014) would not be fair.The party in power would install it to power through rigging. Hence BNP-led opposition called for boycotting it. However, it could only be held with the direct interference of India. It was boycotted by 90% of voters though govt showed that around 40% of votes were cast. When the main opposition party BNP tried to protest and undo the election through movements, govt depicted them as terrorist activities. No doubt, some violent incidents took place and some innocent people lost their lives. But in many cases, government party itself did those heinous activities and put blame on BNP. It was done with the ulterior motive of cracking down on the opposition all over the country. And they did it. The whole of Bangladesh came under government run terror. Hundreds of thousands of opposition activists were imprisoned and forced to go underground. The opposition activists were not allowed to stand on the streets. Forced disappearances by law enforcing agencies became a familiar tactic of the regime. Before and after the farcical election, Begam Khaleda Zia, the main opposition leader and three time´s prime minister of the country was put under house-arrest. The Gestapo-like forces and goons were deployed all over the country to crush any protests and uprisings. A reign of terror was established which continued for the next five years. They could not do it without the help and active support of India. During 2014-2019 tenure of its illegitimate power, Awami League fulfilled every and all wishes and demands made by India many of which were undue and discriminatory to Bangladesh. Most bilateral treaties, protocols, memorandums of understanding tilted heavily towards Indian interest. To avoid public criticism, many of the treaties were not made public. Awami League govt yielded to all unjust pressures of India with the sole intention of retaining the power.

Election of 2018: Vote on previous night : This time also (2018 election) Awami League could install itself into power through unbelievable scale of vote rigging in an unprecedented way with the behind-the-scenes support of India. Previously the majority of voters could not cast their votes. Instead, their votes were cast by miscreants of the govt party to their choices. This time ballot boxes were filled during previous midnight and early hours of the morning. In some areas around 60% votes were cast before actual voting started and all these votes went to the candidates belonging to the governing party. By this way, they could manage a landslide victory.

Indias role : To understand the situation one must analyze India´s activities and intention, both latent and expressed in the region. India´s role in the sub-continent can be compared with the ex-Soviet Unions role in the East-European countries. India has been practising the same role in South-East Asia. It has become a hegemonist regional superpower. They do not have good relations with any of its neighbouring countries.

The political history of the sub-continent and subsequent emergence of 3 countries here comprising Bangladesh, Pakistan and India are very complex. Bangladesh was once part of Pakistan and both these countries were once part of greater India. British India was divided into two states viz India and Pakistan in 1947. Many Indians could not accept this division. But if we look back to the history, we shall see that India covering the area of the present-day Bangladesh, Pakistan and India was never a unified state for a long continuous time until Great Britain colonized it. Before that, it was more like an empire for different intervalling periods. There were many states or independent areas ruled by their independent kings or monarchs. Delhi or so-called central power could conquer them for different short periods. During the Mughal period, this area had the same characters. Even in Europe, Africa and the Middle-East there were many such empires. The Roman empire, the Prussian empire, the Austro-Hungarian empire, the Ottoman empire, the Ethiopian empire all have fallen down and new kingdoms and states have emerged. They have accepted them. But in India, still now, there is an aspiration among some powerful quarters led mainly by the ”Hindutvabadi” people and organizations to re-establish the old Indian empire. Ironically leaders of these ”hindutvabadi” people made the creation of Pakistan i.e. ”vivisection of India into two states” inevitable. Had there been essential constitutional safeguards and guarantees for the Muslim minorities consisting of almost one-third of the population, there would be no demand for Pakistan.

No doubt, India played a vital role during the liberation struggle of Bangladesh for which Bangladesh could achieve independence within 9 months of the starting of the war in 1971. Without India´s direct help it would take much longer time. Bangladesh recognizes this fact and expresses its indebtedness to India. But this indebtedness should be reciprocal or mutual. India did not do it only for its good intention or high moral principle. Delhi always wanted to dismember Pakistan. With the breaking up of Pakistan which they supported politically, diplomatically and militarily Delhi achieved its physical and strategic target. So Bangladesh and India should be grateful to each other. Independence of Bangladesh from the colonial rule of Pakistan made the border of former East Pakistan secure for India. For this, India saves billions of dollars annually. Besides, India had huge commercial and economic interests. They wanted to capture the market of Bangladesh (former East Pakistan) which now consists of 170 million people. Bangladesh had no objection to having good trade relations with India. But the problem arose when India made Bangladesh almost an economic colony. Every year Bangladesh incurs huge trade deficit with India amounting to billions of dollars. India considers Bangladesh as a satellite state both politically and economically. To make it possible India needs a subservient government in Dhaka which will comply with all its due and undue demands. From the very beginning, Awami League government have been rendering this service to them very obediently under different unequal bilateral treaties. However, the Awami League government introduced a one-party system in Bangladesh under the name of BAKSAL in 1974. But the party and the government became so unpopular that within one year of its inception BAKSAL dictatorship was overthrown by a coup deta´t on 15th of August 1975. People welcomed it. Awami League-Baksalites elements tried to make a counter-coup but could not succeed due to lack of public support and strong army-resistance. The final blow was made on 7th of November1975 when soldiers’ revolt together with a mass upsurge brought General Ziaur Rahman to power.  General Zia remained in power till 1981. Though he came to power through army-led mass upsurge, he subsequently formed a political party (BNP) and became elected president of Bangladesh. Zia refused to blindly obey India´s wishes and dictation and adopted a bold independent foreign policy in the interest of the country. Delhi did not like the political change that took place in 75 and from the very beginning tried to topple Zia government and replace it with its former obedient ally. Zia got some respite when Congress government headed by Indira Gandhi lost power in Delhi and Morarji Desai became prime minister of India. But The Congress and Indira Gandhi regained power in the next general election and India once again adopted a hard line against BNP-led government of Bangladesh. It is alleged that it led to the assassination of President Ziaur Rahman. Mr. Subramaniam Swami, former head of the Indian Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies once hinted it publicly. Indias anti-BNP (Bangladesh Nationalist Party) stand continued since then. Delhi does not consider that BNP is fully obedient to them. They prefer the Awami League in this respect. India, like Awami League is very much aware that if a free and fair election is held in Bangladesh, BNP will get a landslide victory. That is why they did not allow fair elections in 2014 and 2018. Those so-called elections were arranged and massively rigged by the state and supported by the big neighbor India openly in 2014 and covertly in 2018. A reign of state-run terror on the opposition is prevailing in Bangladesh since then. Gestapo-like forces are there to crush and quell any probable opposition protests. But everybody knows that if all possibilities of peaceful change of power in constitutional ways become closed, some political activists will go underground and the risk of adopting unwanted and unconstitutional means rises. It is not desirable. There is rumors which were published in the media that if any such situation arises and Sheikh Hasina´s govt is about to be toppled and their safety is in danger, India has a contingency plan to rescue them This type of assurances have made the incumbent Awami League government more arrogant, wild and careless. One must be prepared for any eventualities. The untenable political developments may in worst case, lead to a civil war in Bangladesh. And India in worst scenario, might send troops inside Bangladesh in the name of protecting certain groups of people. Bangladesh can become another Irak or Rowanda. Though some international players will not be unhappy at such development, it must be avoided by all means. India has some bad pleas. It says BNP is an anti-Indian party. When comes to power it engages in activities detrimental to India’s interest. These allegations are absurd. BNP understands very well that Bangladesh can not fight with India. It will cause its own destructions. BNP does not want to harm India. It simply wants to protect its just and legitimate rights. New Delhi puts another accusation against BNP. They point out that in the past BNP governments gave refuge to secessionist elements of Asam. Mizoram and some other North-Eastern states of India. It is not impossible that some secessionist leaders and activists crossed into Bangladeshi territory when they were chased by Indian forces. It is very difficult to close the huge border when both of its adjacent parts are covered by dense forest. Rather it is India who has given refuge to Bangladeshi insurgents and secessionist elements in huge number to keep its pressure on Bangladesh. Hundreds of thousands of Chakmas were incited to flee to India when BNP was in power. Chakma insurgents were given armed training to operate subversive activities in the Hill Tracts of Bangladesh. Besides, secessionist leaders like Chittaranjan Sutar and Kashi Nath Boidyo have been carrying out anti-Bangladeshi activities since long with the active patronization of the Indian government. They are claiming almost one-third of Bangladesh to establish a separate state called Bongobhumi. When BNP comes to power their activities intensify noticeably.

Role of international community :To re-establish a true democracy in Bangladesh and to save the country from plunging into possible civil war, international engagement has become imperative. One thing must be made clear. It is not Indian people, rather hegemonist power circle of New Delhi who is to be blamed for supporting a regime in Dhaka who installed itself into power with unprecedented vote-rigging in the last two general elections. Indian public must be informed of the facts. People must understand that Delhi’s chauvinistic nationalism and evil design of dominance over its neighbours are not only immoral and unjust, but these are also at the same time detrimental to the interest of the whole region in the long run. It has been proved time and again everywhere. Civil societies of India can play a vital role in this regard. A people to people contact through civil societies and non-governmental forums of discussion for improving relations between the countries may be used as effective tools. However, one should not conclude that India is solely responsible for all of Bangladesh´s political problems It is the people and political leaders of Bangladesh who bears the ultimate responsibility. But at the same time, Indian leaders have to understand that they should not take advantage of the unhealthy political situations in Bangladesh for their unjust interest. India´s even handed treatment to all political parties of Bangladesh will bring about a qualitative change in the relations of these two countries. When people of Bangladesh will understand that India does not favour this or that party, then they, irrespective of their party affiliation will be equal friends of/to India. The anti-Indian sentiment which prevails among them due to India´s partisan treatment will disappear in a short period of time. India is by far the biggest country in the sub-continent. Therefore they have a bigger responsibility. If the leaders of these countries can co-operate with each other without narrow party-politics and selfish state-interests, this region with a population of more than one and a half billion people will achieve prosperity in all respects much faster. The benefits of a congenial atmosphere are immense.

International communities have a responsibility to avoid possible political catastrophe, particularly in this region of immense strategic importance. The USA, the leader of the so-called free world does not bother seriously about India´s unjust and selfish interference in the internal affairs of Bangladesh for which democracy has become a total farce here. Washington sides with India to check PR China both inside and beyond the region. Hence, they will not take a firm stand against India in this case. Human rights organizations like Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Transparency International are doing their best. But the problem is, these are merely observatory bodies who can only publish reports and recommendations. These watch-dogs have no biting strength unless big powers stand behind them firmly. Nevertheless, their observations and reports have some moral weights. The European Union (EU) can play a significant role. They are aware of the political and human rights situations of Bangladesh. They can exert their influence more forcefully. If  E.U and other bodies and states stick to the principle of democratic values and attach conditions when they deal with the non-democratic countries like Bangladesh they can bring about desired positive results.

Hundreds of thousands of opposition leaders, workers and activists are either in prisons or are on the run to avoid arrest and imprisonment. They can not live and sleep at their homes at nights. Even each of the top leaders of the opposition face dozens of fake and fictitious cases. They do not get justice in the courts as courts and judges are under government control. They can not function independently. Most of the judges are appointed on political consideration. All the law enforcing agencies have become tools of repression. There is no any space for free political expressions. Media is under strict government control. The country has virtually been depoliticized. If there is no way out, no breathing space, then unwanted and unconstitutional developments might take place. It is not good for Bangladesh, not for the region and neither for the international community. So the concerned bodies of the UN, the EU. etc should act immediately and effectively. They should exert pressure so that a free and fair election is held anew, political repression is stopped, all political detainees including 3 times´prime minister Begum Khaleda Zia who have been imprisoned on fictitious charges are freed, free political atmosphere is created, independence of judiciary is guaranteed and freedom of the media, both print and electronic, is ensured.

If the opposition does not get breathing space and they are continuously subjected to fascistic repression by organized state-sponsored goons, consequences can be very dangerous and unpredictable. It might lead to armed clashes between different groups of people. In that case, many will seek shelter in the EU and other western countries and even in India. It is the responsibility of the international community including the leadership of India, to put pressure on Bangladesh to re-establish true democracy in the country. To achieve this goal, a new general election under a neutral caretaker government should be held as early as possible.  Only a fool can think that the present regime will easily accept these very legitimate demands, particularly the demand for relinquishing power to a caretaker government during the election period. They will refer to UK, France or Germany where elections are held under incumbent governments. But in these countries elections are not rigged and manipulated To re-establish democracy in Bangladesh it has become imperative for the international community to exert maximum pressure on Dhaka in this regard. One thing must be said categorically. Bangladeshi people want strong, active and effective good offices of the international communities to re-establish true democracy in the country. There is a difference between exerting pressure and committing interference in the internal affairs of a country. We need pressure on the regime – not direct interference on the sovereignty of the country. If adequate pressure can be exerted the regime is bound to yield. That is what is needed now.

  • Anisur Rahman is a former Bangladeshi journalist now living in Stockholm. In Sweden he was the chief-editor of a bi-monthly news magazine for almost two decades. In Bangladesh he served as an assistant editor in a leading Bengali daily.


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