Defying pluralism, the one-India concept is strengthening a fascist rule permanently


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by Baby Shaw    12 June 2023

When a group of people tries to establish an autocracy, it carries a dangerous signal to the people living in that country. What is this signal? What should they be scared of? Unfortunately, this is the present time scenario of India where truth is being manufactured and unitarian philosophy is being practiced. The ruling party of India has had a close connection with religious fanaticism since Independence. Being partly a reason for riots in 92 and 2002, being the main instigator of the destruction of Ram Mandir, they hold religiously blind attitudes. Like the German nationalists during World War II, these Indians are Hindu nationalists who promote Brahmanism. It becomes evident when we find that the North Indian hatred among castes is garnered by the ruling party.

Moreover, the economic condition of India is declining. Continuous price rise of daily necessities, indiscriminate privatizations of educational, health, industrial, and banking sectors, increase in corporate capital, increase in Petrol and diesel, and increase in the price of crops— all these provide a dismal picture of the economy. Besides, unemployment, insecurity, state-sponsored oppressions and religious atmosphere— everything is a sign of fascism.  So, we have every reason to be scared of. Who knows, in 5 or 10 years, our constitutions will not be changed? The secular democratic country could become a Hindu Rastra, administered by an autocratic leader.

Besides these, a fascist rule always tries to change the course of history. They always try to campaign for an alternative history which they find comfortable for their own progress. Being aware of the vulnerable condition of the minds of people they are campaigning for a different truth, distorting the real history. They are making their own history, where they are focusing on fiction. They are trying to establish the religious epics written at a prehistoric time of India. Thus, there would be no connection between fiction and reality. With the progress of time, young people today will forget the real history and be bemused by manufactured history. Present rulers are nullifying the presence of periodic table, Mughal history, scientific progress, science of evolution etc. Just like the Talibans of central Asia and west Asia, they are even controlling the information and providing their own text! Hence, they are trying to make Indians blind and jingoistic by nature.

India, as a nation, always upholds the concept of unity in diversity. Pluralism is the crux of India. But the present ruling party is willing to create a Unitary India. Thus, pluralism, the very core values which India has been cherishing since ancient times, is attacked. The concept of one-India and one-nation is basically a project where India’s pluralistic cultures would be destroyed by some fascists. We have 22 languages as national language, but rulers of India are always trying hard to focus on the fact that Hindi is the one and only national language, which is not true at all. They are using the media and all cultural contexts to prove and establish this false premise. They are trying to invade the culture of entire India through specific fanatic religion and language. They are trying to harvest their ‘own’ culture in all the states of India so that no other voice might be a threat to their kingdom. When the ruler of a country thinks of destroying the culture and soul of a country, then nobody can save this country from the hands of the tyrants. These tyrants have not come from outside. These tyrants have arisen from within. This is the tragedy of India in recent times.

Politics always proves to be a fatal force against the countries of the Indian subcontinent. Following the steps the Indian government is taking, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal are also trying to follow their own fanatic ways. As a result, like the countries around the gulf, the Indian subcontinent is in the oven of fundamentalism. The largest democratic state of the world is at stake. It is clear in every step that present rulers are trying to champion both religious fascism and corporate capitalism in India. A fascist state always gives rise to an unequal society.  Looks like, India is going to be an economy where there will be only higher and higher-middle class in the society. A major portion of this country will die starving or killing each other for trivial things like religion, castes etc. Already, journalists and writers who showed their courage were killed brutally. We cannot forget Gouri Lankesh, Sujat Bukhari, Professor Kalburgi, etc. who were killed just because they raised their voice against injustice.

A democratic atmosphere is being brutally bulldozed here in India today. The preambles of constitutions have no such meaning now. Besides, history is being changed. Literature and Journalism are being manufactured in favor of the rulers. There is no free space for any individual today. We are scared. We are living in a terrorized country. Perhaps this is the way the world ends, not with a bang, but a whimper.




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