Buttressing Muslim Brotherhood:  OIC-Kashmir-India Triangle




by Muhammad Ahmad Khan      24 March 2023

Will Durant has orated the importance of rivalry and inequality internationally, but the societies living together, no matter who discordant they are internally one group against the other flourishing group aside. The rise of nationalism among Muslims is the progeny of twentieth century in the first world war when the ottoman Empire was disintegrated. Consequentially the Muslims of the world were united and wanted to establish a common organization which could politically represent them. The Arab-Israel war put fuel on the fire. Muslims were oppressed and the creation of Israel on Palestinians land is just an example.

In 1969, Organization of Islamic Cooperation was formed with 57 members. Most of the countries are Muslim majority countries with some observer states like Russia. The objective of the OIC was to represent the Muslim countries politically at international forums. And to counter the crisis the Muslims anywhere in the world are facing. But it proved sterile when in Pakistan-India war in 1971, Gulf crisis, Iraq War, Arab Israel War and Kargil war. Though it prompted strong narrative against India on Kashmir issue but that’s not productive when the issue is not resolved.

There are two categories in the Arab world when it comes to the foreign policy analyses. The traditionalists and the progressive. Former believes to support Pakistan whoever the enemy is because it goes against Islam. On the other side the Traditionalists believes that there should be peaceful truce between both countries. It has remained a dilemma for the Muslim countries to shape their foreign policies during Pakistan-India wars. But, in all these wars, the Muslim world had a very specific role in supporting Pakistan. As explained above, in such dilemmas the Muslim countries were divided as traditionalists and progressives. The progressive states included Syria, Algeria and Egypt. One of the main reasons of the non-involvement of these countries was the ongoing Arab-Israel war. India was a major partner of these states against imperialism. So, all these states wanted the international bodies to intervene and resolve the regional issue.

On the other side the Traditionalists included the Saudi Arabia, Libya, Iran, Turkey, and Kuwait. These states took Indian aggression against Pakistan as against Islam. For them it was not the war between two regional rivals but between a Muslim and a non-Muslim state. Muslim countries have supported Pakistan’s stance on Kashmir. Every time when Pakistan needed the Arab states and other Muslim countries stood with Pakistan. Kashmir issue is somehow related to the Palestine-Israel issue. Because in both cases the non-Muslim party has annexed a Muslim land. On such bases, the Muslim countries have supported Pakistan’s stance. And for that purpose, different Muslim organizations are also working. Recently OIC and Turkey supported Kashmir issue at UNHRC that turned Indian government red faced. Indian media has also gone berserk lashing out a list of allegations and insinuation on Turkey. India brought in the matter of material support to the earthquake-hit country referring to Operation Dost, the statement busted the hidden motives, “There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch”. The Indian government is facing pressure from inner circles and questions are being raised now on whether India had been naive to rush in with Operation Dost, indicating a self-centered mindset.  India, when it comes to its foreign policy lecture the western world to stop dictating their terms as India is free to pursue its foreign policy initiatives as per its own choice.

The recent statement of OIC has also exposed Indian farce claims of isolating Pakistan in international diplomatic circles. India is not ready to respect the principled stance of nations which staunchly believe in UN Human Rights charter. India squarely blamed Turkey that, “at the behest of Pakistan Turkish government led by PM Urdua has raked up the Kashmir issue of the UN and Turkey has backstabbed India. Ironically India went to the lowest ebb of democratic norms by saying, despite Indian cautioning, thugs in the Turkish ship-making industry and its shipyards are supporting Pakistan terrorist activities like smuggling contraband through Indian ports. The Indian irresponsible and un-democratic behavior is an eye-opener for the Muslim world/ OIC and international stakeholders. HRW in its recent report said “quiet diplomacy” approach favoured by the West had failed to have any visible impact on India urging Australian PM, to raise human rights during his visit to India.



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