Bangladesh: A plainclothes killer police hunting for opposition activists




by M. Quaid Uddin     10 December 2022

Who was this Argentine(?) world cup football team supporter in action with Bangladesh Police force in Nayapolton, Dhaka shooting at unarmed BNP demonstrators in front of their political party office?

This guy, not wearing police uniform, seemingly, was not a police personnel. A well documented and widely known fact in Bangladesh is that the government itself had infiltrate it’s own “criminal killer party cadres” within Bangladesh law enforcement bodies and thus using them to repress and terrorise political opponents for more than a decade in Bangladesh.

This person in picture was shooting with an American made sophisticated M-16 assault rifle which was assumed to be delivered (either sold or gifted) by US authority to enhance the capability of Bangladesh Security forces for fighting against terrorists and criminals in the country. According to arms deals with likeminded foreign countries, the United States authority would never provide such lethal weapons to Bangladesh authority for using these against country’s population for prolonging its “people’s mandate-less” repressive control over the population and for fulfilling its undemocratic and illegal activities on while nation. The regime continues its fascist rule by abusing citizens and by repressing and killing the democratic “right aspiring” political opponents in such fascist manner since long.

It clearly goes against US  desire of spreading democratic values around the world. Nevertheless, US supplies such arms and ammunitions along with required trainings to likeminded friendly countries with the expenses of US tax payer’s money. The expectation is to help countries to maintain safe and secured environment that is prerequisite for any social development. Therefore, in case of any such presumed gross abuse, the US authority has rights and responsibilities to make sure the transparency and accountability of the use of its own taxpayer’s money in foreign countries and needs to investigate, if such heinous crime was committed by Bangladesh regime with their supplied weapons. Shooting and killing unarmed demonstrators for terrorizing political opponents with US supplied weapons would definitely involve US with Bangladesh fascist regime in their illegal actions and US could not avoid the responsibility of regime’s such stand against the people of Bangladesh.


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