After 70 Years Of Division India & Pakistan Has This One Thing In Common


After 70 years of division and Independence, there is one thing that is strikingly common to both India and Pakistan. Both the countries are implementing massive bio-metric surveillance projects implemented by their former masters known as Aadhaar in India and Nadra in Pakistan.

After 70 years of division and Independence, there is one thing that is strikingly common to both India and Pakistan. Both the countries are implementing massive bio-metric surveillance projects implemented by their former masters known as Aadhaar in India and Nadra in Pakistan.

Is it just a coincidence that Tariq Malik of NADRA and Nandan Nilekani received awards at Milan ID World Congress for their similar work?

Is it not true that India’s Aadhaar program – the world’s largest biometric database – is a mirror copy of Pakistan’s Nadra? Why did Nilekani simply followed the footpr​​ints of Malik in creating/enforcing this biometric ID in India?

“Electronics has become a fundamental political problem” said Dr Ernesto “Che” Guevara in 1962.

The Election Commission of India (ECI) has exposed the reluctance of Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) to share its correspondence including the letter of resignation of Nandan Nilekani from the post of Chairman of Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) under the Planning Commission. Nilekani is reported to have submitted his resignation to the Prime Minister on 13 March 2014. What is in this letter that the PMO doesn’t want its citizens to know?

It may recalled even before Aadhaar was launched in India, the World Bank had launched its eTransform Initiative by signing a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with France and South Korea besides transnational companies like L-1 Identity Solutions, IBM, Gemalto, Pfizer and others. Is it not true that these same companies were later given contracts for implementation of Aadhaar and Nadra?

It was launched in the presence of Ministers of Finance and Communications from many developing countries. The World Bank is currently funding 14 projects related to e-government and e-ID around the world. These project are unfolding under the influence of international finance and not because there is a domestic need for it.

On this 70th Independence Day we urge all our readers and every concerned citizen of the Republic of India to ponder over these few questions:-

Is it a coincident that the task of Tariq Malik of NADRA, Pakistan and those of Nandan Nilekani, C Chandramouli and VS Sampath appear similar?

Is there a design behind persuading and compelling developing countries to biometrically profile their citizens?

Is it too early to infer that international bankers, UN agencies and western military alliances wish to create profiles in their biometric and electronic database for coercive use of social control measures?

Is it not true that uninformed citizens, parliamentarians and gullible government agencies are too eager to be profiled and tracked through an online database?

Would our freedom fighters have approved of such mass surveillance by any national or transnational agency? Were not our freedom fighters themselves under surveillance using these same techniques? Is it not true that the flawed fundamental basis for Aadhaar & Nadra was invented by British Intelligence in India to track our freedom fighters? Do we not know our own history?

In the US, the budget for intelligence gathering in 2013 was $52.6 billion. Out of which $10.8 billion went to the National Security Agency (NSA). It is about $167 per person. Do Indians know the budget allocation for their intelligence? Why have they been kept in dark about it? Aren’t allocations for UIDAI, NPR and National Intelligence Grid (NATGRID) part of it?

Is it not clear that UN agencies, World Bank Group, transnational intelligence companies and military alliances are working in tandem to create the bio-electronic database of Indians as per their pre-determined design?

Is this design structured to safeguard the interest of present and future generations of Indians?

Next articleIndia’s Naval Development: Implications for Region
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