Afghanistan: The USA withdraws and the war continues


US troops are finally withdrawing from Afghanistan - Vox

by Dr Firoz Mahboob Kamal    10 July 2021

The never-ending war

The USA has declared that it will withdraw all of its troops from Afghanistan by 31 August 2021. Does it mean that the USA’s war has ended? The answer is no. It is a stern reality that if anyone stands for Islam, he instantly faces an imposed war. If a true Muslim stands alone on a mountain, Satan still has a plan against him. As long as Taliban people stand for Islam that entails Islamic state, sharia, hudud, shura, jihad and trans-ethnic brotherhood, they will never have a war-free day. Their enemies will never end their hostility. Even the prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) –the most peaceful man on the earth in the whole of human history was not given a chance to carry out his mission peacefully. War after the war was imposed on him. Pakistan had only two wars in its more than 73 years of existence, but Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had more than 20 wars in his 10 years of rule.

Instead of ending the war, the enemies change their strategy, war fronts and weapons. This is exactly true for the USA. Therefore, those who think that the war in Afghanistan has ended with the US withdrawal and a new era of peace will overwhelm them are living in fools’ paradise. There are millions of people inside and outside Afghanistan who vehemently oppose Islam’s victory in that strategic country. The neighbouring states of Afghanistan like Pakistan, Iran, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and China will never like the full Islamisation of Afghanistan. All these states are under the occupation of radical secularists. Full Islamisation of Afghanistan will help it emerge as the Islamic civilisation state and will initiate a tide of Islamisation in the whole area. Hence there prevails a consensus among the rulers of the neighbouring countries to restrict the Islamisation of Afghanistan at any cost. And the USA-led coalition will be an ever-ready partner in that combined effort.

However, there is good news for the Islamists. The USA has ceased to win any war since its humiliating defeat in Vietnam in the seventies. Former US President Barak Obama once boastfully proclaimed that the American soldiers are invincible. The ragtag Afghan mujahids have solidly proven how futile was that claim. They can only occupy a land, flatten its hills, kill its people, destroy its cities, and torture its men and women, but can’t win a war. Moreover, a country can be occupied and its soldiers can be killed, but bombs, drones and missiles can’t kill an ideology. So, Islam proves to invincible and not the USA.

The USA did its war in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. All these wars are indeed parts of the same war and had the same objective. It is to kill and terrorise Muslims, destroy Muslim cities and dismantle the backbone of the Muslim states. To create a climate of awe and terror in the Muslim World, the historic cities like Mosul, Ramadi, Falluja, Raqqa, Kobani, Aleppo, Dera’jur and many others are razed to the ground. Georg W. Bush declared his war as a crusade. And crusade has a special historical and ideological connotation. It is a Christians’ religious war against Islam and the Muslims. They used the war in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria genocidal to take revenge for the 9/11 deaths of 2996 people. In revenge, they killed more than a million and maimed many more. On 9/11, only 2 buildings were destroyed, but the US Army destroyed hundreds of thousands.

The western media do not publish the crimes of the USA and NATO Armies committed in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. But they portray Taleban and other Islamists as the worst savage people on earth. If the US Army destroy a whole village or a market doesn’t become a headline. But if Islamists kill any enemy man becomes big news. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, they discovered Islam and Islamists as the new enemy of the west. So the western media are constantly demonising the Islamists. They show no love for democracy. Hence the military coup against President Dr Mohammad Morsi of Egypt gets applauded in the west. The same media showed displeasure for a failed coup against President Erdogan of Turkey. They portray Mr Erdogan as an autocrat. But their love for killer autocrats like the king of Saudi Arabia and General Abdel Fatah al-Sisi knows no bound.


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