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Founded in 2011, South Asia Journal (SAJ) is a policy magazine focused on issues relating to South Asia. Bearing no political affiliation, the journal’s goal is to provide discerning, critical perspectives on the South Asian sub-continent and its evolving relationship to the broader world. SAJ aims to highlight emerging regional trends, especially issues which call for more emphasis among decision makers and policy framers.

For SAJ’s policy areas please refer to Strategic Theme of SAJ.

Note to Authors

Writers interested in submitting to SAJ should note that we accept a variety of genres and stylistic approaches numerated under the policy areas of SAJ’s coverage. SAJ is a quarterly publication.SA flags

In addition to articles for publishing; SAJ encourages several other forms of contributions; based of the nature of the contribution. These may include the following: SAJ Blog (for personal reflections and current events), e-SAJ (for Web-only features) and Book Reviews.

Details of all submissions related information can be found in SAJ Submission Guidelines.

SAJ seeks contributions which are research oriented. Also: SAJ assumes any piece submitted to us is being offered exclusively, and hasn’t been published in a previous format. If that’s not the case, kindly let us know so we can give appropriate credits.

Using this Site

SAJ Print publication content may be found under each issue in the Issues tab.

The Blog posts of SAJ Contributors can be found in SAJ Blog.

The web-only publications of SAJ Contributors and SAJ Board Members can be found in e-SAJ Features.

An extensive hub of links to policy articles published on South Asian affairs by other entities can be found in ReLinks.

If you have any suggestions, comments or feedback, please email us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.