A phenomenon called Narendra Modi!

Credit: Daily Times

by Sudhansu Tripathi 26 September 2019

In fact the whole world, except Pakistan and China, looks at India’s PM Narendra Modi with deep respect, charisma or even surprise. This is so particularly because his continuous rising profile has mesmerized the entire global community. This is proved again on 22 September, 2019 in Houston in “Howdy, Modi” event where he received rousing welcome. In fact, he has already been honoured with national rewards in the recent past by many countries like Russia, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain etc..  

Despite having a very humble origin, he has undoubtedly emerged as a prominent global leader matching with all global leaders with his self-confidence, vision and statesmanship. He has, indeed, restored India’s real strength which bespeaks his personal honesty and caliber, deriving sustenance from the country’s ancient moral-cultural roots and so-evolved rich traditional heritage. Once again, he has reminded the international community about India’s ancient distinctness due to its unique religious-philosophical orientations and commitments so as to accomplish those ancient eternal moral values, inherent in each Indian.

Indeed, there were few other most popular leaders in India, like Late Jawahar Lal Nehru, Sri Lal Bahadur Shastri and also Smt. Indira Gandhi who were also blessed with the above-mentioned marked features. And they too carried India forward to achieve new heights and marked progress in different fields of development with their visions and missions throughout their temporal existence. Whereas Late Nehru and Smt. Indira Gandhi – being a father and daughter – were having their affluent and influential past since birth as they enjoyed considerable clout with western orientations due to their education and exposure in Cambridge and Oxford Universities and active participation in the national freedom struggle, both PM Modi and Late Shastri have had their most ordinary background.

But Late Shastri and the present PM Modi – having many things in common in their personal life, stand deeply ingrained into the country’s rich cultural ethos characterized by ethical and metaphysical outlook towards outside world. This is why the way Late Shastri always stood for sake of quest for truth and honest effort and that turned his otherwise powerful and luxurious life into a saintly life of simplicity and detachment, PM Modi also practices the same. As Late Shastri always exercised power only for welfare of suffering & deprived humanity, PM Modi has also been doing in the interest of common masses. Though PM Modi has his wife, mother, brother and family, but surpassing Late Shastriji, he has almost renounced his family, just for concentrating his focus only on national reconstruction and revival of its ancient glory. Working throughout week and round the year since he assumed power in 2014, and returned again in 2019 with massive mandate, he works ceaselessly and sleeps just for four hours in the night.

Thus PM Modi emerges out almost as Plato’s Philosopher King, described in his classical work Republic. Such rare detachment, despite being closely associated with power, is a rare quality in PM Modi which is exactly akin to the teachings of Srimad Bhagwat Geeta wherein Lord Krishna teaches the confused Arjun about his duty of detached action or nishkama karma yog, without remaining attached to the desired result: Karmanye vadhikaraste maa phaleshu kada cha na. This is possible as nothing is beyond human endeavour.


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