A Fresh Agreement on Peace and Security in India Is Urgently Needed


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Reciting the Agreements on Peace, Brotherhood, and Justice and Putting Them into Practice Is Urgently Required

Main Points

  1. Collaborating on a national level involving all Indian citizens to spread peace and brotherhood and improve the standard of the progress of the nation is required.
  2. All people of this country must repeat their vow to abstain from acts and words that promote animosity among the religions of India.
  3. They must respond to hatred with love.
  4. They must once more concur that they will now bring about peace, security, and justice in the nation.
  5. We can only claim to sincerely love our country if we show respect and concern for its people; otherwise, we cannot make that claim.


By Kaniz Fatma, New Age Islam

Translated from Urdu by Ghulam Ghaus Siddiqi, New Age Islam

30 September 2022

The term “consensus” is used when a sizable number of people make an agreement on a stance. Consensus may be reached on any issue. For instance, it would be seen as a consensus if all Indians vowed never to encourage hostility among one another. Then, with pride, we would announce to the world that we Indian citizens had reached an agreement to uphold justice, brotherhood, and peace. In our country, several castes, traditions, creeds, and faiths are practised. Nevertheless, despite the disparities, a consensus on the establishment of peace and tranquilly can be reached. This is the kind of agreement I’ll talk about in this essay and why it’s important.

Everyone who is conscious understands that teamwork raises the standard of any task. Mutual understanding is amazing and extremely strong. No system in the world can function without consensus. Conflict breeds weakness.  The upshot is that the country where there is no agreement is exceedingly fragile. Its flaw can be exploited by anyone. I mean to say that there must be teamwork on a national level involving all Indian citizens to spread peace and brotherhood and improve the standard of the progress of the nation. If they don’t waste their time fighting over their respective beliefs and traditions, they will benefit the nation and make it stronger.

Consider the following example to better comprehend the benefits of consensus. A drop of water has no status in your eyes. But when multiple drops of water combine, a river is created. The more droplets, the stronger the river becomes. The river then develops a force that renders large, strong boats helpless in its face. As the river’s level rises, so does its force.

Take another example. It is impossible to tether animals with just one strand of coconut bark. However, even a giant animal can be restrained using a rope made from a number of barks.

You may have heard the saying many times before: “Separate pieces of wood are easily broken, but when connected together, they are very tough to break.”

An ant is a very weak animal. But as you are well aware, once an ant begins something, it will always finish it. An ant cannot perform a task by itself; it needs partners’ collaboration and agreement in order to accomplish the job. When ants work together, they can defeat and even kill large, lethal snakes.

Many people working together can accomplish what one man cannot do alone. It is extremely simple to comprehend that the nation in which there is no agreement is a weak and crippled nation after bearing in mind the aforementioned examples. If its citizens actively foster animosity among one another and make it their goal to stoke the embers of conflict, their nation will never advance and prosper.

Intellectuals are becoming more interested in a wide range of pointless topics as a result of the current wave of instability and intolerance in our nation. The academics’ despondency at the state of affairs obscures the nation’s successful goals.

It is crucial to comprehend the role that consensus plays in establishing peace and security. The quantity of colours in a flower increases its beauty. Similar to this, many other religions are practised in our country. Our country is more beautiful because of the diversity of its religious groups, including Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists, Janis, and others.

However, during the past few years, there have been attempts to tarnish this lovely colour of our nation. Particularly, there are initiatives to stir up religious animosity. Justice and equality are being choked somewhere by religious bigotry. There is bloodshed somewhere, and there is a thriving marketplace for hatred. Religious intolerance is spreading from social media to public spaces.

Where is our country going? The Supreme Court questioned recently. Every person who values the nation asks the same question, and while there is a profound quiet in response, everyone knows the answer deep down. The media has also avoided its responsibilities. The media has chosen to follow a different path for itself rather than exploring ways to address the problems and challenges that the country’s population are currently experiencing. Who hasn’t heard of antagonistic statements, stirring conversations, propaganda-based media reporting, creating an environment against a certain minority, discrediting it, influencing people’s opinions against it, and provoking them?

But would you kindly think about whether these trends will be better or worse for our country? There is nothing to be gained, but it will be a loss for our dear country since an atmosphere of hatred closes all barriers to advancement and makes the country highly vulnerable.

We need broad consensus across our country on this issue. The difficulty is what exactly should be agreed upon. So pay close attention because the answer is very simple. All people of this country must repeat their vow to abstain from acts and words that promote animosity between religions. Every person must make a commitment to himself to rid himself of hatred and foster an environment of kindness toward others. In addition, they must respond to hate with love. They must once more concur that they will now bring about peace, security, and justice in the nation. It must be more than just a promise; it must also be supported by actions. We can only claim to sincerely love our country if we show respect and concern for its people; otherwise, we cannot make that claim.

In the same way that a hadith states that the lover of Imaan is someone who adores believers, neighbours and others, I too feel that the lover of a nation is someone who adores its citizens.


Urdu Article:   A Fresh Agreement on Peace and Security in India Is Urgently Needed وطن عزیز ہندوستان اور امن و سلامتی پر از سر نو اتفاق وقت کی ضروت

URL:     https://newageislam.com/spiritual-meditations/agreement-peace-india-/d/128065


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