A Brief Outline of Indian Hegemony in Bangladesh


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By Zoglul Husain       15 February 2024

Many books and articles have been written with piecemeal pictures of the loot and plunder of Bangladesh by India. But there are also a few excellent works available on Indian hegemony in Bangladesh and South Asia. One is: The India Doctrine (1947-2007): A Contemporary Study on Indian Hegemony and Geo-Strategic Perspectives on South Asia (2012), edited by Barrister M.B.I. Munshi.1 Originally published in 2007, the book is an anthology of research articles by a number of contributors. It was reviewed by me in one online and one daily newspapers in Bangladesh. 2 Another two books in this context are on extensive Indian intelligence activities as conducted by the Indian RAW (Research and Analysis Wing). One of these is RAW: An Instrument of Indian Hegemony: India’s Intelligence Operations Unveiled (2012) by Isha Khan, and the other is RAW and BANGLADESH (1995) by Zainal Abedin.3   Other recent worth-mentioning works in this respect are Q M Jalal Khan’s Bangladesh Divided: Reflections on a Corrupt Police and Prison State (Chapter 10: “Unwanted Indian interference in the politics, economy, and culture of Bangladesh,” pp. 187-216) and Bangladesh: Political and Literary Reflections on a Divided Country (Chapters 11 and 12, “Bangladeshi Nationalism: A Cause and Concept Right and Just” and “Secularism in Bangladesh: Questions of Politico-Cultural and Religious Conflict,” pp. 367-444). A reading of the above books and other relevant materials, along with my own observations, has prompted me to present a brief outline of Indian hegemony in Bangladesh and the region as follows.

Indian Hegemony in South Asia:

India is a regional hegemonic country in South Asia. Regional hegemony is generally defined as the hegemony–political, economic and military dominance or control–of one state over other neighbouring countries. The governments of India, since the independence of the country in 1947, have been hegemonic. The present Indian government, since 2014, treats the whole of South Asia as United India, or “Akhand Bharat” (undivided India) as they call it. They want to create an “Akhand Bharat” (undivided India) under the rule of BJP-RSS, both fascist Hindu extremist organisations, which openly support Hitler. BJP-RSS instigated thousands of communal riots, in which hundreds of thousands of non-Hindus were killed in India.

The Hindu, a leading newspaper in India, reported on 25 July 2014, “The State government (of Gujarat) has issued a circular dated June 30 for six of Dr. Dinanath Batra’s books to [be used/adopted by] all 42,000 primary and secondary schools in the State of Gujarat”. In one of these books, Tejomay Bharat (Shining India), Dr. Batra claims “Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and Myanmar as part of undivided India or “Akhand Bharat”.” Soon after the independence of India in 1947, India occupied Jammu and Kashmir, Hyderabad, Junagadh, Goa, Daman and Diu. It annexed Sikkim in 1975. In the case of Bangladesh, we want a win-win relation with India, but India is hell bent on annexing, occupying, subjugating, and plundering Bangladesh.

India needs to alleviate its own appalling national and socio-economic problems. Within itself, India has independence wars going on in Indian occupied Kashmir (IoK), Seven Sisters States, Khalistan movement in the Punjab, the Red Corridor (Maoist armed struggles in 40% land area of India), etc., and there are regional and national conflicts between about 20-30 nations within the multi-national India. Socio-economically, India is beset with age-old problems of deep-seated stratification and, since colonisation by the British, abject poverty. The Dalit system in India is a slavery. India has classified the deprived sections as (1) Scheduled Castes (SC), (2) Scheduled Tribes (ST) and (3) Other Backward Classes (OBC). They are Dalits and semi-Dalits, who bear the brunt of age-old slavery system. They constitute about 75% of the population. Hence 75% of Indian population are under a slavery system. The remaining 25% are under a 4-tier apartheid system of 4 castes: Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras.

India, thus, needs to alleviate its own poverty and mitigate other problems internally, with good win-win relations with other countries. But both internally and externally India has been pursuing the wrong policies. This article, however, will focus on its hegemonic policies on Bangladesh, another poor country with deep-seated problems, where the fascist Hasina regime has been installed by India since 2009 through their conspiracy of 1/11 2007, supported by the US and its allies.

Independence movement of Bangladesh and Indian hegemonic conspiracies:

Indian hegemonism in Bangladesh started with our movement for independence of Bangladesh. Just as Pakistan was created from British India because of communal disparity, Bangladesh was created from Pakistan because of regional disparity. But as we started our movement for independence of Bangladesh, the Indian hegemonists started their manoeuvres to divide Pakistan and subjugate Bangladesh politically, economically, socially, and culturally with the objectives of plundering Bangladesh and using its territory and its access to the Bay of Bengal for their geo-strategic purposes. How India was involved in creating Bangladesh by dividing Pakistan can be seen in a book by Dr. Kalidas Baidya, a Bangladeshi physician and a contact of Indian intelligence, RAW. The book, written in Bangla, titled Ontoraler Sheikh Mujib/Hidden Sheikh Mujib (Kolkata, 2005), was critically discussed by Mustafa Anwar Khan in his article, Bangalir Muktijuddhey: Ontoraler Sheikh Mujib /বাঙালির মুক্তিযুদ্ধেঃ অন্তরালের শেখ মুজিব 5

Thus, while we, the patriots of Bangladesh, had the objective of independence in mind, India was involved in our independence struggle with a different motive. In a victory day message to my friends in the social media, two years ago, I wrote the following:

The Pledge of Victory Day: We will establish Freedom and Democracy: In observance of Victory Day, 16 December 1971, we first of all remember all the martyrs of the independence war. In the fateful night of Pakistani military crackdown on Bangladesh, 25 March 1971, when the political leaders were fleeing, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman spurned the request of Tajuddin Ahmad and other Awami League leaders to declare independence, and he entered agreement with Yahya Khan to surrender to the army, with arrangements that his, and his family’s, safety would be assured. While the military operations would be going on, his family would be paid a monthly allowance of Rupees 1,500 (about 5 hundred thousand Taka of today). When the firestorm of barbaric genocide of the unarmed people began at full blaze, when the people were bewildered in the absence of any political leadership in the darkness of the insufferable catastrophe, there came the firm and powerful voice of Ziaur Rahman declaring the independence of Bangladesh. It electrified the people and, like in a flash of lightning, the people saw the way forward, and Zia organised the noble freedom war. We remember today that valiant vanguard of independence, Zia. We remember today Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani, the visionary of independence, who in 1957 said to the Pakistani rulers that unless the disparity between the two wings of Pakistan—East and West–was mitigated, they would have no other option left except to say “As-salamo Alaikum” to bid farewell. We remember today all heroic freedom fighters and the patriotic people for their glorious role in the freedom struggle.

There were, in the main, three political force ensembles that were involved in our freedom struggle: (1) Pakistan-America, who wanted to quell the rebellion in Bangladesh; (2) India-Soviet Russia, who wanted to divide Pakistan and turn Bangladesh into a subservient state under India-Soviet Russia; and (3) the overwhelming majority of the people and the patriotic army, who wanted to be fully independent and sovereign without bowing to any of the above two forces. They wanted to maintain win-win relations with all countries. All patriots of Bangladesh, civilian and military, belong to this third force ensemble. Today, being in the clutches of the misrule, oppression, repression and plunder of the fascist BAKSAL rule, mentored by Indian hegemonists, our freedom and democracy have become imperilled and the citizens’ lives have become unbearable. Hence, it is our pledge today: we will certainly free the country, the nation and the people from this misrule. We will certainly establish freedom, democracy, justice, human rights and harmonious development.

Indian conspiracy to occupy Bangladesh in 1971:

India conspired to occupy Bangladesh in 1971. They imposed a 7-point agreement on the Mujib Nagar government. Dr. Kalidas Baidya described the agreement as follows:

1. Only the freedom fighters, recognised by India, will run the administration of Bangladesh. Others will be removed from jobs and work places.

2. Indian and Bangladesh armies will become a joint force. Its chief will be the chief of the Indian Army.

3. Bangladesh will not have any army of its own.

4. Instead of army, Bangladesh will have a paramilitary force, which will look after internal law and order.

5. There will be an open market between the two countries.

6. Indian government will stay in Bangladesh for a long time.

7. Bangladesh and India will have the same foreign policy.6

Another version of the same 7-point agreement is given in Oli Ahad’s book Jatio Rajniti/National Politics (1945 to 1975).7 The translation of the seven-point document from this book, as rendered by Dr. KMA Malik in his article, “The Sugar-coated Poison: India’s offer of ‘help’ to restructure BDR,” reads as follows:

(1) A para-military armed force for Bangladesh will be raised under supervision of the Indian military experts; this force shall be stronger and more active than the regular armed forces of Bangladesh.

(2) Bangladesh shall procure all military equipment from India and under planned supervision of the Indian military experts.

(3) Bangladesh shall direct her foreign trade under supervision and control of the Indian government.

(4) Yearly and five-yearly development plans for Bangladesh shall conform to Indian development plans.

(5) Foreign policy of Bangladesh must be compatible with and conform to that of India.

(6) Bangladesh shall not unilaterally rescind any of the treaties without prior approval of the Indian government.

(7) In accordance with the treaties signed before December (1971) war of Pakistan and India, Indian force shall enter into Bangladesh at any time and shall crush any resistance that may erupt there.8

When Pakistan Army surrendered, Gen. Osmani was not invited to join in the ceremony:

The victory in the Bangladesh independence war was achieved basically by the glorious and valiant fight of the freedom fighters of Bangladesh, who were wholeheartedly supported by the people of Bangladesh. Bangladesh army was the principal component of the freedom fighters, but when the Pakistan army surrendered, the Commander-in-Chief Gen M Ataul Gani Osmani of the freedom fighters was not invited to join the surrender ceremony. On the contrary, there are reports that his helicopter was shot at in an attempt to kill him.9 India usurped the victory as its own, and since then India has been claiming that it was India’s victory over Pakistan.

India’s plunder in independent Bangladesh and creation of famine:

As soon as Bangladesh was independent, many quarters in India talked about having no border between India and Bangladesh, but the people of Bangladesh rejected it. On the other hand, the reckless plunder, which India perpetrated in Bangladesh, as shortly described below, was heinous and barbaric.

1. They looted all the arms, ammunition, vehicles, equipment, etc., which were left by the 93 thousand soldiers of Pakistan army who surrendered. These were shipped to India in 15 large ships, whereas Bangladesh was the rightful owner of these.

2. Not only the above, they looted the vehicles, the machinery and equipment of mills, factories, banks, schools, colleges and universities, and even homes of citizens.

3. These were machinations to turn Bangladesh into a subservient country to India, or an annexed state.10

In addition to the above, a large portion of the very generous international relief that was received was plundered by India, and most of the rest by their lackeys, the Awami League. Awami League and India engaged in border smuggling of food grains from Bangladesh to India daily in large numbers of trucks as well as in barges. The Mujib regime and India perpetrated terror, tyranny, oppression, repression, reckless plunder, extreme lawlessness in Bangladesh, and caused the man-made famine in Bangladesh in 1974, in which 500 thousand people died directly and, in the aftermath, another one million perished.

Jatiyo Rakkhi Bahini (National Guard Force) and various conspiracies:

As soon as Bangladesh became independent, India in 1972 created the para-military Jatiyo Rakkhi Bahini (National Guard Force) in Bangladesh for law and order, as per its 7-point agreement with the Mujib Nagar government of Bangladesh in exile in 1971. India-Bangladesh neglected the Bangladesh army and made it inactive, while the uniform of the Rakkhi Bahini was similar to the uniform of the Indian army and it was armed to the teeth, and it was equipped with much more arms than what the army had. The Rakkhi Bahini was trained and supervised by Maj Gen Sujan Singh Uban of the Indian army, who at the time was working for RAW.11

Rakkhi Bahini terrorized Bangladesh killing as many as 30 thousand patriots, who either resisted Mujib’s tyranny and misrule, or opposed Indian hegemony. The conspiracy was to strengthen the Indianized Awami regime, and especially establish Indian rule in Bangladesh and make the army redundant, as the army was patriotic.

Divide and rule:

To divide and weaken the Awami League, India divided its student wing, the Chhatro League (the Student’s League) and created a new party, the Jatiya Samajtantrik Dal (JSD) or the National Socialist Party in 1972.12 In the armed conflict between the Awami League and the JSD, many were killed, but both parties remained loyal to India. The JSD formed the Gonobahini (the People’s Army) with its main component within the Bangladesh army. They preached and pursued a policy of equality within the army and killed many officers to establish “equality” between the ranks. At the root of all this was the plan of India to establish hegemonism by disrupting and destroying the patriotic army, which led and fought valiantly in the glorious freedom war and achieved freedom.

The 25-year treaty of slavery:

In 1972, India imposed on the subservient Government of Bangladesh a 25-year India-Bangladesh treaty in the name of Friendship, Cooperation and Peace, to forge close bilateral relations between India and the newly established state of Bangladesh. This was a slavery treaty, and it was a treaty of military alliance as well, as according to clauses 8 and 9, the contracting parties would not enter into military alliance against each other and in case of external attack on either of the contracting parties, both would consult and act together.13

As Mujib entered into the 25-year slavery treaty with India, there was considerable opposition from both the military and the people. But repression was the answer to the opposition. One incident was widely discussed in the country. Lieutenant Colonel Mohammad Ziauddin of Bangladesh army made a written challenge to the slavery treaty in the weekly Holiday on 20 August 1972 under the title Hidden Pride of the Freedom Fighters. Ziauddin, a brilliant officer, was produced before Sheikh Mujib and was asked to apologize, but the proud officer declined. He was sacked. The incident was recorded in the article, “Recall the Spirit of 1971” by R Chowdhury and was also included in his book, FACTS, NOT FICTION.14

Farakka Barrage Treaty and River Terrorism:

India compelled Mujib to sign the Farakka barrage treaty. With the construction of the barrage, Bangladesh had the twin problem of desertification in the winter and flooding in the rainy season, causing havoc to the people of Bangladesh, agriculturally and environmentally, and killing the rivers by huge silting. Economically this has caused great disaster in Bangladesh.15


With the instigation of India, and the support of Soviet Russia, Mujib on 25 January 1975 disbanded his own party, the Awami League, and founded the Bangladesh Krishak Sramik Awami League (BAKSAL)/Bangladesh Worker-Peasant’s People’s League, which was a political front comprising Bangladesh Awami League, Communist Party of Bangladesh, National Awami Party (Mozaffar) and Jatiyo League. This was a total dictatorship with one party rule of the BAKSAL, all other parties were banned, and apart from 4 government supporting newspapers, all others were banned. In addition to Mujib’s fascist terror, tyranny, oppression, repression, reckless plunder and subservience to India, Bangladesh now lost all vestiges of human rights, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was trampled underfoot.

The army-people uprisings of 15 August and 7 November 1975:

In the context of the above dismal circumstances, two anti-government forces developed. One of which was Mushtaq-America axis, the other was the overwhelming majority of army-people force, which united against Mujib’s BAKSAL fascism and Indian hegemonism. In combination of these two forces, the army-people uprising occurred on 15 August 1975, in which Mujib was assassinated, and the regime fell.

A pro-India counter-coup was launched by Khaled Mosharraf on 3 November 1975. Four days later, Khaled Mosharraf was toppled and killed in another army-people historic uprising of 7 November 1975, which is commemorated as National Revolution and Solidarity Day by the patriots of Bangladesh. India, however, continued with their hegemonic activities and sabotage.

India’s opposition to the Zia government and assassination of Zia:

As soon as Zia assumed power, India started armed intervention in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) of Bangladesh. They sheltered, trained and equipped the “Shanti Bahini”/the so-called peace army, formed in 1972, which was composed, in the main, of the tribal Chakmas. They demanded autonomy of the ethnic hill people, and finally aimed for independent Jummaland (highland) in CHT. Many think, Indian army were active within the attacking forces, under the cover of “Shanti Bahini”. The attacks have continued to date.

After the assassination of Mujib, Kader Siddique crossed Indian border, formed an army with the help of the Indian Border Security Force (BSF), and with active support of the BSF, continued armed attacks on police stations, etc. in the border areas for a long time. He returned to Bangladesh from India in 1990. After the assassination of Mujib, India re-launched its “Independent Bangabhumi (Bengal land) Movement,” that held open meetings, seminars, long processions, display of demands, etc. in Kolkata with the demand for creation of the so-called independent Bangabhumi, Hindu Land and New Bangla, together comprising a part of India, along with 21 districts of Bangladesh. They established 9 training centres for their movement and armed activities. The report about the movement also said that three extremist young men (all Hindus)–Kalidas Baidya, Chitta Ranjan Sutar, and Nirod Majumder, all three from Bangladesh, went to West Bengal in 1952, and started their activities for independence of the Hindus in Bangladesh.16

India was thus engaged in all kinds of conspiracies, sabotage and armed attacks in order to harass and unsettle the Zia government, and finally, Zia was assassinated in an Indian plot.17 Subir Bhaumik, an Indian journalist connected with RAW, tries to extricate RAW from the blame by saying, in 2017: “I recall the story that was based on an interview with a crack nut Indian politician Subramanian Swamy (now with the BJP). Swamy was a bitter critic of Indira Gandhi and attacked the RAW which he saw as fulfilling Indira’s “diabolical plans”.” But Subramanian Swamy has a PhD from Harvard in Economics, is a former minister, and at present is a Member of Parliament in Rajjyo Sobha (Upper House). He is extremely anti-Muslim.18 In his book, Amar Fashi Chai (Ch. 3 “ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT ZIA”), Motiur Rahman Rentu, a freedom fighter, discusses the same issue.19 So does Hussain Saqib in his article, “Fall of East Pakistan and Massacre of Bengalis and Non-Bengalis by RAW and Mukti Bahini.” According to the article, RAW retained a keen interest in Bangladesh even after its independence. Mr. Subramaniam Swamy, Janata Dal MP, a close associate of Morarji Desai said that Rameswar Nath Kao, former Chief of RAW, and Shankaran Nair upset about Sheikh Mujib’s assassination chalked a plot to kill General Ziaur Rahman. However, when Morarji Desai came into power in 1977 he was indignant at RAW’s role in Bangladesh and ordered operations in Bangladesh to be called off; but by then RAW had already gone too far. General Zia continued to be in power for quite some time but he was assassinated after Indira Gandhi returned to power, though she denied her involvement in his assassination (Weekly Sunday, Calcutta, 18 September1988).20

Isha Khan also discusses the assassination of Zia in his 2007 article “RAW: An Instrument of Indian Imperialism” that included the same paragraph as above.21

Agreements with India during Hasina’s first government, 1996-2001 

India made Hasina sign two agreements with India, in which the national interest of Bangladesh was sold out. One was the fraudulent Ganges Treaty, and the other was the Chittagong Hill Tracts Treaty, in which the sovereignty of Bangladesh was surrendered.

1/11 2007 and India’s conspiracy for hegemony:

Mujib regime was under the vicious grip of Indian hegemonism. The grip became loose since the fall of Mujib in 1975. After 32 years, India was again able to bring Bangladesh within its full grip from its conspiracy of 1/11, 2007. Before executing the conspiracy, India organized through its agents many attacks on garment factories in Bangladesh in 2006 in the name of workers struggles against exploitation; it organized the Santals in Kansat movement, etc., and later through Awami League and the Indian agents in Bangladesh, organized the “logi-boitha” (poles and oars) movement, in which the perpetrators had beaten 6 people to death in Dhaka and 18 people throughout Bangladesh. “A most anarchic situation was created throughout the country from the night of 27 October 2006 as per their plan. There were the old scenes of destruction, arson, plunder and blockades on the roads, etc.” 22

After assuming power through the 1/11 conspiracy, Gen Moeen U Ahmed sold out the national interest of Bangladesh to India. He cancelled the election, which was scheduled on 22 January 2007. In trying to implement the Minus-2 Plan, he tried to exile Begum Khaleda Zia by torturing her two sons. Tarique Rahman’s back and Arafat Rahman Koko’s chest were permanently damaged in the torture, so much so that Koko died of torture in 2015, and Tarique has not yet fully recovered even after long treatment in London. Khaleda, however, refused to leave the country, and the Moeen-hatched Minus-2 plan therefore failed mainly because of Khaleda’s courageous patriotic stand. As per the next plan, Gen. Moeen organized the election in 2008, and as per Indian plan, bulldozed and repressed the BNP, and installed Hasina to power through ballot box stuffing and declaring a predetermined result, thereby giving the Awami alliance a “landslide victory”, so that it could amend the constitution through the required majority.

The Hasina government since 2009 and the hegemonic conspiracies of India:

Hasina has remained in power since 2009 with the support of India. Her regime and India together perpetrated three big massacres: the BDR, the Jamaat, and the Hefazat. Indian commandos and their accomplices in Bangladesh acted together in these massacres. In particular, Hasina and Moeen cooperated in the massacre of the BDR.

Repression against the opposition:

Hasina regime’s BAKSAL fascism and the Indian hegemonism together launched severe repression against the BNP-led opposition in order to destroy it, and run a one-party BAKSAL regime. They reduced the law courts to kangaroo courts and committed judicial murders of 5 Jamaat leaders and 1 BNP leader. According to one report, from 2009 to 2018, one thousand five hundred twelve (1,512) leaders and workers of the BNP were killed, and 75,925 were brutally imprisoned (another 20,000 shortly before the election of 2018). The fascists and the hegemonists imposed 90,340 false court cases against the BNP leaders and members in which 2.5 million were accused, who are very often being extorted.23 Thus the entire country has been turned into a valley of death and a vast prison, especially for the opposition.

Reckless plunder:

Unbridled plunder of share market, banks, government projects, development works, trade and commerce, etc. have been going on. India is a partner in this plunder with its ‘due’ share.

Unequal Treaties:

Hasina, since coming back to power in 2009, has signed a large number of treaties and memorandums with India, without informing the parliament or the people. Critics claim that Hasina complied with all demands of India, without receiving anything for Bangladesh in return. During Hasina’s visit to India in April 2017, 6 treaties and 22 memorandums were signed, all of which were in the interest of India.24 However, India failed to get its proposed 25-year defence treaty signed. India has always tried to subjugate or destroy the Bangladesh army. From December 2016 to Hasina’s visit to India in April 2017, India created tremendous pressure on Bangladesh to impose a slavery treaty on Bangladesh army, in the name of 25-year defence pact. But, the Bangladesh army, infused with patriotism, refused to sign the heinous proposal, and thereby set a glorious example. India was very much dissatisfied, but couldn’t do anything about it, as the joint command of the Bangladesh army was united on the decision.25


The present Hasina government has given all air, river and land transit-corridor facilities to India, and all facilities in sea and river ports, but has not received any of those in return for Bangladesh.26

India’s control of Bangladesh border and the border smuggling:

India’s main objectives in the BDR massacre, in cooperation with Hasina and Moeen, was to take full control of the India-Bangladesh border, and subjugate the BDR (which later was renamed as Border Guard Bangladesh, BGB). India was successful in both its objectives. India has continued its brutal killings and torture of poor Bangladeshi villagers by trampling the Geneva conventions. In spite of many flag meetings, the border has remained bloody. In addition, border smuggling of drugs, women and children, arms-ammunition and explosives, trading commodities, etc. goes on unabated, with India as the main culprit.27

Unequal trade:

With the help of the puppet regime of Hasina, India got many agreements signed for contracts of electricity, transport, infrastructure development, various Indian exports to Bangladesh, etc., though the standard of their work and commodities is not high. On the other hand, India imposes many restrictions and barriers on the trade of Bangladesh with India.

Illegal Indian immigrants in Bangladesh and their remittance to India:

Indian newspaper reports that the 5th largest remittance income of India comes from Bangladesh. There are claims that there are 1.2 m to 1.5 m illegal Indian immigrants in Bangladesh. The figure of 0.5 m is accepted internationally. The money they send to India constitutes the 5th largest remittance income of India.28

India’s JMB card in Bangladesh: India perpetrated many false flag “Islamic” terrorist attacks:

India perpetrated many false flag “Islamic” terrorist operations in Bangladesh to muster internal and external support for its hegemonism over Bangladesh. In Bangladesh, JMB was created by India and HuJI-B by Israel. In 2014, when the Indian intelligence linked the Burdwan, West Bengal, explosion of India with JMB of Bangladesh, even the Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee of West Bengal linked these ‘terrorist’ acts as RAW’s false flag operation.29 She asserted that she knew about it as she, before becoming the chief Minister of West Bengal, was a Central Minister of India for 23 years. India played the “Islamic terrorist card”, with support from Mossad and CIA, to implement its conspiracy of 1/11 in 2007, supported by the US and its allies. Since then, Bangladesh has remained under Indian hegemony through fascist puppets like Moeen and Hasina and their cohorts. India has continued to play the “Islamic terrorist card” in its conspiracy to subjugate Bangladesh.

Cultural aggression:

India has always conducted aggression against the independence of Bangladesh, the Bangladesh army, and Islam. One of the mediums of these aggression is the cultural hegemonism. With the help of the present puppet regime and the lackeys of India in Bangladesh, India has been committing wide ranging cultural aggression.30


India has been trying to turn Bangladesh into an annexed state like Sikkim, or an occupied state like the Indian Occupied Kashmir (IoK). They were partly successful between 1972 and 1975, but the army-people uprisings of 15 August 1975 and 7 November 1975 thwarted it. After 32 years, India has again been to an extent successful since the Indian conspiracy of 1/11 of 2007. But the patriotic people and the army have not conceded, or have been cowed down. It is estimated that 90% of the people and 90% of the army are opposed to BAKSAL fascism of Hasina regime and Indian hegemonism. They will build three unities: unity of the people, unity of the army and the army-people unity. BAKSAL fascism and Indian hegemonism will certainly fall! The patriotic army-people will certainly win! The struggle of the people of Bangladesh for freedom, democracy, justice, human rights and harmonious development will certainly be victorious!



This was written in 2020 by by Zoglul Husain. The writer is a London-based political commentator and a former activist and columnist constantly campaigning for Freedom, Democracy, Justice, Human Rights and Harmonious Development in Bangladesh. He appeared many times on Bengali-medium TV talk shows in London speaking on the political affairs of Bangladesh. A retired computer consultant with a Master’s degree in Mathematics, he left his PhD studies in the UK to travel to Kolkata, India, in 1971 to join the Independence War of Bangladesh.

[Al Jazeera published a report on 7 February 2024 with the title, “‘India Out’ campaigns simmer in Bangladesh amid election fallout 
Calls to boycott Indian goods in Bangladesh follow allegations of Indian interference in national elections.” India Out movement has gained momentum, according to reports. It is not only India’s role in the election of 7 January 2024, India has always been hegemonic in Bangladesh.
A Brief Outline of Indian Hegemony in Bangladesh, published as an article in the book, “Bangladesh: A Suffering People Under State Terrorism“, an anthology of articles by many writers, Edited by Sabria Chowdhury Balland, and Published by Peter Lang, 2020.]



2 The book review was published in the News From Bangladesh (NFB) on 27 May 2008; and also in the Independent Bangladesh, on 1 February 2014. The links are no longer working.


https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/dinanath-batra-man-behind-pulping-of-wendy-donigers-book-is-mustread-in-gujarat-schools/article6249539.ece; also, http://www.riazhaq.com/2014/07/bjp-makes-akhand-bharat-part-of-indian.html.



7 2nd ed., Bangladesh Cooperative Book Society, Dhaka, p. 450.


9 Mystery Behind Gen. Osmani’s Absence at the 1971 Surrender Ceremony: www.facebook.com/abid.bahar.7/posts/2323710847671725; for more about Mujib from Osmani, see: www.facebook.com/towfiq.rahman.3/posts/2142240845897679

10 www.facebook.com/BangladeshMilitaryDefence.BMD/posts/1732191670401332

11 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jatiya_Rakkhi_Bahini

12 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jatiya_Samajtantrik_Dal

13 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indo-Bangla_Treaty_of_Friendship,_Cooperation_and_Peace

14 https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/recall-the-spirit-of-1971.23094/

15 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farakka_Barrage

16 www.old.al-ihsan.net/fulltext.aspx?subid=4&textid=2967

17 RAW behind the killing of Zia, says BNP’s Rizvi: http://bdnews24.com/politics/2017/03/15/raw-behind-zia-killing-says-bnp-s-rizvi

18 Subir Bhaumik, “The Ghosts of RAW,” www.observerbd.com/details.php?id=63950

19 https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/progressive-muslim/conversations/messages/15709

20 https://passivevoices.com/2012/12/14/fall-of-east-pakistan-and-massacre-of-bengalis-and-non-bengalis-by-raw-and-mukti-bahini/

21 www.countercurrents.org/khan131007.htm

22 www.facebook.com/newbasherkella/posts/760120097409290

24 www.bbc.com/bengali/39554624

25 https://www.voanews.com/a/many-bangladesh-oppose-proposed-defense-pact-india/3800157.html

26 www.facebook.com/notes/hidden-truth/ভাববার-সময়-ভারতকে-ট্রানজিট-দেবার-আগে/254905511207234/


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