Pakistan: Imran Khan Is Asked To Apologize


The Supreme Court, in the notice issued to the  PTI chief,  said that Khan apparently had tried to incite hatred against the apex court in one of his media statements. -File Photo

by Mian F. Hameed     7 September 2022

I am not a supporter of Khan. My criticism of Khan is found herehere and here.

Khan in his August 20, 2022 speech ridiculed the Islamabad Police Chief Akbar Nasir Khan and the Session Judge Zeba Chaudhry. Khan said, “you should be ashamed,” we will take “[legal] action against you.” The Islamabad High Court (IHC) larger bench of five have issued a show-cause notice (SCN) to Imran Khan for “threatening” a Session Judge. Khan for making these remarks was also charged under the anti-terrorism act. Go figure.

Khan ridiculing the Islamabad police chief and the judge is yet another backdrop to decapitating humanity. Khan in his August address to his supports called out the ‘neutral,’ which is a dubbed name for the Army Chief Bajwa, and stated that his sources in Islamabad police have informed him that the “boots” were behind authorizing the torture and the sexual abuse of Khan’s Chief of Staff Dr. Gill.

Khan, vocalized the Islamabad police inhumane treatment of Dr. Gill. Khan said that the torture happened under the police chief’s watch when Gill was taken into police custody for his remark—asking the army not to accept illegal orders. For the Police Chief Akbar Nasir Khan, who has escaped a prison sentence, Khan mentioned, the torture of Dr. Gill, took place under the watch of the Police Chief.

For the session judge Zeba Chaudhry, Khan said, she knew well that Dr. Gill was tortured by the same police, yet her Physical Remand Order gave custody of Dr. Gill, to the Islamabad police. Judge Chaudhry under the circumstances has made a disturbing ruling. Which mother would hand over her child into the custody of a person knowing he was a predator.

While the capital is in turmoil from heavy handed politics and the news of torture in the air, where the Chief Justice (CJ) Minallah’s apex court stands quite asleep; the CJ jets out of the country for an extended leave of absence. Upon return, Minallah finds Khan has retaliated to the prima facie SCN. Khan did not apologize.  Minallah addresses Khan’s counsel to submit another reply to the SCN. Presumably, Minallah, is expecting an apology from Khan, in his balancing act.

Khan has submitted another reply on the lines of regret, and he would not make such statements in the future. Khan did not outright make an “apology.”

Understanding the political dynamics are warranted to understand why Khan has come close to making an apology. Bajwa has vowed to proceed with his “minus-one formula.” For the Pakistani populous, this means to expunge the “one,” the Khan from politics with physical, political or judicial means—quite serious hallucinations pending to become a reality.

It is seen, to quell voices of dissent and unrest, the imported government and Bajwa, has ramped up Bajwa’s message to Khan, by taking a page from Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse. The non-conforming humans—the supporters of Khan are prisoned, stripped naked and tortured—the two prominent ones we know of.

The stakes for Bajwa are high. He aims to prevail with brute force. Bajwa has committed sedition—circumstantial and tangible evidence persists. Bajwa is maligned in the thick of the Western backed regime change of Khan’s democratically elected government on April 09, 2022.

The once admirable Pakistan Army Chief Qamar Bajwa, has fallen out of the people’s grace. People have reasoned – No patriotic person will continue on the path of Bajwa bent on imposing the corrupt and failed politicians on the majority – What benefits have Bajwa and the generals cashed in, and personal threats mitigated, by throwing the country in a tailspin and into the U.S. camp?

For Bajwa, to pull off the ousting of Khan, the Chief Justice of Supreme Court Umar Ata Bandial, violated his Court’s precedence, broke the law of the land—the Constitution; have buckled under the pressure of the “boots,” and have caused great harm to Pakistan by placing  an “imported government” over a decent society. The vindictive Federal Government is made up of sixty-six percent criminals out on bail.

When the people rallied behind Khan, the “boots” and the Justices finding themselves in a fix—the boot unwisely hid behind his soldiers to continue. And Bandial, in a hurry, jockeying for his survival, throws a divot of justice here and there. The Supreme Court overruled Hamza Shahbaz’s election as the chief minister of Punjab province and declared PTI’s Elahi  as the winner. Hamza Shahbaz’s government was illegal from day one—Courtesy of the lackey, Bandial. An additional divot by Minallah, Ordering the resumption of ARY broadcast, are tactics to simmer down the temperature of the people.

Their antics of throwing divots of justice to soften their sins have not moved an inch the World Justice Project (WJP) March 2020 Rule of Law Index. Pakistan ranks 120 out of 128 countries, scoring 0.39; score of 1 shows strong adherence to law. The people know, ousting and disqualifying Khan is a prime motive.

Where was Minallah, when on March 25, 2022, the government and Bajwa intertwined to use force. On the peaceful protestors Islamabad police and rangers unleashed tear gas shell  and other canisters not designed for crowed control, and the Champion of the human-rights Minallah, looked the other away. Where was Minallah, and the other Justices when a night before May 25, 2022, police and others without acquiring arrest warrants broke into homes to make arrests of Khan’s party members?

An older video clip of Minallah with Sama TV anchor has appeared on social media before he was elevated to a judge. Minallah named army and the judiciary as the corrupt institutions. Today, Minallah has joined that evil clan and most likely desires for Khan to apologize.

Khan is not likely to apologize. Kahn is fighting for a bigger cause than his ouster. Khan’s apology will kill his movement. His apology will help conform his supporters to THEIR system. Khan’s apology will legitimize Pakistan’s hijacked justice system that carries a design to undo Khan.

Why would Khan apologize to the system he is bent on demolishing? Why would Khan apologize and go down in history as a wrong doer? There are no apologies in Jihad—Khan has called for a Jihad against the band of criminals placed into power and its supporting bulwark (Bajwa and Co.) against his meritorious struggle.

Jihad is a fight against a wrong. The four generals committing the wrong are like the Meccan pagans. Quran was a jihad against the pagans. The ethical realm in Jihad for Khan has emerged as a self-defense against the aggression of the pagans. For the pagans, there is a stiff message—the people will unleash with incalculable circumstances.

The facts of the matter are discriminatory. Treating two persons differently. Do an Internet search and you will find Bilawal Bhutto, Fazl ur Rehman, the convicted former PM Nawaz Sharif, and his out on bail daughter Maryam; all have criticized the Supreme Court as an institution. The daughter, Maryam Nawaz said about CJ Bandial and his apex court—The Supreme Court, “bench-fixing” is a crime similar to “match-fixing.” No contempt of court hoopla was crafted then. Why for Khan now?

The IHC CJ Minallah, in disappointment to Khan’s non apologetic reply to the SCN said, “The court was expecting that you will enhance the judiciary’s respect before coming here [… and that ] Khan has not understood he has done something wrong”. That is, the disobedience to an order of a court.

Now Minallah, desires to enhance the judiciary’s respect. The scenario is very obvious that deserves no respect. The league of crooks, which includes the Justices have committed crimes against the State. The Justices have accommodated the ouster of Khan. Minallah was in the thick of the conspiracy to ouster Khan around April 9, 2022. At midnight, the IHC opened for business anticipating illegal actions from Khan, and in hopes to arrest Khan and load him into the nearest parked prison van.

The Chief Justices like Minallah, justifies the reason that make the idea of divine justice appealing. In grave matters to the State, these justices have consistently been a disservice to the country. Minallah, has let go a convict Nawaz Sharif, out of the country on fake medical reports. Minallah, had the audacity to ask the prosecution to give him guarantees that Sharif would not die in jail undergoing  treatment in Pakistan—a new milestone from his scruples reapportionment to rendering justice.

Minallah, ordering Khan’s counsel to submit a different reply is interference.  A London based barrister informed me, there isn’t a precedence set where a judge has asked a person of interest to change a reply. A judge reviews reply, and acts accordingly, he said.

Minallah, has interfered in the matter using the writ of the State. “Abstinence from interference at the stage of issuance of show cause notice in order to relegate the parties to the proceedings before the authorities concerned is the normal rule.” By the Court interfering, Minallah, has favored the Session Judge and the “imported government.” –Union of India V. Vicco Laboratories 2007 (11) TMI 21 (Supreme Court).

(India v Vicco precedence is a peculiar case law, perhaps found in countries with a dilapidated justice system. Sadly, Pakistan has hit a low compared to the fascist regime of Modi that has “entered genocidalism.” India’s new narrative, Modi is committing crimes, now  in the name of hyper-nationalism. What is the motive of Bajwa and his generals and the Justices in Pakistan?)

We have a peaking interest in how Khan’s counsel Hamid Khan would adjust reply. This counsel was brought in to relieve the previous ones for a reason. Hamid Khan is favorably known to the Justices—he is favorably placed in the system of justice. This notorious legacy of the system of justice has tentacles.

You will likely agree, there is no Chief Justice in Pakistan that does not share this one common trait in the notorious system’s legacy with damning tentacles.  They are the offspring of the elite cabal and have grown from the corrupt system into the dishonest arrangement to withstand the winds that crumble. Minallah, is no exception—I know of him enough.

To make my point further. You can certainly find a poor person becoming a chief scientist, taking a start from a school where he sits on a tarp and not a chair. Try finding a Chief Justice taking a start from a tarp from a ramshackle village? They are adopted from birth, groomed, absorbed and retired by the same system given protection.

The mistaken Minallah, is applying the stature in a tradition belonging to decent countries, where, when one found in disobedience to a court’s order, usually holds true contrition and judgement. Should an apology not materialize, Khan’s counsel Hamid Khan will be left dazed in disobedience to the system, and Minallah’s career will meet its end, should he acts within the margins of the system.

The unwise Khan is also an upright man. Naive to the extent of absurdity.  A wise man would have advised Khan, not to appear before any court order or tend to a ludicrous police First Information Report (FIR). Letting the kangaroo state force her hand sooner. The angered masses are expected to dissipate that hand quickly.

Dead or alive, Khan controls the destiny of the unpunished. The people are his flood gates. THEY know it too. Should Khan not apologize, the bench of the five Justices will have to thumb a ride for a one way trip to Belgium—Bajwa’s expected destination.


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