The Prime Minister, Imran Khan – Part 3/3

Al Jazeera


by Mian Hameed          29 March 2022

The third series, “The Body—The Follies” removes his Excellency Premier Imran Khan from his legacy, what it may be to each reader, and attaches PM Khan to a folly—of knowing more than others. Enslaving intellectuals and his people by the production of his knowledge and depravity.

The truth is, the people have never left Khan, but his folly has made Khan leave his people—a bit poetic. Khan may have cared, but he does not know this relation.

This relation, his folly, causes the people pain. I capture peoples’ pain from the sentimental character of Rahman Baba. I see the peoples’ suffering and weep from the silhouette of Khan’s follies in the sadness of a ballad by Rahman Baba, a Sufi poet,

When People see me in your sorrow, they cry

You make people cry with me, for what reason?

The [people] love for you is no less

Then why you look at yourself in the mirror?

Gaylord Marquee wore his powdered wig and shaped his eyebrows into the making to show his emotion, character and ‘earnestness to the glance.’ Then the Marquee, looks into the mirror and said, “Now I look myself.”

At the 48th OIC session (March 2022), PM Khan gave a remarkable key note speech. PM Khan boldly touched upon the vital issues that his immoral predecessors cowardly skipped. However, in his speech, laced with narcissist factoids and remarks, Khan as usual emphasized his understanding of aspects, which he believes many not to possess,

“I understand the Western civilization probably better than most people […] I understand English better than most […] Living in the Western society I understand […] What was the foundation? This is again most people do not understand […] Muslims do not understand the great mission our profit came for […] According to this report, this will shock all of you […] Foreign Minister Wang Yi, you must be surprised […] No one seems to know this […] And no one knows this […] Our generation do not understand…”

This theme of Khan’s knowing and understanding ‘stuff’ better than others is a common feature in Khan’s speeches and his life. Statistically he may be correct, for example, his “English better than most,” and that his understanding of “Western Civilization” is probably better than most.

The reality of this marginal benefit is, these two narcissist factoids, perhaps from his recent scholastic discoveries to overcome his deficiency, has brought Khan no meaningful advantage. Certainly, the IMF does not understand Khan’s ‘English,’ and Khan’s handle on the ‘Western civilization’ made him prematurely shun the IMF.

His Excellency Premier Imran Khan is elevated by divinity, and I must remain in respect. Though I wonder, should his grace not compare himself to the luminaries of the likes at the MIT, and to those that are blessed of knowledge by the divine? When he does, would he still have possession of attributes better than the newly found enlightened others?

I must remain respectful. Though I wonder, will Premier Khan not likely listen to his advisors, if only he possesses the understanding?

PM Khan is mocked for making “U-Turns” on his decisions. It is quite wise to correct course if Khan falters, but is Khan then no Statesmen? To be a “Statesmen […] one must have lived for it and been long prepared.” –Pakistan a Dream Gone Sour, by Roedad Khan, quoting Pluto.

Did Khan’s life before and during schooling made him live for the art of learning statesmanship? Did Khan’s life after schooling playing cricket and what went along with it, long prepared Khan for it?

Schooling only becomes a fascinating and a blossoming asset when a student after graduation immerses into the passion, he/she went to school for. Furthermore, the post-graduation professional experiences within that discipline further polishes that knowledge.

To better our understanding of “The Body—The Follies,” is a yard of learning in Khan’s after-life enough to make up for his scholastic nurturing from professional experiences as discussed?

But when the “whole state is ill[,] should we not look for the services and guidance of the wisest and the best.”? –Id. And to choose those to instill Riyasit-e-Medina’s fundamentals that are grounded to the land and not to a foreign plan or a man?

To instill the compassion for the poor in Riyasit-e-Medina that Khan exemplified in his OIC address, I ask my question again, “What is one thing [of compassion] Khan’s government can do that becomes means to supporting the buying power of the people in Khan’s Riyasit-e-Medina?” –Part 2/3.

Solutioning the aforesaid question, or to instill the fundamental attribute—justice, in Riyasit-e-Medina, requires mind-altering workflows, which Khan and his advisors need to invent.

The Man—The Leader; The Scholastics — The Country; The Body—The Follies; lost to uprooting injustice, is Khan’s pervasive loss. Workflows of the nature a handicap, trying times may benefit from Allah’s will.

The Man—The Leader, along with his folly, benefits from the will of God. The good Lord’s will played out a mind-altering workflow. A vote of no confidence plot in the parliament, in collusion with the army, a making of the international intrigue, has helped Khan.

Pakistan Army is at Khan’s feet. Opposition is decimated.  Assuming Khan continues to be the know it all, the nailing of the corrupt judges to the cross awaits the next miracle of the good Lord.

Pakistanis pray for Khan’s wellbeing and for him to acquiring wisdom, so he remains their precious enlightened gift. Pakistanis will learn how to ‘set fire to the rain,’ for Pakistan has no other choice, but his Excellency Imran Khan.

It would be unfair on my part, if I conclude on a note supporting my thesis. Khan coming from no riches, rose into power from two qualities—honesty and determination. Khan gave Pakistan dignity, realization, concepts, and social welfare-benefits unmatched in the world.


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