Dear Modi Ji, if everything is normal in Kashmir, why Kashmiris are caged?

Photo: Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi (April 24, 2012) / Wikimedia

28 September 2019


Shri Narendra Modi,

Prime Minister of India

Dear Modi Ji,

As you know that on 5 August 2019 your government unilaterally abrogated the Articles 370 and 35A, which guaranteed the special status of Jammu and Kashmir within the Union of India. In this regard, you and your government claimed that it would pave the way for the development of Jammu and Kashmir. It would eradicate the poverty and create new job opportunities for young generation of Kashmiris. Even though the state of Jammu and Kashmir was doing good enough on Human Development Index (HDI) and Grass Domestic Product (GDP) indicators against the most of the states of India. If the development of the state was the purpose in mind, then we doubt because this decision was taken in the middle of the tourist season and also when the Amarnath Yatra was going on. This decision could have been delayed till winter when normally schools would be on winter break and also low tourist season.

In addition, your government claimed that this decision would fully integrate the state with Union of India and also it would bring terrorism down. Only an illogical person can think of eradicating terrorism and integration of a certain area by forced decisions. There is feeling in most of the Kashmiris that it would alienate them more and also it will grow more radicalization. We were there in Kashmir during the first 35 days of curfew. Everyone we spoke to was saying the same thing that they are humiliated and deceived by the government of India. They fear that there might be rise in violence and it would take more innocent lives of Kashmiris. Even the prime minister of Pakistan, Mr. Imran Khan, whose country you blame for terrorism in India has said that it would bring more and more Pulwama like attacks.

Moreover, Indian media and your government is propagating that Kashmiris are happy for the decision of abrogating 370 and they are celebrating. Your misleading media is showing pictures of National Security Advisor, Ajit Doval roaming freely on the deserted streets of Kashmir, talking to few Kashmiris and having biryani. However, this media will not show that Ali Mohammad of Downtown, Srinagar or Ansar Wani of Soura, Srinagar were killed by security forces during this whole blackout. Then your home minister Amit Shah says [ek b goli nahi chali, ek b mriti nahi huyi] no bullet fired and no one killed. This is of grave concern that home minister of India is lying.

Let’s assume that Kashmiris are happy, they are celebrating this decision of abrogation of article 370 and everything is normal as you and your media is claiming. Questions arise under these circumstances: if everything is normal in Kashmir, why are Kashmiris caged? If Kashmiris are happy with the unilateral abrogation of Article 370 and 35A, why don’t you let them celebrate? If all is normal in Kashmir, why you cut off Kashmir from the rest of the world? If everything is normal, why mobile phones and Internet connectivity have been suspended in Kashmir for nearly two months? Mr. Modi, is there any country that has kept an entire population under lockdown and communication blackout for nearly two months? If all is well, why children have not been to schools in Kashmir? Why mainstream leaders are in jail? Most importantly, do India need almost 8, 00000 soldiers to fight around 2 hundred militants in Kashmir?

In the end, we would like to tell you dear Modi Ji, that there are other ways of doing politics and certainly there is whole life in front of us for this. This is not the way and this is not the time of doing politics by caging 8 million Kashmiri people. Enough is enough. Now let the humanity prevail and lift the curfew. Let the Kashmiris speak. Let the mother speak to her son whom she has not talked for a while now. You promised of better days for Kashmiris. It is has been almost 2 months now but those better days are far from the site. You speak of hugging and winning the hearts of Kashmiris. It would be a great hug if you let them speak and let the people of Kashmir decide their political future on their own.

Thank You!

By Sabzar Ahmad Bhat and Suhail Ahmad Lone


  1. Blunders are a way of life with Narendra Modi – the Tea Vendor PM Of India – whose mother Was a dishwasher.He correlates his mother with Ho Chi Minh who was a dishwasher in London.

    Throughout Indian History – when men w/o pedigree,have ruled over India – they have destroyed India immediately thereafter.They all thought they were special,and from the grass roots.This is a apocalyptic trait peculiar to Hindoos.dindooohindoo

    To hide over the "shame of their birth and upbringing" and the "vicious physical and mental torture" as children – they "gravitate to extreme forms of menial thought and cruelty" – ignoring all sage counsel – as they feel it is a sign of courage and fortitude,in the face of adversity and pressures (Like the Kashmir disaster).

    Some Samples

    Ashoka – Born out of wedlock to a dancer (who was not a Kshatriya),was of ugly features,mocked all his life by his brothers (born from wedlock).Net Result – Ashoka Killed all his family members,became a murderous savage – and then met a monk and became a Buddhist (easy kill for the monk).
    The Monk convinced him to set up a "Temple of Hell on Earth" (where insane and cruel forms of torture were witnessed by Ashoka and the Monk – what impact would that have had on Ashoka’s cranium).His defective DNA – both his children left India forever and his wife poisoned the roots of the Bodhee Tree.Ashoka beheaded 19000 Jain Monks in 1 Day.

    Ade Shankara – Was called a Bastard by Madhavacharya.His mother was a Brahmin – and his father was unknown.All his life he suffered taunts from the lower castes and Kshatriyas w.r.t. his birth.Net Result – he immersed himself in religion and managed to enter the dead body of a king to have sex with the wife of the dead king.This man vented his entire hate of women,Lower castes,harlots. Kshatriyas etc. into his "magnum opus on Hindooism" – which treated women worse than aninals,and Dalits as "not even sentients".His magnum opus was "used to destroy Buddhists and Buddhism" (as his opus was a copy and paste pf Pali scriptures),cement caste and Brahminism – which led to the Mughal invasions and rampages.If the the millions,had stood up against the Mughals – history would have been just the reverse.But the Dalits did not care – as the Mughals came to redeem the Dalits , Devdasis and Hindoo women

    The Blunders of the Chaiwala – which you will not read in the media – as the media is owned by Banias and operated by Brahmins – a race of servile slaves and cowards.

    The Chronicles of Narendra (Narnia Chaiwala) Modi

    Make in India = Total Disaster. The man has destroyed the atchitecture of manufacturing.It is no surprise – as Rama used apes tomake a bridge to Lanka.Rama knew the worth of Indians
    Exports from India = Total Disaster.So long as PRC exists – and the sea exists (with the commercial principles of Archimedes,for a ship), there is nothing which an Indian can make – which cannot be sold faster,cheaper,better and at a better quality by the PRC.The PRC conquered India 2000 years ago – via the Yueh Chi Tribe (who were kicked out of Imperial China).Indians excel only in making and cleaning toilets – which unfortunately cannot be exported – as Bill Gates is making tolets in Africa
    Defense Manufacturing in India = Total Disaster.Pakistan is exporting JF to East Asia and West Asia and Africa and has got orders from Malaysia – and the Hindoos are still struggling to make the Arjuna – MBT .Arjuna was a impotent,coward and a eunuch – as per the Mahabharata ! Touche ! Arjuna – was "cursed by Urvashi ",to be an "impotent and a eunuch"
    The Mahabharata, Book 3: Vana Parva: Indralokagamana Parva: Section XLVI
    O Partha, thou shalt have to pass thy time among females unregarded, and as a dancer, and "destitute of manhood and scorned as a eunuch
    Demonetisation = Total Disaster.The man has wiped out the SME sector FOREVER.That was the aim.The Ego Trip was to Monetise the Grey economy (to bull shit at G-7,via a higher GDP,and to shift the unorganised sector to Ambani and Company)
    GST = Disaster for SME and Unorganised sector.The man has wiped out the SME sector FOREVER. Now the scams will start
    Space = Disaster.ISRO Chandrayaan has doomed all hopes.The problem of the Hindoo – 1 low brain ASAT hit and they start dreaming and jay walking.All the effect of Gau Maut-ram
    Employment = Disaster.Destruction of all SME and Unorganised Jobs – FOREVER.
    IAF = Disaster.IAF completely destroyed by the PAF.The IAF took the advice of Modi.They did not send the best fighter jets against the PAF – Why ? How did 6 PAF – F-16s cross the Indian ADS (in daylight) and almost kill the Indian Army Chief and GOC-in-C Northern Command (and all escaped the ADS on the way back and the ADS shit down its own Chopper)
    Banking = Doomed.NPA is at least 400 Billion USD in the organised sector – RBI is defrauding the nation by hiding and lying.MUDRA loans are 150 Billion USD of which at least 40% will disappear.Then there is the informal banking disaster (NBFC/Chit Funds etc.).

    It is a Vedic Black Hole.

    To hide the abovesaid Vedic Black Hole – the Chaiwala has started the Kashmir Disaster.This is, of course, the crowning glory.


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