Human Rights Violations in Kashmir: A Case Study of 2017


by Rameez Raja Mir       5/6/2018


Kashmir is known as the paradise on earth. It Kashmir is known to be the crown of India’s secular democratic culture. Unfortunately, human rights abuses in Jammu and Kashmir are regular occurrence issues. The violations have badly impacted the livelihood of the people, their living environments, their health, their access to education and so on. The violations have affected each and every aspect of life in Kashmir including the women. They have often been the targets and survivors of violence suffering from trauma and injury because of the conflict. This paper will analyze the human rights violation in Kashmir in 2017. The year 2017 was the most violent year in Kashmir since the last decade. Every type of human rights violations took place in Kashmir

Following are some human rights abuses in Jammu and Kashmir in the year 2017.

Table Shows number of Killings in Kashmir in 2017

Category of People Killing
Armed Forces 125
Militants 217
Civilians 108
Others 1
Total 451

Source: Jammu and Kashmir Human Rights Review-2017

In the year 2107, the number of killings has raised in the state of Jammu and Kashmir as compared to previous few years. In 2017, a total of 451 people lost their lives due to the violence in Kashmir. This includes 125 armed forces, 217 militants, 108 civilians and one Ikhwani. The most number of civilians were killed in South Kashmir comprising the four districts namely Anantnag, Kulgam, Pulwama, and Shopian. 51 civilians were killed in these districts. In 2017, a total of 9 non local civilians lost their lives in Jammu and Kashmir. The year 2017 has been the most violent year from the year 2011.
Monthly wise killings of civilians in the year 2017

Monthly wise killings of civilians in the year 2017

Violence against Women
In 2017, a total of 20 civilian women were killed in the State of Jammu and Kashmir. Out of it, eight women Amaranth pilgrims were killed by suspected militants when they attacked the bus of Yatris in Anantnag. five women including a minor girl were killed near an encounter site in different places in the valley, four women died due to the LOC shelling from Pakistan’s side, one woman died due to the suffocation of intense teargas shelling by the troops in district Pulwama, one girl died due to the injuries she suffered from a grenade blast, and 1 women were killed by suspected militants at her home.
Incidents of Hair and Braid Chopping.

A mysterious human rights violation took place in 2017 in the form of Braid Chopping. The braid choppers targeted the women and chopped their braids. Nearly 150 cases of braid chopping were reported in the month of September-October. Latter it stopped by the end of October. However, the Police were unable to find the culprits. Regarding the braid, chopping police stated that” it is aimed at disturbing the peace; creating animosity between people and security forces, especially the police; and creating an atmosphere for fear and uncertainty for women to confine them to home so that the radical religious agenda of these elements is realized.” The police also stated along with Psychologists that the purpose of braid chopping was to create mass hysteria because there were reports of braid chopping from other parts of India as well and mass hysteria has been found to be the reason.

The inability of the police to act and catch the braid choppers led to the birth of vigilante in towns and villages. The Many innocent people were caught and thrashed by these vigilante mobs by suspecting them to be the braid choppers. In district Anantnag, a 70-year old man was thrashed and killed by the vigilante mobs. Not only locals, some non-locals who were tourists had to face the ire also. Two tourists were ruthlessly beaten by the vigilantes after they were mistaken for braid choppers. Many times Government had to close the educational institutions due to the fear among the students.
Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances
The Enforced disappearances continue in Kashmir in 2017. Although the cases of enforced or involuntary disappearances have significantly reduced in the state, the phenomenon continues to exist. In 2017, seven cases of abduction, enforced disappearances or involuntary disappearances were reported in Kashmir. Out of the seven cases, bodies of five victims bearing bodies of five victims carrying bullet, torture and other injury marks were later recovered from various secret positions. The families have continuously appealed the government for independent, impartial inquiry commission to investigate into the cases of enforced disappearances. The enforced disappearances have led to the circumstances of half widows in the state. These half widows have suffered socially, economically and politically.
Using Civilians as Human Shields

In 2017 during the parliamentary by-polls, a youth named Farooq Ahmad Dar, district Budgam was first tortured and then tied to an army jeep by armed forces led by Major Gogoi. Video footage in which he was tied to a jeep as a human shield went viral on social media. There were local condemnations, and international organizations also issue statements against it as well.

Major Leetul Gogoi of the 53rd Rashtriya Rifles refers to him as a stone pelter and to deter other stone-pelters and teach them a lesson; he used him as a human shield. But Police inquiry reported that “Dar cast his vote at a polling booth in his native village of Chill.” They claimed that he was a voter, not a stone pelter. The army claimed that Dar was “instigating a stone-pelting mob” and “could have been their ringleader”. The Army Chief described the Major’s behavior as “the right call.” Latter Major Gogoi was awarded commendation card for sustained efforts in counter-insurgency operations by the army chief.
Besides Farooq Dar, other reports were there in which a sumo driver namely Abdul Ahad Sheikh was allegedly used as a human shield in Kaczdoora village Shopian. He alleged that he was used as human shield by the armed forces during a militant attack on May 5. He accused that he was forced by the armed forces to transport its men from Kapran to Shopian area.

Use of Pellet Shotguns

The use of pellets guns continues in Kashmir in the year 2017. The Indian Home Ministry set up a committee in 2016 to find alternatives to pellet guns. Although there were reports that the pellet guns should be the last option on the ground, there appeared no change in using pellet guns against civilian protesters. In 2017, four persons were killed with pellet guns, and scores were injured among whom many lost eyesight due to pellets.

Instead of stopping the use of pellet guns, the Ministry of Home Affairs made new authorization of 4,949 pellet guns for CRPF units deployed as Rapid Action Force, and Mahila Batallion in J&K on March 2nd, making the total number of pump action guns to 5,589. The Supreme Court of India also asked the government to consider effective means other than the use of pellet guns to disperse protests in Jammu and Kashmir after observing that the use of pellets concerns life and death.

The Return of Cordon and Search Operations (CASO)

As per statics, more than 540 CASO’s were carried out in Jammu and Kashmir in the year 2017. Cordon and search operations (CASO’s) is a practice in which armed forces and police cordon in a village or a town and start searching the houses of the civilian population. During the early nineties, CASO’s were accompanied by crackdowns, during which the adult male population of an entire area, or a mohalla, were asked to come out of their houses and made to sit or assemble at one place and paraded before a masked informer. The frequency of cordon and search operations this year was not only alarming but suggested a return to the past. It was during these CASO’s that most of the militants were killed this year, and on occasion accompanied by civilian killings as the civilian population would try to break CASO’s resulting in a clash.

Assaults on Media

Media reporting in a conflict zone is always difficult, and Kashmir is not an exception. Many times the local journalists were assaulted by the armed forces. The media in Kashmir has faced killings, attacks, kidnappings and threats from both state and nonstate actors. At least twenty-one journalists have been killed in Kashmir since the early nineties. This year a Kashmiri photojournalist Kamran Yousuf was detained by National Investigation Agency (NIA) in September for his alleged involvement in ‘stone pelting’ incidents. This year, even a visiting French journalist was taken into custody by police and booked for allegedly violating visa norm. But the trial court issued the forces to release him immediately.
Banning on TV channels.

At least, 34 local, national and international media TV channels were banned in Kashmir. Some TV channels from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq were also banned in 2017 in Kashmir. The State Home Affairs Departments issue that “they have the potential to encourage violence and can disturb law and order situation in Kashmir, and are not permitted for transmission.”

Restrictions on the Internet and Social Media

Most of the time in 2017, there was a restriction on the internet and social media. Often the bandwidth is reduced considerably, making it difficult for people to post or download any information of public interest. Whenever there is an incident of killing of civilians at the hands of armed forces, or clashes between civilians and government forces, or encounter between militants and armed forces, one of the first responses of the authorities do is snap the internet services and thus choke the flow of information. The frequent internet shutdowns have not only impacted the functioning of media in Kashmir but have gravely affected businesses and the education of children.

Other Human Rights violations

There were other human rights violations in 2017 in the valley. There were restrictions for religious practicing. People were barred from practicing their religion in some places. Many times, people were also restricted to move from one place to another. There was a restriction on freedom of movements. Many pieces of evidence show that the security forces vandalized the public property in Kashmir. Some video was circulated which clearly shows that security is personally vandalizing public property. They also destroyed the paddy fields, vehicles, windows of houses c, etc. Many people were arrested on the basis of PSA. Many times the accused persons were freed after taking money from the people. In short, there were gross human rights violations in 2017 in Kashmir.


Since the breakout of armed rebellion in 1989, there were human rights violations in Kashmir. Both state and non-state actors are responsible for it. There are many laws operational in Kashmir that allows the forces to carry out human rights violations in Kashmir. These laws give the impunity to them. Some of them include the AFSPA, J&K PSA, the CrPC, the NSA, the NSA, and the TADA. The armed forces under the garb of these laws have been blamed for committing human rights violations. Militant groups are also been accused of the human rights abuses. The human rights violations committed by the state and non-state actors in the state vary from mass killings, enforced disappearances, killings of political workers, torture, rape, harassments etc. The SATP reported that 14839 Civilians, 6388 Security Force Personnel, 23427 Terrorists were killed in the period from 2001 to till May 2018. As per the MHA reports, 045 Security Personnel Forces, 1481 civilians, and 3588 Terrorists were killed in the period from 2005 to 2017. The Civil society has also given the reports. There report is always contradictory to the government report. They claim more losses in Kashmir than that of government reports. Thus, in short, the human rights violations in Kashmir are a continuous phenomenon in Kashmir. Kashmiris’ have suffered a lot due to it. It should be stopped and let them live a dignified life.


  1. The Indian State has scrapped a commitment to the UN on Kashmir !

    The Hindoo State !

    This is what happens when Muslims believe Hindoos ! Their emaan did not call out to them !

    It is because they are not really muslims !

    They forgot the definition of a Hindoo

    The wisdom of the “children of Cyrus,Darius and Xerxes”,encapsulates the “transcendence of Human thought”, the “Deuterosis of the Dindoo”, as under:

    A “Persian dictionary”,titled “Lughet-e-Kishwari”,published in Lucknow in 1964,gives the meaning of the word Hindu as “chore [thief], dakoo [dacoit], raahzan [waylayer], and ghulam [slave].

  2. Kashmir has no special status !

    This is the Brain of the Chaiwala !

    He has doomed Hindoosthan and Kashmir ! The Man being a pimp and murderer is using blackmail to coerce the PDP/NC and the Hurriyat – not to start a revolution ! He wants them to go to the Hindoo Judiciary !

    The fool has wiped out the voice of sanity and reason – as the people will lose faith on the PDP/NC and the Hurriyat -unless these rats lead the revolution !

    Hence, the stage is set for ISIS/Al Qaeda/Taliban.Taliban will come in as soon as US exits !

    And that is what Chaiwala wants – he wants to convert Kashmir into a terror state – and then exterminate.

    It is the lynchpin of the Ghazwa E Hind prophecy !

    Kashmir is also owned by China and Pakistan – and so they have a legit right to intervene – by subversion and democracy !

    This is what happens when a son of an ayah is a King !

  3. Some fools say that Hindooism does not allow Genocide !

    Kashmir is being set up for mass genocide and population restructuring by settlement of ex-soldiers !

    The Gita allows genocide and killing w/o feeling and ego as the 5 senses are controlled by God and so genocide is the will of God ! This is in the Gita !

    History Records that the Nazis were ALSO inspired by the Gita, per se

    Why the “Nazis and Hitler and Himmler”, love the Gita

    “Dindoo Hindoo Bindoo Gandoos” consider “Hitler to be a Vishnoo Avatar”

    When Krishna the Bhagvat was fed up rying to explain to “Arjuna the – why he “needed to exterminate his foes” – this was the “last attempt” in the 18th Chapter of the Gita – the logic is as under :

    Lumen Naturale 1 – There are “5 precedents to sense-perception and action”

    मूल श्लोकः
    शरीरवाङ्मनोभिर्यत्कर्म प्रारभते नरः।
    न्याय्यं वा विपरीतं वा पञ्चैते तस्य हेतवः।।18.15।।

    18.14 The locus as also the agent, the different kinds of organs, the many and distinct activities, and, the “divine is here the fifth”.

    Lumen Naturale 2 – There “5 are causes of all action” and are “independent of the mind and body dualism” of Descartes and “also the Soul “!

    मूल श्लोकः
    यस्य नाहंकृतो भावो बुद्धिर्यस्य न लिप्यते।
    हत्वापि स इमाँल्लोकान्न हन्ति न निबध्यते।।18.17।।

    18.15 For whatever action a man undertakes by his body, speech and mind, whether right or wrong,i.e., enjoined or forbidden by the Sastras, “the following five”, are its causes:

    Lumen Naturale 3 – Hence,you can “kill,murder and rape” – provided it is done with “no ego and no feelings “- for it is the “Act of the Divine” ! Just like the Nazis ! “Heil Krishna,the Bhagwat “!

    मूल श्लोकः
    अधिष्ठानं तथा कर्ता करणं च पृथग्विधम्।
    विविधाश्च पृथक्चेष्टा दैवं चैवात्र पञ्चमम्।।18.14।।

    18.17 He who has not the “feeling of egoism”, whose intellect is not tainted, he does not kill, nor does he become bound-“even by killing these creatures” !

  4. Chaiwala says he scrapped Art 370 for Dalits and Valmikis

    Dalits are raped all over Dindoosthan ! Only regions where Dalits are treated as equals are in Muslim Majority areas.

    How many Dalits are in Kashmir ?

    What stopped Chaiwala from giving quotas to Dalits of Kashmir in Govtt jobs O/S Kashmir as part of a statute ?

    How do the Goo-j-a-rat-ees treat Dalits in Gujarat ?

    Sample what Hindooism says about Dalits !

    The Gita allows the discrimination of Lower Castes ! If the Hindoos treat their own like dirt – what will they do for the Kashmiris ?

    “It is far better to perform one’s svadharma (prescribed duties), even though faultily, than another’s duties perfectly. Destruction in the course of performing one’s own duty is better than engaging in another’s duties, for to follow another’s path is dangerous.” – Bhagavad-Gita 3:35.
    “According to the three modes of material nature (goodness, passion, ignorance) and the work associated with them, the four divisions of human society (Brahmin/KsHatriya/Vaisya/Sudra) are created by Me .And although I am the creator of this system, you should know that I am yet the nondoer, being unchangeable.” — Bhagavad-Gita 4:13.

    Rama killed a Dalit for no reason whatsover !

    Book 7, the ‘Uttarakanda’ [Final Chapter], sargas 73-76, in the Adhyatma Ramayana version of Ramayana.

    When Rama is reigning as a virtuous king, a humble aged Brahmin comes to him, weeping, with his dead son in his arms. He says that Rama must have committed some sin, or else his son would not have died.

    (74) The sage Narada explains to Rama that a Shudra is practicing penances, and this is the cause of the child’s death.

    (75) Rama goes on a tour of inspection in his flying chariot, and finds an ascetic doing austerities, and asks who he is. ”

    (76) Hearing the [inquiring] words of Rama of imperishable exploits, that ascetic, his head still hanging downwards [as part of his austerities] answered:— ‘O Rama, I was born of a Shudra alliance and I am performing this rigorous penance in order to Conquer the heavens with this body. Lord Rama killed him due to his bad intentions and there by giving Shambuka his Moksha.

  5. Chaiwala says he scrapped Art 370 for Industrialisation of Kashmir

    Bullshit 1 !

    There are no skilled staff or workers in Kashmir as Chaiwala has doomed the education system for decades !

    So who will work in Kashmir ? UP and Biharis ? Which is what Kashmiris do not want – as they do not want filth
    and kaffirs who will in long run change the demography of Kashmir

    They do not want Bania filth in Kashmir

    Bullshit 2 !

    What industry will run in Kashmir w/o power ? What industry can cater to a demand of just 10 million people ? What product can
    be made in Kashmir which can’t be made at half the cost o/s Kashmir ?

    Even if GST is exempted in Kashmir – manufacturing will not be viable ! All the Manufacturing is in Jammu !

    All that PDP and NC have to do is to block land acquisition by GOI from Kashmiris for industries,roads,right of way,dams
    godowns and polluting industries – Kashmiris vs Draconian State

    Bullshit 3 !

    What industry can be run in Kashmir with terror risk ? 1 IED and I Bomb blast will destroy the logistics supply chain
    of any unit for months !

    Why did Chaiwala not set up Ordinance and Supply factories for the Pandoo and Khaki Ke Kutte in Kashmir ? There are 700000
    pandoos and khaki ke kutte in Kashmir ! He could have set up MSEZ – Military Special Economic Zones

    All the 80000 crores package is also Bull ! How does a 1 time investment in making roads for military logistics and military
    detours help Kashmiris ?

    Bullshit 4 !

    What tourism can be done in Kashmir with Art 370 ? Tourism needs peace ! Who will sell land to Taj ? No one !
    Even if GOI sells land to Taj – the roads will be blocked by the Locals – physically or by not selling road land !

    Road = IED !

    Or the Kashmiris can do Gau Mata slaughter houses on the way to the Taj !

    Which International airline will land in Srinagar ? 1 MANPAD will block all flights !

    Bullshit 5 !

    If Chaiwala wanted jobs for Kashmiris – he could have given quotas in Pvt sector Companies in Janmmu to Kashmiris –
    but he did not !

    Why will Kashmiri leave orchards and tourism for an uncertain private sector job – with high risk ?

  6. Chaiwala claims he wants to industrialise Kashmir !

    Chaiwala could not make "Make in Dindoosthan" work in 5 years !

    Chaiwala has doomed the Dindoothan Economy !

    Chaiwala has doomed Hindoo exports and the SME sector !

    Chaiwala has doomed Hindoos and Muslims by Demonetisation

    Chaiwala has doomed Manufacturing !

    Chaiwala has doomed the IAF !

    Chaiwala has given MUDRA loans of Rs 8,00,000 crores out of which Rs 50000 crores
    are already NPA in 3 years

    Chaiwala’s Dindoosthan has NPA of Rs 20,00,000 crores – which is more than the Pakistan
    Nominal GDP !

    What will Chaiwala do for Kashmir ! He is the son of a dishwasher !

    Just like the Fake Pulwama and Balakot to divert attention for Polls – the Article 370 is a
    bogus ploy to divert attention from Dindoo Hindoo Economy !

    As per the Mahabharata – Gujaratis are bastards !–the-Chaiwa

    The Indian Chaiwala PM is also a Gujarati – who are described as "Bastards" in the Mahabharata

    The Mahabharata , Book 8: Karna Parva ,Section 45

    The Pancalas observe the duties enjoined in the Vedas; the Kauravas observe truth; the Matsyas and the Surasenas perform sacrifices, the Easterners follow the practices of the Shudras; the Southerners are fallen; the Vahikas are thieves; the Saurashtras are bastards.

    Gujaratis are a Bastard race ! They swap wives ! And they do it openly and ADVERTISE IT OPENLY !

    Now link it with the Mahabharata ! It says that Gujaratis are Bastards – as they have sex with anything which moves !

    No one knows who the father of Chaiwala is !

    That is the problem of the Dindoos and South Asia and soon for the whole world !

  7. Why do I sense a regret by Muslims over the mythical “Leon Uris type Exodus” of Kashmiri Pandits from Kashmir – as if it were the bane of the Kashnmir freedom struggle ?

    Is this the limpet body to be carried on the cross of Islam ? Why did the Lord of the Kashmiri Pandits not save them ? The “purported Holocaust” of the Jews,and their gypsy meanderings – are a consequence of the Curse on Solomon,by Allah.

    On principles of ontological extraction – the Kashmiri Pandits got what they deserved – and that is evidenced by the musings and ruminations of Nanak – who,in turn,was a Quasi Muslim – under the tutelage of Mardana.

    Pakistanis adulate Nanak,as he was a Pakistani Product – made and refined in Pakistan – and a symbol of evolutions in Pakistani theological cogitation

    Let us examine what Nanak’s sentience says about these Kashmiri Pandits

    You may stand and recite the Shaastras and the Vedas, O Siblings of Destiny, but these are just worldly actions. “Filth cannot be washed away by hypocrisy”, O Siblings of Destiny; the filth of corruption and sin, “is within you”. (Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Ang 635)
    O Pandit, O religious scholar, “your filth shall not be erased”, even if you read the Vedas for four ages. (Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Ang 647)
    The Pandits, the religious scholars, and the silent sages, reading and studying the Vedas, have grown weary. The Messenger of Death “hovers over their heads”; they are ruined by the deceit within themselves. ||7|| (Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Ang 1277)

  8. I heard some Pakistanis talk in Plato’s Universals espoused by Lady Hypatia.They say Allah created all sentience and non-sentience –including the Hindoo Vermin.They say – what right do the Pakistanis have to wipe out the sentience of 500 million,so called Hindoo vermin ?

    This is the “RAW” induced intelect of the Good Pakistanis ! The Magic of the photo on Lincoln on a 100 USD Bill !

    Is it fair to surmise that Nanak was an Islamic seer – and the most invaluable export of Pakistan to the Hindoos ? If he had even for a second been truly inspired by Islam – would it be fair to state that he captured the essence of Hindoosim and Hindoos ?

    I present the proof of Nanak – who surmised beyond doubt that Hindooism is the faith of Satan – and hence,by Islamic teleological deduction – has to be wiped out,per se.You could say that we are the intersection of History,Sikh Theology and Islamic Teleology.–the-Chaiwa…

    Sikh (Quasi Islam) Theology and Scripture consider Hindoo Faith to be a demonic faith,as the Granth regards the Hindoo Trinity as Demonic


    || 3 || Shiva cut off Brahma’s head,and Gautam’s wife and the Lord Indra mated; Brahma?s head got stuck to Shiva?s hand, and Indra came to bear the “marks of a thousand female organs”. || 4 || “These demons” have fooled, bound and destroyed me.


    || 2 ||Shiva,Brahma, angels and demons, all “burn in the fire of death”.

  9. Surely the followers of Ishmael and the Prophet will not conned by a Hindoo PM who is an illiterate and a son of a Ayah and he himself was a Tea seller on a rail platform

    Besides, he is a Gujarati – who are also called Bastards in the Mahabharata !

    The Mahabharata , Book 8: Karna Parva ,Section 45

    The Pancalas observe the duties enjoined in the Vedas; the Kauravas observe truth; the Matsyas and the Surasenas perform sacrifices, the Easterners follow the
    practices of the Shudras; the Southerners are fallen; the Vahikas are thieves; the Saurashtras are bastards. The Gujaratis are also termed as a race of Miscegnation
    – in the Mahabharata ! That word refers to those born of unnatural sex ! Gujaratis are a Bastard race ! They swap wives ! And they do it openly and ADVERTISE

  10. Will the Hindoo Cowards fight the Kashmiri Mujahideen ?

    Look at these Nepalee Goo-rkha toilet cleaners !

    Their destiny is to clean toilets – and the Hindoo Monkey army hires them

    In Iraq – these cowards used to hide in garbage containers ! Garbage Containers !

    That was the only place Daesh did not look ! Allah has placd these coward Goo-r-khas in the
    Hindoo Army for a purpose – to be slaughtered !

    Sample these Rajasthani sons of harlots born out of Nata Pratha – which is basically
    child prostitution for a fee !

    And these Gujaratis like I said are a breed born of harlots and have a system of organised
    prostitution by registration – called Maitri Karar – which is registered by the DM

    How can a follower of the Prophet live with these scum ?

  11. Who will fight the Kashmiri Mujahideen ?

    The Konkan Ghateee rats from the land of Manhar Parrikar ?

    The Konkan Ghatis are filth fit to be culled.

    They are only fit to clean camel shit in Saudia?

    Or is it the education system in the land of the Konkaneee Ghateee Black skinned niggers ?

    Sample the worth of these Konkani Ghatis – 100% failures ! It is a world record ! THIS IS NOT A ACADEMIC EXAM – IT IS A PROFESSIONAL JOB SELECTION EXAM ! accountant-posts/story-nSzn8flSU2xJrdWAxvjrVM.html 1904276

    Even the GSPC Chairman is on record to state that Goans "lack in analytical reasoning, knowledge of scientific application and general knowledge including current affairs"


    Even in the GU, the students dong post graduate courses in maths had a 75% failure rate

    o 16/articleshow/57926691.cms

    They are only fit to pimp their women and daughters to Nigerians Let us pray they are bombed by ISIS or Qaeda or killed in Kashmir

  12. Why do the Arabs buy into the lies of the Hindoo – after bearing witness to the lies spread against the Prophet ?

    The word Hindooo means liar and cheat in Persian !

    Take the example of Laxmee Bae – the harlot married to an impotent gay who begged in writing that his wife should not be raped after his death !

    Or take the case of The Rat Rana Pratap – who begged for surrender and ate rotis made of grass

    These cowards will fight ?

    The Dindoo Rats Claim that Jhansi Ki Rani , was “the Dindoo Joan of Arc and Lady Hypatia fused together”, who refused to be enslaved to the Brits

    She was “married to a limpdick”, Gangadhar Rao (age 65), her “beau cavalier”, who was impotent and had no children

    Hear what “George B. Malleson” has to say about Gangadhar Rao !

    George B. Malleson maintains that Gangadhar Rao, who succeeded his brother in 1835, was an “imbecile,”which made it necessary for the government to administer the state through an agency.

    Her husband “lost interest in her”, in a few years (the Sunny Leone syndrome), and spent a lot of time with horses

    Her married life apparently was not the happiest; reports have suggested that the Raja was “a homosexual” or that he had one or more mistresses, also that he had a “general penchant for
    dressing up as a woman”

    Read more:

    Her husband “begged,in writing”, the British,”not to rape his wife” ,after he was dead or killed

    An extract from his letter, is reproduced here below:

    “I trust that in consideration of the fidelity I have evinced towards the government favour may be shown towards this child and that my widow during her lifetime may be considered the Regent of the state and mother of this child and not be molested in any way.”

    Rana Pratap

    The Hindoo Bindoo Rats claim that Rana Pratap was “a great warrior”
    Akbar reduced this man to “making rotis of seeds of grass in jungles” and the man wrote “a letter of surrender,”to Akbar

    This is also what the “spineless Dindoo Historians”, now say !

  13. It is the End Times for the Dindoo Hinoo ! Nanak met Babar and blessed him ! He did not warn Babar not to pillage the Hindoos !

    Y ?

    Nanak knew the worth of Hindoo evil !

    Net Result ! Babar pillaged the Hindoo Filth and was rewarded with a son – Akbar !

    Nanak asks his God – Did you feel no pity ? And the Lord did not give a damn !

    That same time beckons Pakistan – the pedigreed lineage of Babar !


    || 4 || 4 || 38 || AASAA, FIRST MEHL: Having attacked Khuraasaan, "Baabar terrified Hindustan". The Creator Himself does not take the blame, but has sent the "Mugal as the messenger death". There was so much slaughter that the people screamed. "Didn’t You feel compassion", Lord?

    Y did the "tantric rites" of the Dindoo Hindoo Gandoo,"not save them" ?


    |q| 3 || Millions of religious leaders failed to halt the invader, when they heard of the Emperor?s invasion.He burned the rest-houses and ‘the ancient temples"; he "cut the princes limb from limb", and cast them into the dust. None of the Mugals "went blind, and no one performed any miracle".

    Y did Allah not save the "RajFooFoot"?

    || 5 || The Hindu women, the Muslim women, the Bhattis and the "Rajputs – some had their robes torn away, from head to foot", while others came to dwell in the cremation ground. Their "husbands did not return home" and how did they pass their night ?
    || 6 || The Creator Himself acts, and "causes others to act". Unto whom should we complain?

    The Sad Truth – The Lord did nothing – the "DindooHindoo scum got what they deserved" ! The same
    "would have been done" by "Abraham and Solomon and David"

     "Ghazni/Babar and the Mughals", did nothing which Abraham, David and Solomon, did "not do or would not have done"
     They all followed the "Old Testament" !

  14. It is the End Times for the Dindoo Hinoo ! Nanak met Babar and blessed him ! He did not warn Babar not to pillage the Hindoos !

    Y ?

    Nanak knew the worth of Hindoo evil !

    Net Result ! Babar pillaged the Hindoo Filth and was rewarded with a son – Akbar !

    Nanak asks his God – Did you feel no pity ? And the Lord did not give a damn !

    That same time beckons Pakistan – the pedigreed lineage of Babar !


    || 4 || 4 || 38 || AASAA, FIRST MEHL: Having attacked Khuraasaan, "Baabar terrified Hindustan". The Creator Himself does not take the blame, but has sent the "Mugal as the messenger death". There was so much slaughter that the people screamed. "Didn’t You feel compassion", Lord?

    Y did the "tantric rites" of the Dindoo Hindoo Gandoo,"not save them" ?


    |q| 3 || Millions of religious leaders failed to halt the invader, when they heard of the Emperor?s invasion.He burned the rest-houses and ‘the ancient temples"; he "cut the princes limb from limb", and cast them into the dust. None of the Mugals "went blind, and no one performed any miracle".

    Y did Allah not save the "RajFooFoot"?

    || 5 || The Hindu women, the Muslim women, the Bhattis and the "Rajputs – some had their robes torn away, from head to foot", while others came to dwell in the cremation ground. Their "husbands did not return home" and how did they pass their night ?
    || 6 || The Creator Himself acts, and "causes others to act". Unto whom should we complain?

    The Sad Truth – The Lord did nothing – the "DindooHindoo scum got what they deserved" ! The same "would have been done" by "Abraham and Solomon and David" !

     "Ghazni/Babar and the Mughals", did nothing which Abraham, David and Solomon, did "not do or would not have done"
     They all followed the "Old Testament" !

  15. Lest people laugh in jest or think it is a test ! Rajnath Singh – the
    Rajput Impotentica claims Dindoo Hindoos will scrap the NFU policy !

    Try to understand the plight of the Dindoo Hindoo ! They are products
    of legalised incest !

    All forms of incest are allowd in Hindooism !

    And that leads to obvious impotentica and dementia !

    Rig Veda – "Sex with Sister and Mommy"

    "Vishva Dharma ki Jay"! (Victory to Universal Dharma!)

    "Rig veda 6.55 Mantra 55" – Pusan (Author: Bharadvaja Barhaspatya)

    4 Pusan, who driveth goats for steeds, the strong and Mighty, "who is called His Sister’s lover", will we laud.

    5 "His Mother’s suitor", I address. May he who "loves his Sister" hear,Brother of Indra, and my Friend.

    "Vishva Dharma ki Jay"! (Victory to Universal Dharma!)

    "Rig Veda 10.3.3"

    3 Attendant on the Blessed Dame the Blessed hath come: the "Lover followeth his Sister".Agni, far-spreading with conspicuous lustre, hath compassed Night with whitelyshining garments.

    The Almighty Brahma

    Brahma could not give up his desire. He began to "quote the Vedas" to convince her (id.est., his daughter, Saraswati) that there was nothing wrong in "having sex with anyone, anytime, anywhere", for the sake of giving birth to a child. " (Wonderbar!!!!) p

    As per "Horny Dandy Boy Brahma", Saraswati was born from Brahma’s ribs, and so, they were "1 and the same" – and so he could "rape her as he wished "

    This is the "Vedic verse, in Sanskrit"which "justifies incest", and which was quoted, by Brahma :

    Mathara Mupathya, susara Mupatithe, Puthrartheetha.

    Sagamarthi, Napathra loka, nasthee thath.

    Saravam paravo vindu ha, dasmath Puthrar tham.

    Matharam suransathee Rehathee”

    Translated, this verse means, as under :

    "For the sake of a child one can enjoy his own sister or daughter, without any sin attached to it"

  16. There would be some followers of Islam who will waver when they have
    to radiate the Dindoo Hindoo ! Them Ishmaelites will say – that
    they have relatives in Dindooosthan !

    Let them hear the words of one of the quasi apostles of Jesus (Jesus is considered
    a prophet in Islam) on the worth of the Dindoo Hindoo !

    According to the "apocryphal Acts of St. Thomas" , the apostles drew lots and the Apostle Judas
    Thomas, who was a carpenter, got India. When Jesus appeared to him, in a vision that night,Thomas
    said, “Whither soever Thou wilt, our Lord, send me; only to India I will not go.”.

    Judas Thomas,"a nazarit and descendant" of Shem,was "killed and murdered" by the Dindoo in
    Dindoo Land – a land which Epiphanius cursed, as “Christianity’s archenemy” – as Dindoos are
    "oblique followers of Chrestos and Plinius"

    Allow me to ALSO present the "words of St Francis Xavier" (which should be framed in gold, in
    the Liber Pontificalis), of the land of the Goan Vermin, the "Dindoo evangelium", as under :

     The Brahmins are the "most perverse" people in the world…. They "never tell the truth", but think of nothing but how to "tell subtle lies" and to deceive the simple and ignorant people… They are as "perverse and wicked" a set, as can anywhere be found, and to whom applies the Psalm, which says: ‘From an unholy race, and wicked and crafty men, deliver me, Lord’.,

    The Dindoo say "What was St Francis Xavier thinking, when he spoke the above gospel"

     It is all from the Book of Mark -"Do not worry beforehand about what you are to say,
    but say whatever is given you in that hour; for it is not you who speak, but it is the Holy
    Spirit" (Mark 13:9, 11)

    The Dindoo say "St Francis Xavier was an idol destroyer – and used to celebrate the same" .
    St.Francis Xavier, said as under :

    "I order that everywhere the temples of the false Gods be pulled down and idols broken."

     It is all from the Book of Numbers -"Drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before you, and destroy all their figured stones, and destroy all their molten images and demolish all their high places" (Numbers 33:52)
     It is all from the Chronicles -"Destroyed the altars of foreign gods and high places, tore down the sacred idols, cut down the Asherim" (2 Chronicles 14:3)1

  17. I see some Pakistanis cohabiting with the Mongrel skinned Hindoos and other South Asians –
    and I am concerned !

    The Africans are a race far superior to the Hindoo Vermin !

    It is the race of Kush and Moses married a Kushite – besides Solomon who also married a
    Nubian !

    The Africans came to Dindooo Land and pillaged the local harlots and treasures and returned
    to Africa.Their illegitimate mongrels tanned over 2000 years and eating the miserable food
    and fruits of Dindoosthan is what constitute the Hindoo Mongrels today !

    How can the Pakistanis cohabit with these vermin ? How can Kashmiris live with these vermin ?

    Sample the gems of the Islamic Philo by products – and their views on the Africans – the master
    race of the Dindoo Hindoos

    Nasir al-Din al-Tusi (1201-1274), was a Shia Muslim Scholar and Grand Ayatollah

     "If (all types of men) are taken, from the first, and one placed after another, like the Negro from Zanzibar, in the Southern-most countries, the Negro does not differ from an animal in anything except the fact that his hands have been lifted from the earth -in no other peculiarity or property – except for what God wished.

     Many have seen that the ape is more capable of being trained than the Negro, and more intelligent."[3]

    Gems from Al-Tabari

     "Ham [Africans] begat all those who are black and curly-haired, while Japheth [Turks] begat all those who are full-faced with small eyes,and Shem [Arabs] begat everyone who is handsome of face with beautiful hair.
     Noah prayed that the hair of Ham’s descendants would not grow
     beyond their ears, and that "whenever his descendants" met Shem’s, the "latter would enslave them."Al-Tabari, Vol. 2, p. 21, p. 21

  18. This is for the doves in Pakistan.There can no existence for both the Pakistanis and the Dindoosthanis !

    The Dindoos have always reviled the Pakistanis from the time of the Mahabharata !

    They called it the land of the 5 rivers ! Simla/Lahore Agreement is all bull! The Hate is Transcendental !

    The only Solution is Tritium Booster Thermo !

    Sample what the Mahabharata says about the Pakistanis

    The Mahabharata, Book 8: Karna Parva: Section 45

    Fie on the Arattas and the people of the "country of the five rivers".

    The Mahabharata, Book 8: Karna Parva: Section 45

    This cannot be said of the Madrakas and the "crooked-hearted race" that resides in the "country of the five rivers"

    The Mahabharata, Book 8: Karna Parva: Section 45

    In days of yore, when the eternal religion was reverenced in all countries,the Grandsire, observing the "practices of the country of the five rivers, cried fie on them"

    The Mahabharata, Book 8: Karna Parva: Section 44

    There where the five rivers flow just after issuing from the mountains, there among the Aratta-Vahikas, no respectable person should dwell even for two days. They are "not creatures created by the Creator"

    The Mahabharata, Book 8: Karna Parva: Section 44

    There where forests of Pilus stand,and those five rivers flow, viz., the Satadru, the Vipasa, the Iravati, the Candrabhaga, and the Vitasa and which have the Sindhu for their sixth, there in those regions removed from the Himavat, are the countries called by the name of the Arattas. Those regions are "without virtue and religion". No one should go thither.

  19. Was there a surgical strike by Parrikar in Kashmir ? Parrikar was a kindred soul from the
    Indian Institute of Toilet Cleaners !

    Will The Konkan Ghateee rats from the land of Manhar Parrikar fight the Kashmiri Mujahids ?

    The Konkan Ghatis are filth fit to be culled.

    They are only fit to clean camel shit in Saudia?

    These Konkan Rats could not even make a bomb to blow up a Church ! It blew up prematurely,
    killing 2 Konkan Rats !

    This is explained by the IQ of these rats and cowards (as below) and also explains why they were
    slaves for 300 years to the Portugese and before that to the Abyssinians,Marathas,Tughlaqs …

    These Konkan rats were slaves till 1961 ! Nehru in a speech said that that the Konkan Rats were
    very happy with the Portugese !

    Even the Konkan leaders say that the Konkani rats are fit to clean toilets only !

    Sample this Konkan clown – who says that fram yields can be increased by chanting vedic hymns

    Wnat to do with these scum ?

    Or is it the education system in the land of the Konkaneee Ghateee Black skinned niggers ?

    Sample the worth of these Konkani Ghatis – 100% failures ! It is a world record ! THIS IS NOT A ACADEMIC EXAM – IT IS A PROFESSIONAL JOB SELECTION EXAM ! accountant-posts/story-nSzn8flSU2xJrdWAxvjrVM.html 1904276

    Even the GSPC Chairman is on record to state that Goans "lack in analytical reasoning, knowledge of scientific application and general knowledge including current affairs"


    Even in the GU, the students dong post graduate courses in maths had a 75% failure rate

    o 16/articleshow/57926691.cms

    They claim they are offsrpinged from Parshooram – the inpotent rat who raped his mother and blamed the Kshatriyas ! The limpdick father and Parshooram could not sexually satisfy the whore mommy and she went helter skelter w/o shelter and condoms !

    Now Nigerian gigolos are banging Konkan tramps and selling coke to Konkan nigglets !

  20. With the criminal actions in Kashmir – so called terror strikes across Hindoosthan are imminent !

    The Land of the Goan Konkanee Ghatis !

    A Prime terror target ! US/EU/Iraeli Tourists, EU/Israeli Military Experts and Engineers,Poor Logistics, Unsecured and Old Dams and Bridges, Narriow and Old Roads,Defennse quarters in stroll distance from roads,Defence Installations, Military Munition dumps on the high traffic inner roads, Military Ship yards right on inner roads – next to several high rises,Ports in Line of Sight,Umpteen Central Fuel Dumps on Main Road or with clear line of sight, Commercial and Military naval ports in clear line of sight,Military Air Strips 10 meters from civilian colonies,Ample low flying military choppers and take off planes less than 30 meters in height from a beach stroll,Dual use Commercial cum Air Force-Navai Aviaton Airport, No Air strip for mass evacuation,Corrupt and Debauched Police/Polity and Society, Drugs Paradise,Sex Trafficking,Paedo Paradise,Organ Trafficking,Gigolo Paradise,Vast stretches of beaches o/s to the drug and sex mafia,Innumerable Central Fuel Dumps on main road and raised heights in clear line of sight,millions of tourists coming by road and rail, Impossible to secure seacoast line, Long Monsoon spells and Poor Sky Vision,Easily predictable traffic congestions,Very High Density of Humans at easily predictable time in Vegetable Markets,High Density Concentrated SME manufacturing Hubs, Fixed Frequency of Commercial traffic into military sectors,Poor E-coverage of open areas,High density of vermin at Bus and Rail stations at fixed times,Only 1 rail line for commercial traffic linking the state,A Litter of Churches right on the main roads,Ample Explosives of Illegal Mining and Unaccounted explosives of legal mining and a Chor Pandoo Chaddhi Chor Matka Police !

    Sample the Goan Chor Matka Pandoo Polce! Will these clowns stop ISIS …

    The “Gems of Parrikar” – the “Pericles of Goa” – on the “Goan Police”

    • “People ask me why I am not suspending some of the officers although they were proved to be corrupt. I can’t do that because I am already facing shortage of officers”.

    • DIG – Vimal Gupta – On corruption charge and transferred out, by CM of Goa,for “not so good” activities ( the words of the CM of Goa)

    The Story is that the Devyani Naik and Chandan Naik bribed Panwari Bania DIG – Gupta Mishtan Bhandar, and the wimps of the ACB took the maximum time to file the FIR

    The statements of TN Mohan Ex-DGP,Goa Police (Sambhar Dosa)

    • Goa Police chief T.N. Mohan (Masala Dosa) on Wednesday said he was “ashamed” at the “unacceptable levels of corruption” in the force.

    Plague of immorality of the Goa Police

    • IGP – Panwari Bania – Sunil Garg – On Taped bribery charge with the Goan Chief Secretary sitting on the FIR File and the ACB refusing to file FIR inspite of a Court Order
    • DIG – Panwari Bania – Vimal Gupta – On corruption charge and transferred out by CM of Goa for not so good activities
    • •SP Crime – Karthik Kashyap – Bailable Warrant served on him, at District Court,Amreli, Gujarat
    • •PI ATS – Nilesh Rane – A B Com Pass in the 3 rd Division, suffering anal fissures and accused of being a pimp, extortionist, racketeer and a rapist (with a record of censures, penalties,demotions and dismissals)
    • •PI ATS – Jivbya Dalvi – stole money during notebandi and tampered evidence in the Melvyn Gomes case
    • ATS clowns are staffed by 3rd division Commerce and Arts Graduates who have passed from Goa University,by doing Projects, in the 3 rd year,with scores of 70% (id.est, part of the Goa University scam – to make Konkani Niggers pass the graduate courses) – with Bhandare OBC caste affiliations – as sons of cobblers, mechanics,,sweepers and barbers.
    • •ANC – Several Staff Chargesheeted by CBI for drug peddling and extortion and accused of planting and tampering with evidence•
    • Anthony Montesserate – Demoted,Censured,Sacked and Reinstated on several occasions (like Lazarus)
    • CBI – Refused to carry out an investigation in the matka operations in the state – inspite of a Court Order (they are all police officers)
    • •MATKA– Goa is the Matka Capital of the World (with the matka mafia paying off the pandoo police and the netas who in turn pay off the goan people at the time of elections – as “vote gratuity”)
    • As per Mr Mickey Pachecho – the Goan Police is a Chor Matka Pandoo Police and so are all the MLAs in the Fenee Land of Goa – all are in the Payroll of Matka operators

    Plague of ineptitude, corruption and impotence of the Goa Police

    • •SP ATS – Priyanka Kashyap – Secured entry from the OBC (Roojam)class and a BE in IT – On Abortion leave (suffering from pre-eclampsia and sadly did not die – in the last abortion), for 18 out of 36 months, with several tales and complaints of incompetence on this dimwit (including the rampage by Nigerians and the Nigerian Ambassador, who abused her (as a whore) with forensic trail, and the fiasco of the Kamaxi case etc.)
    • Devesh Mahale – SP ATS – Secured entry from the OBC class who failed in Training Programs in the Indian Evidence Act,Forensic Medicine and Police Leadership
    • SIT – Staffed by inept fools whose investigations have led nowhere,and also, since the netas deem it fit to understaff and ill equip these morons – since they know the worth of the clowns of the Goa Police
    • EOC- Staffed by inept fools whose investigations have led nowhere, and also since the netas deem it fit to understaff and ill equip these morons – since they know the worth of the clowns of the Goa Police
    • ACB – staffed by inept illiterate clowns and morons from the Police, who are meant to independently probe corruption in the Goa Police and the Goa State ( used as pimps by Netas to harass public servants and Politicians)
    • Vasco Police – 10th and 12th pass clowns appointed as ASI and PSI like VS Naik and Talvalankar who cannot read,write,speak or understand English
    • Scarlett Keeling – The Police could not secure a conviction as it got paid off (The Court acquitted all the accused)
    • •Margao Bombing – The Police could not secure a conviction as it got paid off and the fact that they are pandoos (The Court acquitted all the accused)
    • •Vasco Bombing – The Police could not secure a conviction as it got paid off and the fact that they are pandoos (The Court acquitted all the accused)
    • •Anti Islamic Bias -The Police who molested 88 Madrassa schoolgirls in a police station and the 2 pandoo police officers responsible for arresting the 88 girls – were feted by the Konkani Limpets of Vasco
    • Jail Breaks – are passe for the Goan Chor Matka Police
    o Mr Michael Fernandes, who has had 6 escapes from the inept,incompetent, matka Goa Police – from their jail, escort van etc…..
    o Innovation by “Hitler Fernandes and Seby Ferrao” of Sada Jail,who escaped after drilling a hole in the toilet
    • Bhang and Meat Party in Goan Pandoo Jail
    o Goa Matka Police have jails where inmates have “a bhang and meat party” – and the Meat and Bhang was made,in the Police Pantry and Canteen
    • The LPC of the Goan Police – only fit to check the orifices of Menino Fernandes to dig out the drug packets
    • LPCs are just busy committing suicide as they are sexually abused and raped by the Goan Matka Police
    • Confidence – Menino Fernandes – caught with drugs on several occassions – but is not bothered as there is an angel on earth,saving him – the Goan Matka Pandoo Police
    • •Cross Defilers – The Pandoo Police who could not stop the defiling of the graveyards of Christians• and falsely implicated an innocent ,man who is a Christian,and who was also acquitted
    • •David Headley, Shambu Beck and Yasin Bhatkal stayed for a long time in Goa as tourists and the Pandoo Police had no clue, and were high on matka,khainee and fenee
    • Then there is “His Excellency Charles Sobhraj” – who escaped Tihar Jail and came to Goa Fenee Land to eat Chicken Cafreal, at the O’ Coqueiro Restauran,waiting for the Pandoos to arrest him (the owner of the food joint,has a statue in his memory)
    • Tha Police could not stop an inmate Ashfaque, from being killed by another inmate and the Pandoo Police have still not found the murder weapon !
    • Goan Police could not handle a Group of 100 Nigerians who brought the Fenee State of Goa to a halt•
    • Sagar Kavatch Police who could not detect a fake bomb o/s a Police Post
    • •The state of Security-in the Brics summit, thieves stole the water valves, of the Pandoo Police from their quarters
    • A pepper spray used by an Israeli was enough to con these limpet impotent pandoo clowns
    • The Police investigated Mickey Pacheco for 9 years for money laundering, and then filed a closure report

  21. People talk of ISIS genocide of Yazidis ! Numbered a few thousands ! Islam is an Abrahamic faith ! Deuteronomy allowed sex slaves and their marital conjugation !

    (Deuteronomy 21:10-14 NAB)

    "When you go out to war against your enemies and the LORD, your God, delivers them into your hand, so that you take captives, if you see a comely woman among the captives and become so enamored of her that you wish to have her as wife,you may take her home to your house.
    But before she may live there, she must shave her head and pare her nails and lay aside her captive’s garb.
    After she has mourned her father and mother for a full month, you may have relations with her,and you shall be her husband and she shall be your wife.
    However, if later on you lose your liking for her, you shall give her her freedom, if she wishes it; but you shall not sell her or enslave her, since she was married to you under compulsion."
    (Numbers 31:15-18)

    And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive? … Now therefore "kill every male" among the "little ones", and "kill every woman", that "hath known man", by lying with him. But all the women children, that "have not known a man", by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. Sample the "Old Testament"

    But the Hindoos butchered millions of Buddhists from the 3 century BC to 6 th century AD and then again millions of Muslims in 1947 ! The Indian PM himself killed 1000s of Muslims in Godhra ! The Hindoos wiped out the entire Buddhist religion from Kabul to Cape Comrim.

    Genocide comes naturally to the Hindoo ! The verses quoted by ISIS are mostly in the Hadeeths ! But the Hindoo version of ISIS is far more sophisticated and detailed in abhorrent minutae – in the SCRIPTURE (akin to the Quran). It is a duty of the Hindoo to carry out genocide and the white man
    is easily fooled by the supine,servile,menial,heathen and perfidious culture,mannerisms and sophisry of the Hindoo !

    I present the rationalisation and justification of genocide bry the Hindoos !

    ISIS has a natural bond with Hindoos ! The conceot of Shariat is all inspired from the Hindoo Scriptures

    Sample 1 – Death to those that reject Vedas

    This deceptive vision shall wholly beguile the Daityas,so that, being led astray from the path of the Vedas,
    they “may be put to death”; for all gods, demons, or others, who shall be ” opposed to the authority of the Veda,shall perish by my might”, whilst exercised
    for the preservation of the world. .Vishnu Purana 3:17

    Sample 2 – Killing Atheists and Kaffirs

    Rig Veda 1:174:8 These thine old deeds new bards have sung, O Indra. Thou conqueredst, boundest many tribes for ever.Like castles thou hast “crushed the godless races”, and bowed the godless scorner’s deadly weapon.
    Rig Veda 3:24:1. AGNI, subdue opposing bands, and drive our enemies away.Invincible,”slay godless foes” give splendour to the worshipper.
    Atharva Veda 11:2:23 Homage be paid him with ten Sakvari verses who stands established in the air’s mid-region, “slaying non-sacrificing God-despisers”!
    Rig Veda 6:25:9 So urge our hosts together in the combats: “yield up the godless bands”, that fight against us.

  22. The Hindoo Military and Para Military regularly rape and kill Kashmiri women.In fact the Hindoos are known to cut off teh breasts and tear out the ovaries of the Kashmiri women so that they cannot feed their kids !

    Even the Nazis did not do this ! They just gassed the hapless Jews !

    People talk of ISIS and the Yazidis ! But that is nothing !


    What will the Hindoos do the Kashmiri women ?

    The Rapes of Krishna

    · Linga Purana section 1.69.82 “The excessively strong one, of unequalled exploit, Krsna took up sixteen thousand one hundred girls for his own pleasure.”

    · Srimad Bhagavatam 10.58.58 Lord Krishna “also acquired thousands of other wives”, equal to these when He killed Bhaumasura and freed the beautiful maidens the demon was holding captive.”

    · Srimad Bhagavatam 10.58.31 My dear King, Lord Krishna”forcibly took away” Princess Mitravin da, the daughter of His aunt Rajadhidevi, before the eyes of the rival kings.

    Forcing women of enemy soldiers to become prostitutes

    · Matsya Purana 71.26-30 ”Once upon a time thousands and thousands of the demons (Danavas, Asuras, Daityas and Raksasas) were killed in the war between the Devas and the demons.

    o Indra told their “numberless widows and those women” who were “forcibly seized and enjoyed”, to “lead the life of prostitutes” and remain devoted to the kings and the Devas.

    o Indra continued, You should look upon, with equal eye, the kings your masters and on Sudra. All of you will attain prosperity, according to your fate. “You should satisfy those who would come to you with adequate sum of money”, to enjoy your company, even if they be poor.

    Sex Slaves

    · Matsya Purana 71.44-45 ”That Brahmana should be well fed and be devoutly looked upon as cupid,for the sake of sexual enjoyment. Each and every desire of that Brahmana should be satisfied by the woman devotee. She should, with all heart and soul and with a smile on her face, yield herself up to him.”

    · Mahabharata 1.102 ”Bhishma cut off, with his arrows, on the field of battle, bows, and flagstaffs, and coats of mail, and human heads by hundreds and thousands…Then that foremost of all wielders of weapons having vanquished in battle all those monarchs, pursued his way towards the capital of the Bharatas, taking those maidens with him.”

    · Mahabharata 13.44 says that bridegroom may forcibly take away the girl he likes to “marry even after killing or beheading the girl’s kinsmen” and Manu Smriti 3.33 says that sometimes the girl forcibly taken away may cry and weep and this is permitted in Mahabharata 1.73.

    · Narada Smriti 12.78 Intercourse is permitted with a wanton woman, who belongs to another than the Brahman caste, or a prostitute, or a female slave, or a female not restrained by her master (nishakasini), if these women belong to a lower caste than oneself; “but with a woman of superior caste, intercourse is prohibited”

    · Agni Purana 211.37-43 ”…By making the “gift of a female slave” to one of the foremost of the Brahmanas, a man becomes an inmate of the region of the Apasaras (nymphs)…”

    · Agni Purana 223.23-29 ”…Duties payable on “importing female slaves” into the country should be determined with a due regard to the country imported from and the time of the import.

    · Mahabharata 4.72 …And Krishna gave unto each of the illustrious sons of Pandu “numerous female slaves”, and gems and robes…

  23. The Evil of the Hinooo vermin is not manifest to the white man.The white man sees only his innnate goodness in others – like a fool.

    Much has been said and excoriated about the Jehadi suicide bombers and the 72 houris in heaven.It is an isolated verse in the Quran – in a time and a context to remove the attachment to worldly passions. Just an isolated verse !

    The Thesis and Exegesis of mass murder and genocide and the fairies in heaven lies in THE HINDOO FAITH – IN THE VEDAS AND PURANAS ! It is not Islam ! This will used the Hindoos for mass rapes and genocide in Kashmir ! Except that the Hindoo will rape in Kashmir and then look to the fairies in his heaven as the icing on the cake !

    The White man has to awaken !

    SIS has a natural bond with Hindoos ! The conceot of 72 houris in heaven is all inspired from the Hindoo Scriptures

    Parashara Smriti 3.28-29 Celestial damsels seize for themselves, and “take delight with the hero”,whose “body is wounded or cut by arrows, clubs, or maces”. Thousands of celestial damsels, rush forward in a hurry “towards a hero killed in battle”, each proclaiming, ‘He is my lord, he is mine’.·

    Parashara Smriti 3.31 If victorious, wealth is won; if “death results, beautiful women fall to his share”; since this corporeal frame is liable to perish in an instant’s time, why should we be shy of meeting death on a field of battle?·

    Mahabharata 12.98 ”Foremost of Apsaras, numbering by thousands, go out with great speed (“for receiving the spirit of the slain hero”) coveting him for their lord.”

    DeviBhagavatam 3.15.10-13 ”Some warriors on being slain in the battle instantly arose in a celestial car to the heavens and was seen “addressing the celestial nymph, who came already within his embrace”, thus “O one of beautiful thighs. Behold! how my beautiful body is lying on the earth below!”

  24. The Ruling political dispensation of India (Hindoosthan) is a front of the RSS (a quasi wanna be Nazi party).The RSS
    in its documented history and intellectual posits has admired and co-oped and co-onwed Hitler –
    not merely as a Role Model – but as a Kalki Avatar – or an Avatar of Vishnoo – the Hindoo God !

    The SS part of the RSS is a lift from the Nazi SS and the "R" stands for "Rats"

    The RSS is infested by the vermins of the Brahmin/Bania/Kayastha triad – which represent the priestly
    and trading classes of Hindoosthan who never fought a war for their nation – but incited the same
    and also carried out the largest unknown genocide in History – that of the Buddhists

    The Bhagwad Gita JUSTIFIES genocide, w/o remorse,guilt and WITH DIVINE SANCTION.The Indian Military and
    Para Military,is a race of criminal mercenaries called Kshatriyas – who were the offspring of rapes by the
    Huns,Mongols,Sakas,Scythians,Persians,Parthinians,Greeks 1500-2000 years ago.They were discarded by their
    races and interbred and were treated as outcastes for centuries – until the Brahmins co-opted them as
    criminal mass murderers (around 1000 years ago) – and who are now in Kashmir !

    Nazis are on record JUSTIFYING their actions based on the thesis of the Bhagwad Gita explained in this note.

    The Gita allows genocide and killing w/o feeling and ego as the 5 senses are controlled by God and so genocide is the will of God ! This is in the Gita !

    History Records that the Nazis were ALSO inspired by the Gita, per se

    Why the “Nazis and Hitler and Himmler”, love the Gita

    “Dindoo Hindoo Bindoo Gandoos” consider “Hitler to be a Vishnoo Avatar”

    When Krishna the Bhagvat was fed up rying to explain to “Arjuna the – why he “needed to exterminate his foes” – this was the “last attempt” in the 18th Chapter of the Gita – the logic is as under :

    Lumen Naturale 1 – There are “5 precedents to sense-perception and action”

    मूल श्लोकः
    शरीरवाङ्मनोभिर्यत्कर्म प्रारभते नरः।
    न्याय्यं वा विपरीतं वा पञ्चैते तस्य हेतवः।।18.15।।

    18.14 The locus as also the agent, the different kinds of organs, the many and distinct activities, and, the “divine is here the fifth”.

    Lumen Naturale 2 – There “5 are causes of all action” and are “independent of the mind and body dualism” of Descartes and “also the Soul “!

    मूल श्लोकः
    यस्य नाहंकृतो भावो बुद्धिर्यस्य न लिप्यते।
    हत्वापि स इमाँल्लोकान्न हन्ति न निबध्यते।।18.17।।

    18.15 For whatever action a man undertakes by his body, speech and mind, whether right or wrong,i.e., enjoined or forbidden by the Sastras, “the following five”, are its causes:

    Lumen Naturale 3 – Hence,you can “kill,murder and rape” – provided it is done with “no ego and no feelings “- for it is the “Act of the Divine” ! Just like the Nazis ! “Heil Krishna,the Bhagwat “!

    मूल श्लोकः
    अधिष्ठानं तथा कर्ता करणं च पृथग्विधम्।
    विविधाश्च पृथक्चेष्टा दैवं चैवात्र पञ्चमम्।।18.14।।

    18.17 He who has not the “feeling of egoism”, whose intellect is not tainted, he does not kill, nor does he become bound-“even by killing these creatures” !

  25. Y the evisceral hate of the Kashmiris ? They are not Indians by DNA,Race or Religion. Is it the white skin complex or the fact that the ancestors of the Kashmiris pillaged Hindoosthan and also raped/r avished Hindoo women and destroyed Satanic Hindoo Temples and Idols ?

    What is wrong with destroying Hindoo Temples and Idols or bombing them ? It was done by Moses, Abraham,Jesus,John the Baptist,Prophet of Islam,Gobind Singh etc.Ghazni and his tribes just followed the path of the prophets !

    And what is wrong with raping Hindoo women (wives of Brahmins/Banias etc.)? Hindoo Gods raped Hindoo women and wives of Brahmins all the time ! In reality – the Mughals fertilised the Indian race and created a new race – one which the Indians consider to be a martial hindoo race.

    Y is there a lack of intellectual defense among Islamists of the so called ravishing of the Hindoo Frigid Vaginas by the Mongols, Afghans and Mughals ?

    It is what they deserved ! The Hindoo Gods created Brahmins just to rape their wives ! The best practice model was that the Brahmin used to meditate in the forests and be celibates – inspite of having beautiful wives !

    The vile of the Brahmin was that he used his wife as bait to tempt the Gods to rape his wife – and then cursed the Gods – with a pardon contingent upon on a boon of writing some scriptures and limited morrtality !

    Is there more evil in this cosmos ? The Empirical and Theological proof is given below :

    Sage Atri – As Shiva,Indra and Vishnu , "raped his wife Anasuya"

    One day the sage Atri was performing tapas with his wife Anasuya.Brahma, Visnu, and Siva came and offered him a boon, but Atri remained silent, meditating. Then the three gods went to Anasuya.

    Siva had his linga in his hand, Visnu was full of erotic feeling, and Brahma was beside himself with desire, saying to Anasuya,’Make love with me or I will die.’

    When she heard this coarse speech, Anasuya made no reply,for, although she feared the anger of the gods, she was true to her husband. But they were overcome with delusion,and they raped her by force.

    Bhavisya Purana 3:4:17:67-78.

    Sage Gautama – As Indra "raped his wife Ahilya", by stealth he said the following from the Skanda PuranaV.iii.136.2-16
    O beautiful la dy of uncensured features, resort to me, the king of Devas, "Sport about with me".
    What will you do with this Brahmana "who has become lean and emaciated", due to his "over- zealousness for purity and conventional rites and austerities" and Vedic studies

    Lord Rama’s father – His wife had "sex with a horse and 11 Brahmins", to make Lord Rama

    Lord Rama’s Story – "Vishnu raped Tulsi/Vrinda", as her husband , was a Brahmin – then the "whore cursed Vishnu" to be "born as Rama" and have "his wife raped by Ravana" – all "due to the impotentica of 1 Brahmin"

    What did the Aswins say before they raped the Brahmin Sukanya
    Mahabharata 3.123
    "O divinely beautiful damsel, do thou, forsaking Chyavana accept one of us for husband. It behoveth thee not to spend thy youth fruitlessly…”
    Ved Vyas ,who wrote the Mahabharata, was the "bastard son", of Rishi Parashar and Satyawa

    As per the Harivamsa Purana,Sage Vashishtha’s daughter , Shatrupa had sexual relations with Daddy Cool

    It is the cosmic wheel of providence as nothing can happen which Allah does not will

  26. What is the Genesis of the Hindoo Hate towards Kashmiris and Mughals ?

    It is simple ! It is the Limpet Limpdick Impotentica of the Hindoo !

    It is all down to basics !

    Hindooosthan is the Impotentica Capital of the world !

    People ask Y ?

    It is simple !

    Hindoos are the sons of Rama ! Rama was an Impotent Gay Pansy – as per Seeta !

    And the proof is the limpdick of Rama !

    This is Hanooman describing the UNDERSIZED LIMPDICK VIRILE MEMBRANE OF RAMA ! (Don’t ask how did Hanooman know)

    Book V : Sundara Kanda – Book Of Beauty

    Chapter [Sarga] 35 verse 18.

    “He has three folds in the skin of his neck and belly. He is depressed at three places (viz. the middle of his soles, the lines on his soles and the nipples).

    He is undersized at four places (viz. the neck, membran virile…….)

    Even Ravana spoke to Seeta and stated that Rama was an impotentica

    na deveSu na yakSeSu na ga.ndharveSu na R^iSiSu |
    aham pashyaami lokeSu yo me viirya samo bhavet || 3-55-20

    “I behold none matchable to my vitality is existent among gods; among yaksha-s – no; among gandharva-s – no; among sages – no, nor anyone in any world. [3-55-20]

    raajya bhraSTena diinena taapasena padaatinaa |
    kim kariSyasi raameNa maanuSeNa alpa tejasaa || 3-55-21

    “What can you achieve with that dethroned, hapless, seer, vagrant Rama who is short-lived, for after all, he is a human with littlest vitality? [3-55-21]

    Hanooman describes “Rama’s limpdick to Seeta Chammiya” (Chapter 35 of Sundara Kandam)

  27. Is Hindoosthan doomed ?

    As per the Hindoo Scriptures, the Ghazwa E Hind prophecy is to come true

    The Mahabharata, Book 3: Vana Parva: Markandeya-Samasya Parva: Section CLXXXIX

    And the whole world will be filled with "mleccha behaviour" (means Islamic behavior) and notions and "ceremonies, and sacrifices" (Like in the Cresent and Muslim India) will cease, and joy will be nowhere and "general rejoicing" (like gandoo Deeewali and Holeee) will disappear.
    And without doubt all men will adopt the behaviour of the mlecchas, "become omnivorous"(eat Gau Mata) without distinction, and cruel in all their acts, when the end of the Yuga will come
    And, O king, overwhelmed with covetousness, "men will kill Brahmanas" and appropriate and enjoy the possessions of their victims.
    And the regenerate ones, "oppressed by Sudras",and afflicted with fear, and crying Oh and Alas,will wander over the earth "without anybody to protect them"
    And the earth will "soon be full of mlecchas" (an Islamic World in Asia and Africa and EU), and the Brahmanas will "fly in all directions for fear of the burthen of taxes"

  28. Y are the Pakistanis and Mughals apologetic about their rapes of the wives of the Rajputs,Sikhs, Yadavs and Jats ……

    Their men are limpet impotenticas !

    But that is NOT the point !

    The Muslims civilized these Hindoo Trash – their women used to wear only a loin cloth – exposing their navel to breast to the forces of nature !

    Muslims fail to prove the above thesis !

    This is the proof in the Ramayana – when Ravana dressed as a Brahmin meets Seeta dressed as a Brahmin (for the 1st time) ! Note how Ravana describes Sita’s anatomy – in minutae – which can be only if Sita very NEAR him – and Seeta did not suspect him ! Note the description of BREASTS !

    vishaalam jaghanam piinam uuruu kari kara upamau | etau upacitau vR^ittau sa.mhatau sa.mpragalbhitau || 3-46-19 piina unnata mukhau kaantau snigdha taala phala upamau | maNi praveka aabharaNau rucirau te payo dharau || 3-46-20

    “Your hips are beamy, thighs burly akin to elephant’s trunks, and these two breasts of yours that are ornamented with best jewellery are rotund, rubbing and bumping each other, and they are swinging up and up, their nipples are brawny and jutting out, and they are smoothish like palm-fruits, thus they are covetable for they are beautiful.

    [3-46-19, 20] caaru smite caaru dati caaru netre vilaasini | mano harasi me raame nadii kuulam iva a.mbhasaa || 3-46-21 karaantamita madhyaa asi sukeshii sa.mhata stanii |

    “Oh, allurer, your smile is alluring, teeth are alluring, and your eyes allure, oh, beauty, your waist is palmful, your hair velvety, your breasts are jostling, and you rob my soul as a spate robs riverbank. [3-46-21, 22a]

    Had the Mughals not come – Seeta would still be in a loin cloth !

    Note that Seeya enjoyed the words – as Rama was a gay,impotent,pansy – like Indian men are known to be duds,dullards and impotentcias !

    So the Mughals redeemed and satisfied the Hindoo women


  29. People ask – Y were the Hindoos enslaved and raped for 2000 years ? Y are they a race of Gay ,Impotent Panses ?

    Y ?

    It is all in their History ! As per the Hindoo, they are the sons of Brahma !

    But Brahma raped and married his own daughter – which is INCEST – and is allowed as per Hindoo Scriptures !

    Children of incest are doomed and there is an empirical record of the same in the last 5500 years from Egypt,Rome,Greece,Israel, Assyria, Russia,Babylon !

    The beauty of the Hindoo is that they rape their mommies and sisters and keep the child – then it is legal ! The Hindoos of yore are offspringed from these bastard and incestuous offspring !


    The Scripture

    This daughter or grand-daughter of Brahma is the Hindu goddess
    of learning. When Brahma saw the beauty of Saraswati he became
    amorous. To escape from her father’s passionate approach Saraswati ran to the lands in all four directions, but she could not escape from her father.

    She succumbed to Brahma’s wish. Brahma and his daughter Saraswati lived as husband and wife indulging in incest for 100 years.
    They had a son Swayambhumaru and a daughter Satarupa. Through the incest of Brahma’s son and daughter Brahma got two grandsons and two grand-daughters."Reference – ( Kovoor, p.76 )

    The legend is given in the following `sacred’ Vedic texts ( Spellman,
    p.28 ):

    * Aitareya Brahmana.III.33
    * Satapatha Brahmana.I.7.4.1ff; XIV, 4.2.1ff;
    * Matsya Purana.III.32 ff;
    * Bhagavata Purana.III.12.28ff.

    This is the Vedic verse in Sanskrit which justifies incest and which
    was quoted by Brahma to Saraswati to justify the rape !

    “Mathara Mupathya, susara Mupatithe, Puthrartheetha.
    Sagamarthi, Napathra loka, nasthee thath.
    Saravam paravo vindu ha, dasmath Puthrar tham.
    Matharam suransathee Rehathee”
    – ( Veda, cited in Puran )

    Tranlated this verse means

    " For the sake of a child one can enjoy his own sister or daughter, without any sin attached to it. " ( Puran )

  30. Dindooosthan – The "Curse of the Kingdom" of "King Ishvaku" (bitter Cucumber)

    The "Entire Dubious history" of the "Dindoo Hindooo Bindoo,Jains and the Booodheests starts "with this impotent deviant "King Ikshvaku"(literally means "bitter cucumber) who was the "Son of Manu".dindooohindoo

    The Limpet was based "where else, but in Awadh",along the banks of river Sarayu with Saketa, which is Ayodhya today, as their capital.(Sounds Familiar!)

    This is the "Dubious Suryavansa (the Solar dynasty)", which "bred the following vermin" :

    Lord "Limpdick Rama"
    The "Entire Sakya Dynasty" (including Boodha!)
    "22 out of the 24 clown" Jain Teerthankars
    Execution of "Manusmriti"

    The Limpet King "had 4 sons" whom he "sent to exile", and who "copulated with and married their own sisters", to produce the "Divine Sakya Dynasty" !

    The reason Y the vermin king "kicked out his 4 sons" – is just like the "story of Gay Pansy Rama" !

    As per "Ambattha-sutta of the Theravada Digha-Nikaya" (Long Discourses)

    “Out of fear of the mixing of castes "they cohabited (sa—vasa) together with their own sisters"
    Hence,Boodha,Jain Teerthankars and the Dindo Bindoo Hindoo Limpdick Rama are "born from the seeds of incest" !

    Wonderbar !

    Y has Dindooism,Jainism and Boodheesm "been doomed in Dindoosthan" and Y was it "raped and pillaged" by the Huns, Mughals, Mongols, Turks, Chinese ?

    All in the History !


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