231 kg of heroin seized by police in Beruwela on December 06, 2018.
By Amresh Gunasingham 4 March 2019
Lanka’s recent move to bring back capital punishment for convicted drug
offenders has put a spotlight on growing narcotics related crime in the
country. The government’s apparent tough stance is in response to concerns that
Sri Lanka is re-emerging as a transit hub for global drug trafficking networks.
has announced it will start to hang convicted drug offenders, ending a near-half-century
moratorium on executions, in a move that closely mirrors the controversial
tactics employed by Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte in his country’s war on
During a state visit to the Philippines in January, Sri Lankan President Maithripala
Sirisena acknowledged the pro¬liferation of illegal drugs in Sri Lanka and
lauded Philippines’ strategy in dealing with the issue. His praise of the
“decisive action” of President Rodrigo Duterte and characterisation of his
counterpart’s efforts as “an example to the whole world,” was met
with criticism from international human rights groups. Duterte has run a
controversial law-and-order operation which has seen at least 5,000 drug
offenders killed since 2016. More than 200 people in Bangladesh have also been
killed by police in a similar campaign.
In Sri Lanka, President Sirisena, who has been in office since 2015, has
indicated that the government will shift its stance and also deploy the
military in anti-narcotics operations. Authorities say a tougher approach is
required to deal with drug-related crime, amidst concerns international drug
smugglers are using Sri Lanka as a transit hub in Asia. The re-introduction of
capital punishment is also significant as although criminals are regularly given
death sentences for murder, rape and drug-related crimes, until now, their
punishments have been commuted to life imprisonment. Nobody has been executed
in the country for 42 years.
Regional Distribution HubAlthough not a major producer of contraband drugs, Sri Lanka’s strategic
location along important maritime and aviation shipping routes between Europe
and Southeast Asia has made it an attractive gateway for international drug
trafficking cartels. Law enforcement officials say organised gangs seek to
conceal their shipments to Australian and European markets by bringing them
into Sir Lanka, before switching the cargo into Sri Lankan containers and
sending them onwards. The high volumes of traffic in the Colombo port and lack
of effective security checks on cargo, makes it an attractive trans-shipment
According to government officials, a recent spike in large scale cocaine
seizures, a drug previously uncommon to Sri Lanka, is a clear indication that
the country is emerging as a key transit point for drug-smugglers.
Counter-narcotics operations had traditionally focused their efforts on heroin
and synthetic drugs.
In December 2016, 928 kilograms of cocaine – the largest cocaine haul in South
Asia – was discovered in a container of timber aboard a Colombian ship bound
for India, one of several high value cocaine seizures in recent years. This
month, Sri Lanka’s police seized nearly 300 kilograms of heroin, estimated to
be worth US$17 million, the island’s biggest haul of the narcotic, and arrested
two people. The growing evidence of Sri Lanka being used as a regional
drug distribution hub raises the risk that it will create a local user base as
well. As such, substantial focus needs to be given to eradicating traffickers
who smuggle illicit drugs into the country.
Domestic AbuseAccording to statistics from the National Dangerous Drugs Control Board
(NDDCB), the central government agency in charge of combating drug use, there
were 79,378 drug-related arrests in 2016, which represents a sharp rise from
four years prior in 2012, of 47,926 cases. The government maintains that the
high conviction rates are a result of enhanced law enforcement operations,
although experts argue that the growing convictions can at least partly be
explained by a larger number of both drug traffickers and users in the country.
The majority jailed for drug offences were men aged 18-50. Reports indicate
such offenders typically come from broken families in which their addiction to
drugs and inability to play the role of family breadwinner has led to domestic
Policy RecommendationsBefore Sri Lanka becomes established as a drug transit hub, the authorities
need to continue to apprehend traffickers, drug abusers and rehabilitate
addicts. Among other initiatives, the President has set up a task force on drug
prevention directly under his purview which implements and supervises a
national drug prevention programme at the grassroots and national levels. Law
enforcement and the military have also stepped up their operations, while
amendments made to the National Policy for the Prevention and Control of Drug
Abuse of 2005 have strengthened legislation against the production, smuggling,
trafficking and use of illicit drugs in the country. Sri Lanka has also sought
international assistance. For example, Singapore, which also takes a tough
stance on drug crimes, is providing technical expertise on programs conducted
by Sri Lanka to prevent and control drug trafficking.
One challenge to overcome is the lack of financial and human resources
committed to capacity-building such as training anti-narcotic officers. A low
number of drug users also enter rehabilitation programmes, while treatment
facilities in prisons also have few takers. The government needs to allocate
more money to the rehabilitation of drug users and reintegration programs for
the victims of drugs, particularly the youth.
Moreover, it is significant to consider that capital punishment was previously
re-introduced in the country after a heroin crisis in 1984 and again in 2004,
after a noted judge known for handing out tough sentences was gunned down.
However, both instances were followed by symbolic implementations of the
penalty amidst opposition from domestic human rights groups and significant
public opinion against the use of capital punishment.
The current government will also have to overcome both domestic and
international opposition, from those who do not endorse the death penalty for
drug trafficking. In an open letter, Amnesty International recently called on
Sirisena to halt plans to execute at least 13 people for drug-related crimes
and review all cases of people currently under sentence of death with a view to
commuting their sentences to terms of imprisonment. Moreover, several Western
countries often provide information on drug trafficking networks operating
internationally on the condition that prosecution will not lead to the death
penalty. By ignoring the moratorium on the death penalty, Sri Lanka risks
alienating nations whose help is needed to combat drug trafficking. As such,
while the current government appears to be getting tough on drug crimes and has
ramped up anti-narcotic operations, there are several challenges ahead.
Amresh Gunasingham is an Associate Editor with the International Centre for
Political Violence and Terrorism Research, a constituent unit of the S.
Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological
University (NTU), Singapore.
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