Democracy, autocracy and military rule


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M A Hossain      1/5/2018

None of the real democracies in the world are at all concerned about military intervention, because the members of their Armed Forces are genuine patriots. They never show any ambition in intervening in politics unless the politicians are caught to be enemies of the nations. The tendency of democratic autocracy is prevalent in most of the developing or underdeveloped nations. For example, if we thoroughly look into the cases of Robert Mugabe or Jacob Zuma, although both of them are interpreted as corrupts; but in reality they truly are autocrats. The very political systems of Zimbabwe and South Africa are defective. In the name of democracy, unfortunately, Zimbabwe has gone under the authoritarian rule of Janu PF party while South Africa has by enlarge gone under the whims of the African National Congress (ANC). Technically though these nations proclaim to be democracies, in reality, their’s is an autocracy under one-party rule.

The tendency of establishing autocracy under the garb of democracy initially emerge in South Asia; when an elected government in Bangladesh tried to impose a Stalinist-styled one-party rule, and or Indira Gandhi’s foul bid in prolonging her tenure by declaring a state of emergency. It is already a part of history that Indira Gandhi, daughter of Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru and Prime Minister of one of the largest democracy in the world had practically not exhibited any sign of a leader having minimum respect for democratic values. Instead, Ms. Indira was one of the cruelest dictators in the world. She not only pushed her political opponents into prison but she also had declared a cold war against the military establishment. It is true that Indira Gandhi had very successfully broken the backbone of Khalistan movement by utilizing India’s military force. She even had used a fraction of Armed Forces in downsizing her political rivals. But after proclaiming a state of emergency, she had used the Indian Armed Forces against the majority of the people of the country. In other words, she pushed the military establishment in a head collision situation against the masses.

In the US, it is tantamount to sedition uttering any comment against country’s Armed Forces. Even a Presidential candidate Donald Trump had faced extreme criticism for his slight comments against the parents of a military officer who sacrificed his life for the country. In the eyes of the Americans, such families are – Golden Families. A very genuine, grateful and deep expression of patriotism.

In Britain, members of the Armed Forces are considered as the best sons and daughters of the nation.

We need to understand a fact clearly, each of the members of the Armed Forces is should be ready to sacrifice their life for protecting the sovereignty of the nation. If we compare them with politicians, easily we can find a contrasting pbservation. Even though the politicians say they are dedicating their lives for the nation, in reality, they simply end up making a fortune out of politics. Where mockery is randomly found in politicians, it can hardly be found in a real member of the Armed Forces.

For the sake of political interest, politicians can use anything as a mere tool of success. They can even use a religious sentiment for such wrong desire. In the recent incident of self-styled Indian ‘godman’ named Asaram Bapu, this god man granted a certificate of the divine ship through Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. It is reported in the media, Modi was regularly visiting Bapu for seeking his blessings. Now it has been known to the world that Asaram Bapu was no godman. He is a rapist, deception, pretender and a fraud. Those politicians who visited him frequently for seeking blessings may also now be labeled as – disciples of a fake individual like Asaram. It is easily anticipated that the mighty followers of Asaram did exert their wrong influence in saving their guru. But, it is the vibrant Indian media and a section of the patriotic civil-military establishment who had finally defeated the wrong influence and succeeded in punishing Asaram Bapu.
Although in the recent past most of the autocratic regimes had considered the Armed Forces as the number one enemy of democracy; they have shifted from their previous perceptions. Now, to all of the autocratic rulers, anyone opposing to their political philosophies is grossly branded as enemies of democracy. In some cases, they even are branded as enemies of the nation.

Democracy, unfortunately, has been losing steam in many of the countries in the world. Although we are showing total concern about our country’s independence of sovereignty. We never realize, our independence of sovereignty are extremely at risk in the hands of power- monger and greedy politicians. If we can consider our sovereignty as a female child, we are sending them into the ‘Ashrams’ of some rotten individual like Asaram Bapu. Meaning we are either putting our sovereignty into gamble or letting the rogue politicians in screwing our very sovereignty for the sake of their petty interest.

Still, can we think such rotten democracies are better than military rules?


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